Kansas governor withdraws state from federal Refugee Admissions Program….

Update April 28th: Kansas resettlement contractors tell governor, s**** you (and Kansas taxpayers), we will bring refugees anyway, click here.
….but, but, but!
But, it simply means that the US State Department/Health and Human Services and their NGO contractors will resettle refugees there anyway as they do in 12 other so-called Wilson Fish States.  See Tennessee lawsuit.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback listens to a reporters question during a news conference in his Statehouse office in Topeka, Kan., Monday, Jan. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)
Hold the applause! The real test for the Governor will be if he brings a states’ rights lawsuit against the feds, which he can do now that he has withdrawn the state from the program.  (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

But, will he explain why he vigorously supported the resettlement of third worlders to the country while he was a US Senator (see 2003 VDARE article), and even as recently as 2014 when he signed a letter with Grover Norquist and others to the GOP to encourage more refugee resettlement for America.
But, here is the true test for the governor—will he take the Thomas More Law Center’s offer of free legal work and file a states’ rights case against the feds once they resettle refugees in the state (expending state money in the process) against the express wishes of the governor.
Kansas citizens need to get to work — no praise for the governor (who helped get America into the fix it is in with refugees) until he takes this final step to redeem himself!  It does not require the state legislature to act as the plaintiff (TN was a special case with a refugee-supporting governor).
Don’t let him get away with saying this withdrawal is all he can do!

Governor Sam Brownback could be the plaintiff in the most important case ever to determine whether the federal government has the right to place a financial burden on state taxpayers by dropping needy third worlders into its towns and cities.

Here is the news from the Kansas City Star from yesterday (hat tip: Joanne):

Gov. Sam Brownback said Tuesday he is withdrawing Kansas from the federal government’s refugee relocation program because of security concerns.

Despite the state’s withdrawal, refugees will continue to be resettled in Kansas, federal officials said.

Brownback had already issued executive orders barring state agencies from assisting in the resettlement of refugees from Syria and other countries that posed a safety risk. The decision announced Tuesday removes the state from the program completely.

Feds to Brownback: we will shove it down your throats anyway (“welcoming” or not)!

But federal officials told Brownback that if the state withdrew, the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement would work directly with local refugee resettlement organizations and refugees would continue to come to the state.

“If the state were to cease participating in the refugee resettlement program, it would have no effect on the placement of refugees by the State Department in Kansas, or the ORR-funded benefits they can receive,” wrote Mark Greenberg with the federal Administration for Children and Families in an April 13 letter to Brownback.

Continue reading here.
Click here for our Kansas archive where we have reported on some big problems in Kansas with refugees, esp. with overload in schools systems.  And, go here to the handy list and see who the feds have hired for the seeding of Kansas.
And one more thing…..

The US State Department is taking testimony right now for the FY2017  RAP program (Obama’s last refugee importation plan) and there is no reason that state officials, including this governor, couldn’t send in testimony as well!

Norway paying migrants to leave! We should be doing the same thing!

Invasion of Europe news…..

I have been arguing for more than a year (ever since reader CW proposed it) that we should be setting up a “repatriation fund” to fly refugees and others home who get into the US, but discover that the streets are not paved with gold (and that they have to work in meatpacking plants!) and now want to go home.  Throw in a little extra sweetener and it will still be cheaper than paying federal contractors to get them hooked on welfare (or cause financial and social chaos in schools systems, a la Amarillo).

Norway refugees_Syria
Norway to Middle Eastern migrants: Maybe you would like to go home (where it is warmer)—we will pay you! Photo: http://www.tnp.no/norway/panorama/5130-norway-the-best-country-to-be-refugee-inij

From The Telegraph:

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) says the measure is less expensive than keeping refugees in immigration centres in the country.

Launched on Monday, the scheme will run for six weeks, state broadcaster NRK reported UDI saying.

The money will be paid to the first 500 asylum seekers to apply on a first-come, first-served basis.

“We need to entice more [people] to voluntarily travel back by giving them a bit more money on their way out. This will save us a lot of money because it is expensive to have people in the asylum centres,” Sylvi Listhaug, integration minister, said.

