Reader Diane sent this link to US and World population clocks at the US Census Bureau.
We should go back from time to time to see if the net international migrant number goes up or down (from the 33 seconds it is at present).
There is lots of really interesting data here!
This is posted in our ‘where to find information’category.
I’ve been in Washington all day working on our cause and came home and was blown away when I saw that thousands and thousands of readers visited the post I wrote last evening about the plan to teach Arabic in Nashville schools. It went viral somehow, so I hope a few of you called the Metro Nashville Public Schools and let them know what you think.
Also, apologies for not being here to post your many comments in a timely fashion, or to answer your many e-mails. Tomorrow should be a better day.
If you didn’t see it, check out World Net Daily today about how the resettlement contractors and their rich friends want to be sure to head off any “pockets of resistance” to their plans to seed your towns with “New Americans.”
Nashville Director of Schools Jesse Register: “…helps meet the demands of our increasingly diverse city.”
From The Tennessean (hat tip: Joanne):
Starting this fall, Metro Nashville Public Schools will begin offering Arabic language classes.
The creation of the classes expands on the district’s foreign language offerings of Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Latin and German, according to a press release from the district.
All of the Arabic classes will be offered in grades 7-12 and are being installed in six South Nashville schools. The area is one of the most diverse in the district and includes a high number of English Language Learners.
The six schools were chosen based on an audit of students’ home languages. Each of the schools has students that speak Arabic as their primary language, and beginning Arabic and heritage Arabic classes will be taught for the varying abilities of students.
For more information, I wrote about Arabic coming to Maryland schools here in 2011. I don’t think the plan ever advanced. I guess I better find out!
By the way, we told you here in 2014, that Nashville’s public schools are a wreck thanks to the large numbers of impoverished immigrants in the city. Maybe those immigrant kids should be focusing on learning basic education skills including learning to speak and write ENGLISH well!
Nashville has been a targeted resettlement city for a long time. See our whole Nashville category, here, to learn more. Wow! This is our 80th post on Nashville.
Here we go again, the media drumbeat to bring more refugees to America is sounding!
The Leftwing media is made up of a bunch of sheep as they follow one another with the same ‘news’ stories designed to advance a political agenda—in this case they are promoting the resettlement of Rohingya Muslims to America.
When the NYT gets on the story, you know the propaganda is reaching critical mass! Rohingya boat people arrive in Indonesia. Indonesia is a safe Muslim country and if they are legitimate asylum seekers they should be asking for asylum there. When we bring them to America we create a ‘pull factor’ and more will attempt the voyage.
Why is it a concern of the US that too many Muslims from Muslim Bangladesh are flowing to the Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia? Why can’t they just stay there, in the Muslim world, with their co-religionists? Is it America’s job to take every poor Muslim (or every poor person for that matter) to your towns?
And, btw, just as we are preoccupied with the lobbying push to resettle 65,000 Syrians (mostly Muslims), I guess the UN and the US State Department are going to start slipping in larger numbers of Rohingya behind our backs. Here is the NYTbeating the drum with its sob story:
There are at least 200,000 Rohingya migrants from Myanmar [aka Burma—ed] already in Bangladesh, and only 32,600 of them have been granted formal protection as refugees fleeing persecution, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Far fewer, perhaps only several hundred, have been resettled from refugee camps in Bangladesh over the past decade and allowed to begin new lives in other countries.
In Malaysia, those determined to be refugees and therefore eligible for resettlement, a process that could take years, would be joining more than 45,000 Rohingya who are already classified as refugees and are waiting to be taken in by another country. They receive no government aid while they wait, nor can they legally take jobs to support themselves.
About 1,000 Rohingya refugees were resettled in the United States in the last year.
The Rohingya, a stateless Muslim people who have long faced discrimination and have been deprived of basic rights in Myanmar, are likely to meet the criteria for refugee status under international law, namely having “a well-founded fear” of persecution for reasons of race, religion or nationality in their home country.
Such an effort, however, has yet to materialize.
According to the agreement hammered out last week by the foreign ministers of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, none of those countries agreed to host any refugees permanently.
Australia’s prime minister, Tony Abbott, said Thursday that his country would not take any refugees from the current exodus.
Read more here.
Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia don’t want them—-why do we?
See our Rohingya Reports category with its 178 previous posts and its 178 reasons why this is a problematic resettlement.
