Tennessee: Refugee agency places immigrants in jobs Americans would love to have!

And, adding insult to injury, the biggest chunk of their funding comes from you—the taxpayer!
Update!  National layoff numbers skyrocket! Breaking story.
This story from The Tennessean is meant to give the impression that this program of World Relief (National Association of Evangelicals) is doing wonderful humanitarian work by helping immigrants and refugees with advanced degrees find good paying jobs.
But, if you are like me, you reacted to this story by immediately asking these questions:

What about Americans who have advanced degrees and no work?  What about all of our children, recent college graduates (with big student loan debt), who can’t find jobs? Shouldn’t they come first?

Not according to World Relief’s REACH program or The Tennessean.
As is too often the case, one must read through refugee sob stories and eventually the reader learns that there are 10,000 immigrants in Tennessee who need high level jobs—-ahhhhhh!  10,000!  I wonder how many Americans with advanced degrees are competing with them for limited job opportunities?  Of course The Tennessean would never give us that number!
And, the American job seekers don’t have the services your tax dollars provide the immigrants through REACH. Here is what World Relief (a so-called Christian charity) does for the immigrants according to The Tennessean.

REACH, in Nashville, connects immigrants to mentors, who seek to introduce them to local individuals in their field, and coaches them through licensing processes. The organization also offers training on resumes and interviews. Between licenses and networking, it typically takes between nine and 12 months for an individual to move from a survival job to a professional one.

REACH, launched in 2011, has been able to help as many as 100 people a year. Among them are Coptic Christians fleeing Egypt, Kurds from Iraq and those coming from Congo after fleeing ethnic persecution in Rwanda.

Watch an unidentified REACH employee explain how they helped ‘Ahmed’ get a $93,000 a year job!


Here is what a reader said this morning about this story:

I have a very close friend, also an Ivy League masters graduate who is struggling to find a job in the Middle Tennessee job market. In fact, I have several friends, middle-age, well educated, intelligent, hard-working contributors to their communities who live in Middle Tennessee, and who are either unemployed or underemployed.

But the newspaper and the Chamber of Commerce isn’t taking up their cause.

Neil MacDonald of the Chamber of Commerce told The Tennessean: “If we want to continue to compete on an international basis, it’s essential we continue our growth in diversity.” (Huh?)

Nor do my friends have federal contractor agencies helping them find jobs.

And my friends aren’t wired-in either. They too are struggling.

At least the refugees and their federal contractors can blame the receiving community for not being more “welcoming” and ensuring that new arrivals get the jobs they thought would be waiting for them when they arrived.

According to this article, there are 10,000 refugees in Tennessee who can’t find the jobs they want. Predictably, federal refugee resettlement contractor World Relief and the refugees themselves blame the receiving community as “unwelcoming” because circumstances haven’t unfolded as they had planned.

But, this, of course, doesn’t stop World Relief from keeping their own cash flow going by bringing ever more refugees to the area.

And the Nashville Chamber of Commerce is telling us that businesses here value “diversity” over workers that are raised, educated and have roots in our Tennessee communities.

Speaking of World Relief’s financial position, World Relief Nashville directs people to its national headquarters where we can examine recent financial documents and their Form 990s.
Here we learn that in 2014, World Relief (National Association of Evangelicals) is a $61 million a year operation and that $41 million comes directly from US taxpayers.
They could not supply all of these benefits to job-seeking immigrants if you (or the good-for-nothing Congress!) weren’t willing to pay for it.
Go here to see who else is funding World Relief’s REACH job hunting program.
More on MacDonald, here.
See 83 previous posts on Nashville by clicking here.

France bans protest march at Calais

More Invasion of Europe news….

Not a good idea.  As I see it, these free speech marches serve as a critical valve on the pressure building in communities across Europe. Closing the valve will only cause the steam to build to a level of much greater power—potentially explosive power.
We haven’t mentioned Calais much lately, but if you look back at many previous posts you will see that this encampment of mostly Middle Eastern and African migrants has been growing for years as they press for being allowed to enter the UK where they see the taxpayer-funded ‘services’ more attractive than what is available to them in France.
Pegida in the Netherlands
Here is the latest news from The Local:

The French government has banned public demonstrations in Calais days before the anti-Islam group Pegida had planned to march through the town.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced the ban on protests “that pose a threat to public order” days before Pegida were hoping to march through Calais.

“I have asked the Pas-de-Calais prefect to proceed with the banning of all protests that have the potential of disrupting public order, no matter who the organizers are,” Cazeneuve said.

The minister said he was referring to all groups who seek “to create tension, division and violence”.

Calais crossing

The northern port town is home to between 4,000 and 6,000 refugees who are living in squalor in a makeshift camp on the edge of town.

Tensions have risen in recent weeks with clashes between migrants desperate to make a bid to get to the UK and the French riot police who block their path.

More here.


Germany is building camps with high fences for its trouble-making migrants, it is time for all of the European governments to do the same.
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

Germany placing trouble-making migrants in security-fenced camps

Invasion of Europe news…..
It sure is about time!  In hopes of heading off more incidents like the New Years Eve rampage when gangs of migrants attacked German women in Cologne (and elsewhere in Germany), the German government has opened a camp (with high security fences) and the first, mostly African migrants, have arrived.
If European countries built camps to hold all migrants in order to sort them out, it would go a long way to stem the tide of those still flowing across European borders by the thousands every day.  How many would launch from North Africa and Turkey if they knew they would be placed in a ‘refugee’ camp in Europe?

They are still coming into Germany by the thousands every day. Go to this very cool interactive map and see how many are still getting into Europe MOSTLY from Turkey right now which is letting them launch from their shores. http://data.unhcr.org/mediterranean/country.php?id=502

These Africans have already caused trouble and will be among the first to be deported.
From Breitbart London:

Scores of migrants with a history of delinquency and trouble making are being moved to a single camp with high fences and extra security. The camp in Stuttgart, Germany has been designated exclusively for men of North African origin.

The first group of 40 migrants was bussed in from the nearby town of Ellwangen this week, all of whom had been involved in a “large scale incident”, Stuttgarter Nachrichten reports. Half of them were “classified striking or delinquent” by the regional government office.

A spokesman for the office explained that the location had been carefully selected to secure and control the volatile group. “The terrain lends itself because it is fenced”, said Katja Lumpp. “We have increased the security service again, 40 people are now available around the clock. That’s a lot”, she added.

A different spokesman claimed that the move was about bringing the North Africans from rural to urban areas, as they are more likely to be deported than Syrians and Iraqis.

We bring you ‘Invasion of Europe’ news frequently as a lesson for the rest of western civilization!  See our complete archive here.
See our dozens and dozens of posts on Germany by clicking here.