The 10,000 kroner would be in addition to the 20,000 kroner already given to asylum seekers and migrants in an irregular situation who wish to return voluntarily from Norway to their country of origin.

More here.
And see our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news by clicking here.  Our archive goes back many years because this isn’t a new phenomenon, it has just picked up steam in the last year.
Go here for everything we’ve said about Norway.

"Alternative safe pathways" could bring ten times more Syrians to your towns than first proposed

You knew didn’t you!  You knew that Obama and the United Nations would not be satisfied with a paltry 10,000 Syrian (mostly Sunni Muslim) “refugees” for your American towns this year!  (I had previously cheered the fact that Obama was seemingly dragging his feet and might not reach his goal. Many of you, loyal readers, would have none of it! You were right!)

obama and hillary
Obama will get ‘alternative safe pathways’ in place and Hillary will carry it out. My friends, stopping her is the only way we can save America.

Now comes news that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is pushing a new concept (because the word ‘refugee’ has become a dirty word). It is called “safe pathways.”
This week Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies reported (see news here) on the backdoor scheme to try to trick Americans leery of opening their arms and wallets to thousands of inadequately screened Middle Eastern REFUGEES.
Besides speeding up the refugee screening process itself, they will just expand family reunification to third-cousins-once-removed (just kidding, but barely). They will give struggling colleges special deals to invite Syrian ‘students’ to room with your kids. And, this to sweeten the pot for greedy global corporations, give special worker visas for the creation of a mobile workforce.
Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily yesterday gives us all the gory details.  Here is how he begins:

President Obama and Congress have agreed to fund the permanent resettlement of 10,000 Syrian refugees, but the number of Syrians entering the U.S. over the next three years will end up being much larger.

Possibly up to 10 times larger, says one analyst who follows the global refugee movement. And it’s all about to be done under the radar of Congress with nearly zero media coverage.

Fresh evidence to that effect has come from the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees Filippo Grande and a statement by the U.S. State Department. Together, those statements indicate the U.N. has many more Syrians in store for the U.S. than what Obama has publicly acknowledged.

“Refugees” are out “safe pathways” are in!

“Often when they talk about numbers it’s a bit opaque,” says Nayla Rush, senior researcher for the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. “They want to permanently resettle 480,000 (into countries outside of Syria), but that’s not enough. There will be resettlements but then other routes, ‘alternative safe pathways,’ as stated by the U.N. high commissioner, who is using a new word, ‘pathways.’

Continue reading here.
This is all that matters…..
If you are thinking that Obama has only a few months left, that is still plenty of time to get this in place for Hillary who, you know, will carry on his diabolical legacy of changing America by changing the people.
It is really important that you are aware of the stealthy plan to seed America for not just the remainder of Obama’s term, but for years to come, and vote as if your future depends on it!  It does, and not just yours, but your generations to follow!

Is yours about to be a refugee 'welcoming' community? Call the mayor of Amarillo, TX first!

You know that overused definition of ‘insanity’ which says that when one does something over and over again and expects a different outcome, that is insane.  Well, that applies to the resettlement of refugees.
Please pay attention to the cities that have been overloaded with refugees for years—even decades—and they can’t get the flow slowed.  This will happen to your town!

Amarillo Mayor Paul Harpole should get an award for heroism!

If you open your town or city to the arrival of a resettlement contractor (Missoula pay attention!), you will not be choosing who comes and how many.  Local taxpayers will bear the greatest burden especially in the school system. You will never be able to get the contractor to slow the flow of relatives they bring next.  And, if you complain, you will be vilified!
We have dozens and dozens of posts about cities where mayors have begged for a slowdown or better still a moratorium on the resettlement of refugees because they can no longer cope—usually it is the school system that begins to crash first—and get no significant relief from the US State Department and its money-hungry resettlement contractors.
Search RRW for Manchester, NH, Lynn and Springfield, Mass, or Amarillo, TX to see what I mean.
Here is the latest from Amarillo (a ‘pocket of resistance!’) where the mayor is taking his battle to a new level.  From Amarillo Globe-News:

Amarillo Mayor Paul Harpole took his decades-long knowledge about the city’s refugees ­— their progress and challenges — to state lawmakers last week and he plans to continue the discussion locally today.

