Be sure to see my post just now at American Resistance 2016! Time to know the enemy! Click here.
Will have more to say shortly on how Rupert Murdoch (Fox News and the Wall Street Journal) has now gone local with his propaganda campaign on behalf of the UN/US State Dept. Refugee Admissions Program.
Month: February 2016
European ship headed to Asia to help rescue Rohingya (why you should care)
If you are saying to yourself, ho hum, this doesn’t affect me, think again!
Rohingya Muslims by the tens of thousands are piling up in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia (both safe Muslim countries!) and we end up bringing thousands to America.
You don’t hear much about it because the Rohingya are slipped into your towns and cities right along with the Burmese Christians and other ethnic minorities and all are labelled simply Burmese. Last fall we learned that 13,000 Burmese Muslims were already in the US.
This is the rescue ship story which is really a ho hum story, but I’m mentioning it since we haven’t talked much about Rohingya lately, although we have an entire category, here (185 previous posts), devoted to the subject.
From the International Business Times:
A rescue ship credited with saving thousands of migrants stranded in the Mediterranean Sea is to embark on a new mission in south-east Asia. The MY Phoenix, owned by charity Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), has been used to rescue almost 13,000 people making the perilous journey from north Africa and the Middle East to Europe.
But now its crew is sailing the 40-foot vessel to the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, where it will spend four weeks helping rescue Rohingya refugees. Last year tens of thousands of migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh attempted dangerous sea crossings to reach Malaysia and Indonesia.
By all means, save them at sea, but resettle them in Muslim countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia!
About the photo: It is here in a story from May 2015. The story tells us about the latest round of violence between the Rohingya and the Buddhist Burmese and leaves you with this line (below) that gives the impression that all the deaths and displacement were on the Rohingya side of the ledger. It just isn’t true!
We followed the conflict as it boiled up in 2012 and it started when Rohingya men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl! But, in the retelling, the pro-Muslim propagandists never tell you that! Buddhists were among the dead and homeless!
Clashes in 2012 between the state’s Buddhist community and Rohingya Muslims, a long-oppressed linguistic and ethnic minority in this majority Buddhist country, left hundreds dead and more than 140,000 people homeless.
Visit our ‘Rohingya Reports’ category. In 2013 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (testimony here) asked the US State Department to bring in more Rohingya (it is only ‘fair,’ they imply, since we have resettled so many Christians!). Doesn’t it make enormous sense to bring in the centuries-old warring factions? Not!
European pressure cooker could blow any time now as countries unilaterally close borders
Invasion of Europe news….
A major crisis is at hand as the Balkan countries close their borders (following Austria’s lead).
Because there is no serious will to do so, there is nothing to effectively stop the flow of illegal migrants into Greece from Turkey. Greek leaders fear their country will become one big refugee camp as the migrants cannot move toward Germany (the country whose streets they believe are paved with gold!).
Here is the story at the Malta Independent. And below is a screen shot of the flow yesterday showing 2,972 came in from Turkey but the flow northward has all but stopped.
Go to the interactive map and move the courser back over the last month to see the astounding numbers that were moving into Austria and then Germany in recent weeks.
The Independent:
The rift over how to handle Europe’s immigration crisis ripped wide open Friday. As nations along the Balkans migrant route took more unilateral actions to shut down their borders, diplomats from EU nations bordering the Mediterranean rallied around Greece, the epicenter of the crisis.
Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides – speaking on behalf of colleagues from France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta and Greece – said decisions on how to deal with the migrant influx that have already been made by the 28-nation bloc cannot be implemented selectively by some countries.
“This issue is testing our unity and ability to handle it,” Kasoulides told a news conference after an EU Mediterranean Group meeting. “The EU Med Group are the front-line states and we all share the view that unilateral actions cannot be a solution to this crisis.”
The Greek government is blaming Austria – a fellow member of Europe’s passport-free Schengen Area – for the flare-up in the crisis. Austria imposed strict border restrictions last week, creating a domino effect as those controls were also implemented by Balkan countries further south along the Balkans migration route.
Thousands of migrants are pouring into Greece every day and officials fear the country could turn into “a giant refugee camp” if they are unable to move north due to borders closures.
