Invasion of Europe news…..
The European political world got a real shake-up a few days ago when the so-called “far-right” won a significant victory in the Presidential contest there. You’ve surely all read about it —how the “anti-immigrant” forces have been energized and for the first time since WWII neither major Austrian political party will be in the final contest.
What does this portend for Election 2016 if the Obama Administration puts in high gear its massive surge of Syrians to America this summer? Hmmmm?
From the Express:
Norbert Hofer, the candidate for Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ), won 36.4 per cent of the vote, and will face an independent candidate in the final vote next month.
The Glock family for your family. Austrian Freedom Party candidate Hofer carries one on the campaign trail.
It was the Freedom Party’s best result in a national election and comes after a campaign that focused on the impact of the migrant crisis.
More than 100,000 refugees have arrived in Austria since last summer.
The migrant crisis has divided the country and, in a major U-turn, the government, who initially backed German chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy, shut Austria’s borders.
FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache said: “This is the beginning of a new political era. Today political history is being written in Austria.”
Pro-gun Hofer, who has been seen carrying his Glock pistol on the campaign trail, has repeatedly criticised the Austrian government’s “soft” handling of the migrant crisis.
Gun ownership has been on the rise in Austria, a trend Hofer has branded a natural reaction to the migrant crisis.
There is much, much more, here (in case there is anyone out there who hasn’t heard this incredible news already!).
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. And, search RRW for Austria. I’m running out of time, but you should know that the US State Department processes thousands of refugees in Austria for resettlement to your towns and cities.
Yesterday we told you that Sam Brownback, the governor of Kansas, withdrew the state from the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program making it effectively the 13th Wilson-Fish state***. Bishop Dean Wolfe: no matter what the governor says we will continue to overload Wichita and other Kansas cities with refugees.
Wilson-Fish references an amendment to the original Refugee Act of 1980 where the federal government has taken it upon itself to write new regulations (with no statutory backing) that say if a state government opts-out of the program, the feds can assign a non-profit group to run the resettlement program in the state. Think about that! In 12 states right now the feds and a private contractor are making decisions on how to spend state and local tax dollars!
We believe that such a provision is unconstitutional and so does the Thomas More Law Centerwhich has a case ready to file if one brave governor (of a Wilson-Fish state) will step up and be the plaintiff. How about Gov. Brownback?
Or better still how about several brave governors joining forces! And, if you aren’t in a Wilson Fish state (Texas! for example), you should be urging your ‘brave’ governor to opt-out and then file this lawsuit!
The Tennessee legislature has voted to sue the feds on these Tenth Amendment grounds, see here.
Here is the latest as the arrogant Kansas contractors tell the governor where to go! Maybe you should first read about how the Wichita school system is overloaded with refugees and broke.
“America First!” What about our American kids? No Christian charity for them?
The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas says his church will continue to help resettle refugees in Kansas despite Gov. Sam Brownback’s decision to withdraw the state from the federal resettlement program.
Brownback cited security concerns Tuesday when he announced he was ending the state’s participation in the program, which helps resettle refugees fleeing war-torn nations.
Episcopal Migration Ministries will continue its resettlement work in Wichita regardless of the state’s position, the Rev. Dean Wolfe said in a statement late Wednesday.
“In the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas we will continue to be an advocate for those who have no voice,” Wolfe said. “With the exception of indigenous peoples, we are all immigrants to this great land.”
The International Rescue Committee, the other refugee resettlement agency working in the Wichita area, has also promised to continue helping place refugees in Kansas.
Federal officials told Kansas officials earlier in the month that they would work directly with local agencies if Kansas chose to leave the program. [This is the unconstitutional Wilson-Fish model—ed]
Continue reading here.
If you live in Kansas, see this, and do it!
***Do you live in one of the 12 Wilson-Fish states where the program is run between the feds in Washington, DC and a non-profit federal contractor?
North Dakota
South Dakota
A month ago I created a new category which I subsequently didn’t use (laugh of the day) because everything has just been too darn deadly serious. But, here is a laugh for you….
[My apologies to our many Canadian readers because I have a whole pile of news on Canada I haven’t gotten to. Problems are starting to arise (no surprise!) because of Boy Trudeau’s hasty resettlement of thousands upon thousands of Syrians.]
Rival coach on Jonathan Nicola high school bball wonder: look at that face, is that the face of a 17-year-old?
Here is the story, a request for a US visa confirmed what other coaches were saying about the ‘star’ player (hat tip: Joanne):
Canadian authorities said Wednesday that a budding high school basketball star is actually a 29-year-old refugee*** from South Sudan.
The Canadian Border Services Agency said that Jonathan Nicola was arrested earlier this week for contravening the country’s Immigration Refugee Protection Act.
The agency said Nicola “misrepresented material facts” on his application for a study permit to Canada, submitting an application with a date of birth of Nov. 25, 1998 — which would make him 17. The agency says when Nicola recently applied for a U.S. visitor visa, a fingerprint match determined he was an individual who had made a previous application to the U.S. using a date of birth of Nov. 1, 1986 — making him 29.
The Windsor Star reported that Nicola was remanded into custody after a hearing before the country’s Immigration and Refugee Board Tuesday. Another hearing is scheduled for next week. Nicola faces deportation if convicted.
Nicola was attending Catholic Central High School in Windsor and played on the basketball team, even living with head coach Pete Cusumano. In January, Cusumano told the Windsor Star that he thought Nicola had a chance to play in the NBA.