Harpole testified last Thursday in Austin at a hearing on refugee resettlement programs before the State Senate Committee on Health and Human Services to address resettlement rates, language barriers in schools and an alleged lack of foresight from Washington.

He addressed what he called disparities between the resettlement rate in Amarillo and the rates of cities in Texas and elsewhere. He also repeated a claim he’s made several times.

“The City of Amarillo gets more refugees per 100,000 population than any city in the world,” Harpole testified before the committee.

Lack of required ‘consultations’ just more proof that this program has been operating in SECRECY for years.  

And, since Congress has never policed the program, administrations (both Democrat and Republican) have gotten away with operating in secrecy for 35 plus years!

Another complaint Harpole took to Austin was Washington’s alleged lack of foresight on a national level.

“What the Senators are talking about is why the federal government gives the state no control over this and no insight,” Harpole said. “And now the [US] State Department says we should have been having community consultation meetings and coordinating meetings every three months, and it’s been in place for years.”

Continue reading here. There is a lot of good information about how refugees will wreck your school system.
Go here for our complete Amarillo archive.
And, be sure to check out a post I wrote a year ago:  Ten Things Your Town Needs to Know ….

Surprise! Missoula, Montana expected to get mostly Muslim refugees after all

Update April 28th:  A little inside baseball about how Missoula got so lucky to get a refugee office, click here.
Have you been following our posts on the plan to open Montana to refugee resettlement?  If not, click here for background (no time for rehashing!)
In this news story from the Missoula Independent about a phony letter that was sent to the US State Department that purported to rescind an earlier invitation by the county commission for the federal government to start sending refugees to Montana, we learn this much more important news toward the end of the article.

Bait and switch!

Mary Poole of Soft Landing Missoula. Will she be the resettlement sub-contractor for the International Rescue Committee? Poole tells the Missoula Independent that she is so excited to be welcoming Syrian Sunni Muslims to Montana!

(Other ‘welcoming’ cities pay attention! You will not get what you have been told!)
In earlier news accounts the feds and the International Rescue Committee suggested that Montana wouldn’t get Syrians, but what do you know, all of that has changed because the Obama surge is on the way!
Not only will they get Syrians (99% at the moment are Sunni Muslims), but they will get refugees from Afghanistan and from Burma who are Muslims too!

Rohingya are Burmese Muslims that up until a few years ago the State Department did not consider for refugee status to America!

Here is what the Missoula Independent is reporting now!

When the IRC’s request was approved, the prospect that refugees placed in Missoula would actually originate from Middle Eastern countries such as Syria seemed slim, as Syrians make up a small portion of those currently entering the United States.

However, IRC officials now say resettlement of Syrians appears more likely. Most refugees who relocate to the U.S. are placed with relatives, but Missoula’s fledgling program will likely draw from the roughly 30 percent of all arriving refugees who don’t have U.S. family ties. [When you get refugees with no ties, this is truly a SEEDING process—ed]

IRC officials explained the outlook during a Thursday reception hosted by local refugee advocate group Soft Landing Missoula. They told attendees the Missoula office expects initial arrivals may include Syrian families ranging in size from four to 10 individuals [big subsidized housing apartments available?—ed], Congolese families and single woman-headed households, Afghans or Rohingyas from Myanmar.  [Congolese*** are mostly non-Muslim, but all the others listed here are Muslims!—ed]

Ambitious readers! To learn more about the very ‘devout’ Muslims known as Rohingya, please see our category entitled ‘Rohingya Reports’ with 188 previous posts going back years.
Then this:

We were kind of operating under the impression that there might not be a possibility of us getting Syrian refugees for quite a while, and that seems to have slightly shifted,” Soft Landing founder Mary Poole said at the event, “… so that’s really exciting because they were our catalyst.”

If you live in Missoula, you must ask these county commissioners if they have ever seen the R & P Abstract for your community. I bet they haven’t! If they have, demand that you, the taxpaying public, gets to see it too!
*** See also Congolese refugee women arrive with expensive mental health treatment needs.