If you live in North Jersey, especially in the area of Jersey City where Americans witnessed the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center across the harbor and where Donald Trump reported Muslims celebrating that day, you might want to attend this educational gathering being promoted by Church World Service, one of nine major federal resettlement contractors.
[For the record, CWS is the resettlement contractor that tried to set up shop in my county in 2007 and inspired me to write this blog!]
Mark your calendars for March 6th!
Here is the news on the event.
Syrians (mostly Sunni Muslims) are only trickling in so far, see here, but the Obama Administration is planning an “interview surge” to get more in here more quickly, here. CWS is getting ‘welcoming’ communities prepped for the surge of arrivals.
Be sure to see my earlier post today on the NYT actually reporting on security screening inadequacy.
I’ll betcha now that Chris Christie is out of the Presidential race, the NJ governor won’t be talking with the same bravado, as he did previously, about not permitting Syrian resettlement in the state.
Click here for a huge archive on Church World Service.
Month: February 2016
NYT reports on serious concerns with refugee terrorists in US
I wonder how many of you saw this story? It was in the New York Times on Friday (LOL! how many of us bother to read the NYT?), and is actually very useful and informative.
Fourteen refugees, who came in through the UN/US State Dept. Refugee Admissions Program, have been arrested in the last two years on terror charges!
We learned a lot about the alleged terrorist at the heart of the NYT story, Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, last month at the UK Daily Mail. He is an Iraqi-born Palestinian who came here as a refugee via Syria.
Longtime readers may remember that Saddam Hussein had invited Palestinians to Iraq and when his government fell, many moved to Syria and the US kindly began admitting them to the US as refugees.
This story back in 2009 was big news at the time because we don’t take Palestinians in any large numbers in the Refugee Admissions Program.
Here is what the New York Times said on Friday:
WASHINGTON — The arrest of a California man on charges that he traveled to Syria to fight with terrorist groups, then lied about it to the Department of Homeland Security, offers new ammunition for both sides in the fierce debate over the refugee policy of the Obama administration.
Conservatives and some federal law enforcement officials say the case of the Californian, Aws Mohammed Younis al-Jayab, 23, shows that the refugee program leaves the nation vulnerable to terrorism. But Homeland Security officials and Democrats in Congress contend that his arrest demonstrates that the system works.
The system worked for this guy, but how many more Mohammeds are out there?
Before his arrest, Mr. Jayab seemed like a typical young adult: He liked sports cars, studied computer programming at a community college in Sacramento and worked nights as a security guard.

But the federal authorities have charged that Mr. Jayab, who was born in Iraq and came to the United States as a refugee from Syria, traveled to that war-torn country from late 2013 to early 2014 to fight on the side of terrorist groups and then lied about it to the authorities.
Still, some members of Congress and security experts say the arrest of Mr. Jayab has forced them to question the screening process. Federal court documents show that at least 14 people who came to the United States as refugees have been arrested on terrorism charges in the last two years, including Mr. Jayab.
“I thought that it was very secure until I saw the arrest in California and Texas,” said John J. Farmer Jr., former senior counsel to the federal commission that investigated the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, who is now a professor at Rutgers. “Now, I have my concerns.”
Continue reading here.
P.S. Rural Montanans do have something to worry about!
John J. Farmer Jr. bio and photo here: https://law.newark.rutgers.edu/faculty/faculty-profiles/john-j-farmer-jr
Surprise! 'Refugees' not liking life in Finland headed home to Iraq by the thousands, kiss the ground
Invasion of Europe news…..
This news strikes me as a possible partial solution to the European migrant crisis—make the asylum process difficult and offer charter flights home.
In fact, a smart legislator in America should introduce a bill that would set up a ‘Repatriation Fund’ to pay refugees (and illegal aliens) air fare home. I would even throw in a little starter money when they promise not to come back! Learn about this idea from a guest comment, here. Over the years we have heard from (and about) refugees to America who are very unhappy (disillusioned!), but have no resources to get home.
I am convinced that a Repatriation Fund would be cheaper for the American taxpayer than paying out all of the welfare, healthcare, and education costs of the migrants!
Here is the news from Thursday (I missed a lot of news this week, so am trying to catch up!) at the UK Daily Mail:
Iraqi refugees who left Finland voluntarily due to chilly weather conditions have been pictured kissing the ground in joyous scenes upon their return to Baghdad.
Thousands of the migrants who left Finland arrived back in the Iraqi capital today and were pictured greeting loved ones and celebrating their return home.
They had originally fled to Finland only to become disappointed with life in the frosty Scandinavian country.
Photographs taken of their arrival in Baghdad showed some crying with relief at being reunited with loved ones, while others kissed the floor of the airport after touching down.
Europe is in the grip of its worst migrant crisis since the Second World War, with more than a million people arriving last year having fled wars and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.
Although Germany and Sweden have taken in many of the migrants, Finland too saw its number of asylum seekers increase nearly tenfold in 2015 to 32,500 from 3,600 in 2014.
Almost two thirds of these were young Iraqi men, but some changed their mind and returned after Finland chartered flights to Baghdad.
Officials said about 4,100 asylum seekers had so far cancelled their applications and that number was likely to reach 5,000 in the coming months.
So much more and lots of photos here.
See our complete Invasion of Europe archive here. And, more on Finland here. See also news on a Finnish police report that warns of security problems ahead in Finland esp. as asylum seekers are coming from competing Islamic sects.
Montana: Hundreds turn out in support of letter to Washington opposing refugee resettlement
Update February 20th: See Leo Hohmann’s much more detailed report of what happened here at WND.
Ravalli County is on the western border of Montana at the Idaho state line. Idaho is a big resettlement state (it is also a Wilson-Fish state).
Yesterday 500 citizens turned out to voice support for a letter to the US State Department by the county commissioners to oppose the resettlement of refugees in the county.
This is a preemptive move that is a result of the controversy created in the state when several non-profits have announced that they want to work with the US State Department to resettle Syrians (and others from war-torn countries) to rural Montana.
From the Missoulian:
HAMILTON – A public hearing on a proposed letter opposing the settlement of Syrian refugees in Ravalli County and the surrounding area drew hundreds Thursday afternoon.
The Ravalli County Commission hosted the meeting, which had to be moved three times to accommodate the crowd.