I mean that because federal resettlement contractor, World Relief (National Association of Evangelicals), decided to target that town, of all places, we have made an enormous leap in our understanding of how the secretive UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions and Resettlement program operates. Stephan Bauman is CEO of World Relief and one of 5 employees making a six-figure salary largely on your dime while advocating for 65,000 Syrians be resettled in your towns and cities! Photo:
Additionally we are gaining a model for citizen involvement and a blueprint for what needs to happen going forward.
Spartanburg also ties in to the much larger issue in Washington right now—-should we do what the UN wants and admit 65,000 Syrians to the US in the next year or so? World Relief is on record with a resounding—YES!
And, to top it all off, since Spartanburg happens to fall in the district of the chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the US Refugee Program, we hold out hope that oversight hearings will be scheduled soon to begin to review a program that has literally become a multi-billion dollar a year industry that is way too large and way too secretive.
Spartanburg has it all!
I think we will look back at this point in time with Spartanburg as the point where the history of refugee resettlement in America is changed forever. I say that because there is a sea change occurring before our eyes as the public is awakening to the problems with out-of-control-immigration of every kind.
(For background see ouroriginal postwith links for updates.)
Spartanburg has the most important element when a town first gets word that it has been selected by an unelected body—a resettlement contractor like World Relief—to ‘welcome’ third worlders to town. It has an energized and active grassroots citizenry willing to demand answers and not shrink from the task when the ‘religious’ Left begins hurling accusations that anyone asking questions is automatically mean-spirited or downright racist.
One of those leading voices in Spartanburg is Dr. Christina Jeffrey who penned an excellent letter to the editor over the weekend in response to a scurrilous attack on Rep. Trey Gowdy. The letter writer, She D’Ambrosio, said this about the Congressman:
Wish I had a job that I could waste time and taxpayer dollars on useless crap.
Dr. Jeffrey responded with this (emphasis is mine):
I read with dismay a comment, reprinted in the May 21 Herald-Journal, attacking Congressman Trey Gowdy for wasting time/money investigating a refugee program. The writer’s complaint showed a complete misunderstanding of our federal system.
However, since I first asked our congressman to look into the matter of Syrians possibly being welcomed into Spartanburg County, maybe she should blame me. A March 9 Herald-Journal article mentioned Syrians as one group that might resettle here. The State Department reports that 92 percent of Syrian refugees are Muslim ( (It has since been reported that no Syrians will be among these refugees.)
Gowdy is the ideal official to look into the Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP); not only is he our congressman, he is chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security and responsible for overseeing refugee programs.
Because Secretary of State John Kerry insists that much of the information relative to the RRP is “proprietary,” aka secret, the Gowdy committee will need to hold hearings to get answers. This will take a long time.
There is more read it all. Call Rep. Trey Gowdy’s office and ask him to demand transparency by the federal government and its contractors when resettling refugees. Ask him to hold hearings on the whole program! Call 202-225-6030
Lesson to our readers: Keep hounding them for answers! You have every right to know what is being planned for your town!
World Relief’s own documents indicate they have plans to resettle Syrians to Spartanburg
Do they expect us to believe that they (World Relief) would go on record with the US Senateas one of six supposedly religious government contractors asking for 65,000 Syrians to be resettled very soon and at the same time say that none would go to Spartanburg? We have the FY2015 Spartanburg ABSTRACT that World Relief submitted to Washingtonin its quest for funding and it specifically states that refugees would be resettled in Spartanburg from: Burma, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Iraq, Sudan and Syria.
The Abstract tells how many refugees, and from where, your town can accommodate, and what amenities your town has to offer the refugees. All of you should continue to try to get copies of the Abstract for your town. (See list of local contractors near you).
Based on feedback we are getting from those who have asked, citizens are being told they can’t have them and in some cases the contractor is playing dumb and pretending that they don’t know what the caller is looking for. We think the word has gone out nationally to keep this important information from you.
If you continue to be rebuffed, ask your Congressman or US Senators to get it for you!
Our goal going forward must be to demand that Congress stop the secrecy and require that these documents about your town be public information!
If you haven’t called Rep. Trey Gowdy yet to ask him to hold hearings, please do so. If you have already called, do it again! About the photo and World Relief’s finances: I checked a recent Form990 for World Relief and learned that they received gifts, grants and contributions for that year in the amount of $54,777,404. $41,161,003 was from government grants. They could not exist without that 75% in taxpayer funding they receive. Their salaries are not as outrageous as other contractors, one in particular, David Miliband, the CEO of the International Rescue Committee pulls down an annual salary of nearly a half a million dollars to run a charity!
Endnote: Is your church, as a partner to World Relief, supporting the importation of 65,000 Syrians to America right now? Go here to have a look!