In fact, the mother and father of the 4-year-old sexually assaulted by three boys in her apartment complex’s laundry room over a month ago feel like they are being treated as criminals. (Click here for all of our previous reports on the case).
I tweeted out this story by World Net Daily’s Leo Hohmann last night right after it was published, so you’ve probably seen it. But, if not this is a must-read this morning. Hohmann interviewed the victim’s mother. And, it sure sounds like a rape (under Idaho law) occurred.
Interesting to me is that there is still no news about the immigration status of the boys (two are Sudanese and one is Iraqi). Those are two prominent ethnic groups we admit to the US as refugees (immigrants from those countries through any other legal means are rare).
Both Sudanese and Iraqis have been resettled in Idaho.
The big lie!
Why can’t they tell the truth about immigration status?
And, why is this family being treated so badly by the authorities? I believe it is because this story (just like the Somali roving gangs in Minnesota and the alleged sexual assault in Massachusetts last week) doesn’t FIT THE NARRATIVE the Open Borders Left and the Refugee INDUSTRY (including the big businesses that benefit from cheap immigrant labor) want the public to swallow!
National mainstream media—including Fox News—keeps stories like these from reaching a broader audience and are therefore complicit in keeping the general public in the dark about problems with the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
Help the American family move!
After reading Hohmann’s latest, if you want to help the little girl’s family, go here to a GoFundMe page set up to help them move from this apartment complex to a safer area and away from her attacker.
Month: July 2016
George Soros and the European refugee crisis
I hate to use the word ‘refugee’ here because most of the migrants reaching Europe are economic migrants and not legitimate refugees, but who is quibbling over terms, certainly not George Soros.
Zerohedge (hat tip Julia) has posted a big expose (by Garret/Galland Investment Research) on the old man. I know many of you are pretty familiar with his evil record, but it is worth noting that he is considered one of the drivers of the NO Borders movement and thus his fingerprints are all over the European invasion.
Here is just one section of the longer report as it relates to the crisis in Europe:
His Latest Success: the European Refugee Crisis
Soros’s agenda is fundamentally about the destruction of national borders. This has recently been shown very clearly with his funding of the European refugee crisis.
The refugee crisis has been blamed on the civil war currently raging in Syria. But did you ever wonder how all these people suddenly knew Europe would open its gates and let them in?
The refugee crisis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. It coincided with OSF (Open Society Foundation) donating money to the US-based Migration Policy Institute*** and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, both Soros-sponsored organizations. Both groups advocate the resettlement of third-world Muslims into Europe.
In 2015, a Sky News reporter found “Migrant Handbooks” on the Greek island of Lesbos. It was later revealed that the handbooks, which are written in Arabic, had been given to refugees before crossing the Mediterranean by a group called “Welcome to the EU.”
Welcome to the EU is funded by—you guessed it—the Open Society Foundations.
Soros has not only backed groups that advocate the resettlement of third-world migrants into Europe, he in fact is the architect of the “Merkel Plan.”
The Merkel Plan was created by the European Stability Initiative whose chairman Gerald Knaus is a senior fellow at none other than the Open Society Foundations.
The plan proposes that Germany should grant asylum to 500,000 Syrian refugees. It also states that Germany, along with other European nations, should agree to help Turkey, a country that’s 98% Muslim, gain visa-free travel within the EU starting in 2016.
More on Soros here.
Remember when it comes to refugees, follow the money!
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
*** More about the Migration Policy Institute, here.
More on Rutland Vermont's refugee controversy
Update: Breitbart has just learned that the Vermont Health Dept. has treated 17 cases of ACTIVE Tuberculosis in the refugee population placed in that state by the US State Department.
I’ve been remiss in not reporting on the drama in Rutland, VT last week as the Aldermen there voted on whether to place a referendum seeking the public’s approval (or disapproval) of the city becoming Vermont’s next federal resettlement site.