By the time the meeting was finished, the commissioners had heard enough to approve a modified version of the letter and expand its circulation to include the governor, Montana’s congressional delegation and Missoula officials.
About 500 people settled into the bleachers at the Hamilton Junior High School gym for a meeting that garnered a large cheer when the commissioners announced it would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and included a loud emphasis from the crowd on the words “under God” during its recital.
I urge you to continue reading! It is a fascinating read.
And, consider the fact that 500 showed up for an afternoon meeting of a county commission. Could that ever happen where you live?
Tip for growing ‘pockets of resistance:’
The US State Department has repeatedly said it will not send refugees to “unwelcoming” communities. Ha! But, it isn’t because of their concern for you, your economy and your culture, it is because they fear for the refugees safety as we heard here when State Department honcho, Larry Bartlett, went to Twin Falls, Idaho last September.
Click here for all of our previous news on Big Sky Country!
Tennessee legislature moves a step closer to filing states' rights lawsuit on refugee program
All over the country, ‘Pockets of Resistance,’ are forming to oppose the heavy-handed (secretive and costly) UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. Tennesseans get kudos for being among the first to be recognized as resisters by the federal government as I learned here at a 2013 meeting the Office of Refugee Resettlement held in Lancaster, PA.
Now, the legislature itself may be on the cusp of striking a real blow for states’ rights.
See Michael Patrick Leahy, here at Breitbart:
The state of Tennessee is one step closer to filing a Tenth Amendment lawsuit in federal court to end the United States Refugee Resettlement program in that state.

The Finance, Ways & Means Committee of the State Senate overwhelmingly passed Senate Joint Resolution 467 in a bi-partisan nine to one vote.
The resolution now goes to the State Senate floor, where it is likely to pass, then on the the State House, where it is also likely to pass.
In Tennessee, the state legislature (called the General Assembly) has the authority to file this lawsuit, which may prevail in the courts on Tenth Amendment grounds, if Republican Governor Bill Haslam fails to act.
The resolution was filed in the State Senate by Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey a little less than a month ago on January 22, and has moved quickly through the legislative process.
Unlike previous lawsuits filed by Texas and Alabama, which were not brought on 10th amendment grounds, this lawsuit could result in a victory. Such a victory would not prohibit refugees settled in other states by the Obama administration from entering the state of Tennessee. It would, however, prevent the State Department from settling those refugees initially in Tennessee under any circumstances, since such settlement requires the state of Tennessee to pay, in part, for their upkeep.
“Wilson-Fish alternative program” states including Tennessee and eleven others (Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Vermont) who have opted out of the US Refugee Resettlement program have a strong 10th amendment suit against the federal government to stop the program in their states since it is “an unfunded mandate,” proponents of the resolution argue.
“In 2012, the Supreme Courte ruled in the now famous NFIB v Sebelius case in that case the Supreme Court said ‘a state cannot be compelled or coerced to participate in a federal program for which it has chosen not to participate.’
Continue reading here.
By the way, most people outside of Tennessee are shocked to learn that the state (especially Nashville) is a prime resettlement site for refugees seeded there by Catholic Charities in conjunction with the federal government.
Readers get moving!
For all of you in Wilson Fish states***, you must work to persuade your governor (or state legislature in some cases) to get on board with a 10th Amendment lawsuit ready to file at the Thomas More Law Center. You ask me all the time, what can I do. Well, if you are a citizen in one of these states this is something you can do!
*** Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, South Dakota, North Dakota, Tennessee and Vermont