***Fox Newsis using the word ‘refugee’ loosely because Nicola appears to be getting around (the world) with a student visa not as a refugee. But, in fact it is just such visas that the UN and the Obama Administration are looking to in order to increase rapidly the number of Syrians coming to the US, see here. Update: Forgot to tell you where the photo came from:
Update: Do not miss the comments to this post! Editor: This is another in our series of ‘comments worth noting’ and was posted by ‘jdelaney3 ‘ to our post yesterday, ‘Is yours to be a “welcoming” refugee community?’ I assure you that this reader knows what he is talking about! I liked the message! But, can’t use the image without telling you that you can purchase this sign here:
Get organized! (from ‘jdelaney3’)
I urge folks to deluge local resettlement agency offices with phone calls to determine what refugees and in what numbers they plan to accept for resettlement during the remainder of the year. Put them on notice that you and many others will be watching.
If any of those refugees the agency is planning to resettle are, from all reports, improperly vetted, urge them NOT to “assure” (accept) them.
Keep your eye on these volags/ngos/gov’t contractors and call with regularity for updated information as to what refugees have arrived and what refugees are expected to arrive.
I would also contact City Hall and the County Executive to intercede as well in this regard.
Also, reach out to community organizations, many of which should welcome the opportunity to keep tabs on the refugee influx as well.
If the agency is a Catholic-supervised operation, e.g. Migration & Refugee Services–USCCB, also touch base with the Diocese as often as appropriate. Let them all know they’re being monitored.
It’s all about pressure and oversight which these refugee resettlement operations are terrified of.
Finally, if you know folks who have firsthand familiarity with the local resettlement office staff and operation, ask them to keep you posted. Not all who work for or volunteer for these agencies are lackeys.
So how do you find your local resettlement agency offices? Click hereand if you live near one of these offices know that they can resettle refugees in nearby towns—up to 100 miles or about a two hour drive away.
But, here is step 2! You have got to get what you learn out beyond your own little circle! Write a blog or website, write letters-to-the-editor, develop a social media network, make youtube vids, whatever it takes!
Use your free speech while you’ve got it!
I have been wondering for the last year whatever happened to Athens, GA after the Democrat mayor there said, give us a “formal refugee integration plan” to the International Rescue Committee (one of the top nine federal contractors) and the US State Department before opening a direct resettlement site in Athens. Athens, GA mayor Nancy Denson: Give me a plan first! Click herefor several earlier posts on the controversy. In one, the IRC representative in Georgia said the feds would send the refugees anyway! But, apparently they haven’t.
Two lessons here for towns being faced with new offices: the first is that mayors can “rebuff them” and keep planned direct resettlement offices from opening, and secondly, apparently the contractor and the feds DO NOT want to be in a position to prepare plans (set a precedent?) on how the resettlement will work! So, if they are coming to your town or city, make them give your town a plan (with public hearings!).
Here I see in the Flagpole, that nothing has moved forward (so far) on the office proposal.
This is one of those long stories meant to play on your heart strings about the wonderful refugees (and I am sure this family is very nice) who have arrived in the area (as secondary migrants) to work in a chicken processing plant. One of those gushing in this account is a local real estate agent who has helped them buy homes (which they work 60 hours a week to pay for!).
LOL! Gee sounds familiar! I’m re-reading Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle in preparation for a ‘Jungle’ revisited (100 years later!) fact finding tour this summer. Although one big difference these days is that the US State Department and supposedly ‘humanitarian’ NGOs act as head hunters for BIG MEAT companies that are often foreign-owned!
So after wading through 24 warm and gushy paragraphs about the stars of the story—a hardworking Burmese Christian family—we come to the news I was looking for. Apparently there is no movement toward opening a direct resettlement site in Athens, GA (although this story might have been placed as propaganda to begin the re-education of the community on the subject).
From the Flagpole (emphasis is mine):
All of the adults in the family work at the Pilgrim’s Pride poultry plant. Esther and her father work the night shift, while her husband and mother work the day shift. They do it this way so someone can always be home with the children.
Like some of the big beef processing companies in America, Pilgrims Pride is a Brazilian-owned company (JBS Swift!) which looks for cheap refugee labor in America. Some business model isn’t it when taxpayers subsidize their wages with welfare!
Most refugees living in Athens and Comer work at a poultry plant—the industry that provides the most jobs for refugees in Georgia. It’s tedious work and physically hard, but the poultry plants pay $10–11 an hour [Ha! wages would be at least $15 and hour if they had to pay Americans!—ed], more than you can get almost anywhere else for unskilled labor, and that makes it hard to leave.
Esther stands on her feet for eight hours, five or six nights a week, cutting chicken in the cold factory, moving fast to keep up with the conveyer belts. One day she’d like to get a job that’s not so hard, maybe in a retail store or daycare. “We don’t have much time to be social,” says Esther, laughing, “because sometimes we work 60 hours a week. On Sunday we go to church, and then the whole week is finished.” [Wow! The Jungle!—ed]
Last year the International Rescue Committee (a nonprofit refugee resettlement agency) proposed setting up a small office in Athens and bringing 150 refugees here, but it was rebuffed by local government leaders. Subsequently, an ecumenical group composed of clergy and other citizens formed Welcoming Athens, a group “working to nurture a culture of welcome for all people in Athens and the surrounding area.” Among other things, the group is advocating for the city to let the resettlement office come.
The main reason Mayor Nancy Denson gave for not wanting IRC in Athens was that resources are stretched thin, and her priority is “to take care of the people who are already here,” citing issues with homelessness and panhandling. But some in the U.S. also resist taking refugees because of a concern that some refugees coming in might be criminals, violent radicals or unable to adjust successfully to American culture.
“That’s not why they’re coming here,” says Drago, emphatically. “They’re coming here to work, to go to school and have a better future. Now, after having been here awhile, they’re also part of humanity, and some people do commit crimes, but no more than people from any country.But to say that people come here to sow discord and terrorism in our country, absolutely not. They’re fleeing that! They’re coming here because they want to live in a peaceful place.