I am woefully behind on the Vermont news (although I did post on the latest regarding ACTIVE TB in the state here), so forgive me if more important things have happened since the vote. Here reports on the vote (they voted to not put the referendum on the ballot).
By the way, the focus has been on Syrian refugees resettling there, but once an office is open, a smattering of many other ethnic groups will be brought in—Somalis, Congolese, Burmese, Iraqis and so forth—making assimilation even harder as each ethnic group creates its core community. Myriad ethnic groups also increase the expense to local tax payers for the school system and even the health department as interpreters must be provided for each group.
You should read for all the details of the debate, but I wanted to emphasize one thing mentioned by one of the Aldermen:
David Trapeni, a two-time mayoral candidate and the organizer of the petition drive, criticized the resettlement plan as too open-ended.
“It’s not a hundred — it’s hundreds of refugees that come,” Trapeni said. “Once you open that door that’s it — you’re going to get hundreds, and you’re not going to have any say.”
I cannot stress enough how significant Trapeni’s comment is. He is exactly right! You cannot shut the spigot off once the pipeline starts to flow. You can’t next year say, well, that doesn’t work for us and expect the feds and their contractor to shutter the office they opened and fire the staff. This program builds on itself because first, the agency is paid by the head to resettle the refugees, and secondly they are hellbent on bringing in the family members once the original seeds are planted. You will be even more vilified when you say we don’t want families reunited.
In the controversy in Spartanburg, SC a year ago, the contractor/feds promised to bring in only 50 refugees, now the plan for next year is 150 (I didn’t check the exact number, but it is at least that many).
It will not end, just ask the mayors of Manchester, NH or Amarillo, TX who have been trying for years to close the spigot!
Aldermen ask Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard for more information
This (news) is a very interesting turn of events and frankly I have to give this local body a thumbs-up for even taking an initiative like this.
Basically they are signaling that local governments have a right to all the facts. That is the last thing the refugee industry wants to set a precedent about. The arrogant feds and contractors are so accustomed to operating in secrecy that they don’t want to be in a position to answer questions.
A word of caution…
However, when pressed they have been able to put on shows for the public as they did in Spartanburg, SC and in Twin Falls, Idaho where they came to town and held private meetings (Spartanburg) or held a stacked public meeting as they did in Twin Falls and gave their positive spin on refugee resettlement. (So Rutland should be prepared for such a propaganda initiative from Washington.)
Nevertheless, every city government should be so audacious as to demand more answers from the federal government. After all, your town will be changed forever!
I’ll be very interested to see how Ms. Richard responds to the letter (read it here). Will she decide the controversy in Rutland isn’t worth pushing any further and move on to another (weaker) target town in Vermont? Or, will she put up a fight here as a show of power by bringing in her dog and pony show?
Read the whole story at the Times Argus.
Our Rutland archive is here (for new readers!).
AP: Syrian processing to America on steroids, governors like MD Gov. Hogan can't do a thing about it
No Syrian Muslims have been placed in Washington DC!
There isn’t much new and useful in this AP story from Saturday, but wanted to mention it only because once again the feds are telling concerned governors to go fly a kite—the UN/US State Dept. is speeding up the Syrian refugee processing in Jordan and Turkey. Governors are impotent to stop it is the message.
There is a little nugget here that I didn’t know about: Apparently the DEMOCRAT mayor of Roanoke, VA did not want Syrians resettled in an already refugee-overloaded city.
We’ve written a few times about Roanoke perhaps most famous for the refugee gang found guilty there for planning to kidnap and ransom some prominent women in the town, here in 2009. (Gee, I wonder if they were deported when they were released after their short prison sentence?)
Associated Press (at the Washington Post):
Dozens of Syrian refugees were settled in Maryland and Virginia in June, part of a sharp nationwide increase as the U.S. government scrambles to meet its goal of admitting 10,000 refugees in fiscal 2016.