Continue reading here. What a mess!
Go here for all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news.
French court will allow migrant camp at Calais to be razed
It is about time!
Invasion of Europe news….
I have been wondering for years why France has permitted this intolerable situation to fester (see our many reports going back several years by clicking here).
It strikes me that the sensible solution for all European countries (in addition to closing their borders! and turning boats back!) is to create proper camps for the migrants where they could live in decent conditions, but in a CAMP (not out mingling with the native population), while each one is legally sorted out. If they have a legitimate asylum claim expedite it, and if they don’t deport them.
The insane situation at Calais has developed because the migrants don’t want to seek asylum in France and are holding out for the big prize, the UK.
They want the UK to open its doors and invite them in. That isn’t going to happen, so they are attempting to illegally cross the channel and plan to disappear into Great Britain.
If all migrants who arrive in Europe know they will be living in CAMPS, supervised by the Red Cross or UN for perhaps months/years as they are processed, then, I believe, it would help deter the flow into Europe in the first place.
Here is the latest news from AP:
A French court gave the state the green light Thursday to raze makeshift tents and lean-tos used by hundreds of migrants at a sprawling slum in Calais, where many dream of slipping into Britain.
Tamping down fears of a violent confrontation, France’s interior minister promised to treat the migrants humanely and not send in bulldozers to evict them.
The camp in the northern port city — known as “the jungle” — has been an embarrassing chapter in Europe’s migrant crisis, and France announced this month that its densely populated southern half would be razed. The move prompted rights groups and migrant advocates to sue.
Officials say moving migrants out of the Calais slum will be a better solution for all, since many have been languishing in poverty and hopelessness after nearby borders have been sealed by increasing security. Officials estimate the number of migrants who will be affected at 800 to 1,000, while humanitarian organizations say over 3,000 migrants live there.
I think we have a hint at why the camp is now going to be razed! The political “far-right” is gaining power and the politicians are worried!
Moving the migrants out will be France’s most dramatic step yet to end Calais’ yearslong migrant problem, which has transformed the city of nearly 80,000 into a high-security tension point, fueled far-right sentiment and defied British and French efforts to make the issue go away.
If you’ve never seen it, watch this incredible short speech by a life-long resident of Calais about what life has become in that region of France.
Someone should bring her on a speaking tour of America!
Obama Administration tried to assure nervous governors that Syrian refugees would be screened
Very interesting. While we were all distracted by the funeral for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Saturday the White House was meeting with members of the National Governors Association (winter meeting) to assure them that it was perfectly safe for them to ‘welcome’ Syrian refugees to their states.
As far as I can tell, this Washington Times story is the only report on this intriguing bit of news.
Obama administration officials tried to reassure dozens of wary governors in a closed-door meeting that President Obama’s proposal to relocate Middle Eastern refugees in their states is safe, two governors said Monday.

The briefing by senior administration officials last weekend was an effort to “find solutions to some misunderstandings and apprehensions that are out there,” said Gov. Gary Herbert, Utah Republican and chairman of the National Governors Association.
Asked whether the meeting eased states’ concerns about accepting refugees from crisis areas such as Syria and Iraq, Mr. Herbert replied, “We still have work to do.”
After Mr. Obama announced his plan last fall to admit up to 10,000 refugees into the U.S. this year, governors of 30 states from Maine to Wyoming publicly asked for the resettlement of Syrian refugees to stop until security concerns and procedures could be addressed. New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan was the lone Democrat in the group.
The resistance to refugees intensified after Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, which raised fears of Islamic State fighters sneaking into the U.S. as refugees.

Terry McAuliffe is confused! He is not alone! The UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program suffers every day from confusion as a result of the secrecy it has operated under for 35 years.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, conceded that some states “are confused about the process to go through.”
“A lot of issues were raised. We’re continuing to have the dialogue, and [Obama administration officials] promised they would get back to us with additional information as we go forward,” Mr. McAuliffe said.
Good luck getting more information.
Hmmm? I wonder if Tennessee Gov. Haslam was at the meeting?
Was your governor there? You should try to find out!
So far Syrian (mostly Sunni Muslims) are only trickling in, see here.