The surge has come despite opposition from more than half of the nation’s governors, including Maryland’s Larry Hogan (R), all of whom say they are not satisfied with the federal government’s assurances that refugees are carefully vetted and screened.
The pace of refugee resettlement has quickened in part because processing facilities in Istanbul and in Amman, Jordan, have been upgraded and more Department of Homeland Security teams have been deployed to interview refugees, a State Department official said.
“We pushed all those things together so they would happen sequentially and more quickly,” said Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.
In Maryland, 78 Syrians were settled in June – bringing the total to 115 since October. Sixty-seven arrived in Virginia last month, out of 87 resettled in the state this year. Fifteen of them have been placed in Roanoke, where the Democratic mayor attracted national controversy last fall for citing the internment of Japanese citizens as a reason to bar Syrian refugees.
No refugees have been brought to the District of Columbia, according to the State Department data. [No, of course not!—ed]
Continue reading here.
Photo: My reference to the Syrian charged with sexual assault refers to this story. And, here, Breitbart has Pamela Geller’s reaction to the latest refugee sex crime.
Regarding my title! In truth, Gov. Hogan and other of the governors concerned about the program could do something about it if they had the political will, but most don’t. It is easy to say they don’t like what is happening to satisfy voters, but quite another to put on the state’s rights fight that would be necessary.
Top posts of the last week and misc. news
I’m trying each week to take a few minutes to let readers know which posts were the most popular in the preceding week. I’ll tell you shortly, but first a couple of other bits of information.
This coming Friday I will be headed out across America on RRW’s first (maybe only because my plans are pretty ambitious/nuts!) Road Trip!
I’ll be stopping in 14 or 15 states to see (first hand) how the UN/US State Department refugee resettlement program is changing American towns.
I’m especially interested in the economic drivers of the program. It has long been my contention that this 35-year-old federal plan to distribute third world refugees to hundreds of towns has several drivers with the humanitarian motive serving only as a cover story for more powerful forces to hide behind.
As time permits (I’ll be driving a lot of hours every day), I will write from the road. I assume I will still be able to keep up with the general refugee news around the country in addition to providing some insights about what I find. I do intend to continue to tweet (for those of you not on twitter see the right hand side bar for tweets) and to post to facebook.
And, although I haven’t had the time I hoped to keep up with my other blog—American Resistance 2016!—maybe I’ll see some Election 2016 news I’ll want to share while on the road.
To be clear! This is a ‘listening tour’ (a fact-finding trip) not a speaking tour!
Note to commenters!
If you are wondering why some of your comments haven’t been posted, perhaps its because you were threatening some sort of violence. Cut it out! We have three rules about commenting: no threats of violence, no foul language, and no ad hominem (personal) attacks on another commenter. It is not that difficult to address the ideas and views of another commenter without calling them a ‘jerk’ or something worse. Otherwise, I don’t mind views that I don’t particularly agree with.
Here then are the Top Three posts of last week (daily most read posts are in the right hand side bar):
Minneapolis Somali ‘youths’ invade suburban neighborhood, threaten homeowners
Minnesota victim speaks in case of roving Somali gangs in upscale neighborhood
How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!
Speaking of money…
You may have noticed that I have now added a ‘donation’ button here at RRW. People have been urging me for nearly nine years to do it, so we will see how it goes. Thanks to all who have donated to date. Just remember that your donations are not tax deductible because I don’t want the IRS dictating what I write about, and I will pay whatever taxes are due.
Also, I assume you have noticed that I don’t have ads popping up all over the place to interfere with your reading.
For my critics, let me be clear, I don’t work for anyone or any organization. I clearly have a bias, but it’s my own!
All previous weekly and monthly roundups can be found in our ‘blogging’ category by clicking here. Some of those roundups include discussions of how to find stuff at RRW. With over 7,700 posts archived here, it can be daunting to find information. Tip: Simplest way to find something is to type key words into the search window.
Thanks as always for your continued interest in this critical issue!