The system is rigged against Christian Syrians; UN chooses Sunni Muslims for US

We have told you about a zillion times that the United Nations is now choosing the majority of refugees admitted to the US and here is one more confirmation of that (if we needed it!).

Fillipo Grandi
Do you know who this is? This is Filippo Grandi, an Italian, the new UN High Commissioner for Refugees and he is deciding who will live in your towns!

Patrick Goodenough, a reporter at CNS News, tells us every month what the stats look like for the number of Syrians entering the US and what their ‘religious’ persuasion is and here is his June update which includes these few paragraphs well into the report.

Sunnis make up the vast majority of the refugees admitted to date – 5,099 (98.3 percent) of the 5,186.

The proportion of Syrian refugees admitted this year who are Christians – 0.38 percent – is much smaller than the roughly 10 percent of pre-war Syrians who were Christian.

Refugee advocacy groups say this anomaly is at least partly the result of the fact Christians among the fleeing Syrians are loathe to enter U.N. camps in surrounding countries for fear of their safety – something the U.N. refugee agency itself concedes is happening.

Because the U.N. refers applicants at the beginning of the process of seeking refugee status in the U.S., this may mean fewer Christians are referred in the first place.


Christians, Yazidis and Shi’a have been specifically targeted by the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL), in what the U.S. government has determined is a campaign of genocide.

So, we are taking the Sunni persecutors in to the US (makes sense! NOT!).
More here and see their excellent graph.

There is nothing in refugee law to stop the US State Department from seeking out Syrian Christians/minorities. It is simply that we are now being led by the nose by the United Nations!  (which we largely support with your money!)

Don't miss more on the Somali roving gang in Minneapolis suburb; Governor says love it or leave it

Remember these are Dayton’s refugees!

Yesterday our simple post just reiterating what happened earlier in June when a gang of Somali ‘youths’ began roaming through an upscale suburb not far from Minneapolis went through the roof in number of readers.  I expect that is because everyone was imagining what they would do if this situation happened where they live.

mark dayton
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton: If you don’t like all the Somalis in the state, find another state in which to live!

Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily has a few more details and as is his usual practice he goes into more detailed information reported in the past on refugees in Minnesota.  This is important because every day new people become aware of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and it is critical to bring those new readers up to speed.
One thing Hohmann reminded us of was the past statements by Minnesota’s governor who is ‘all-in’ for more refugees to be seeded into the state primarily because the refugees are needed for the meat packers and other industries looking to keep their labor costs low. They say they can’t find enough Americans to do the work—how about paying a higher wage!
But, why should they when the US State Department and groups like Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities bring them all the low-skilled (cheap) refugee labor they need. Those laborers are then given gobs of welfare to supplement their meager wages—-great business model isn’t it! You supplement their wages!
Here is Hohmann reminding us of Governor Dayton’s smack-down of concerned citizens last fall: You don’t want more Somalis in Minnesota then find another state!

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, a Democrat, has let it be known his commitment to the multicultural model, the same model followed by the European Union which is now breaking apart, is unwavering.

Last October, Dayton told those attending a town-hall meeting in St. Cloud that those Minnesotans not comfortable with the arrival of Syrian refugees and the state’s expanding Somali population “should find a new state” because Minnesota’s economy “cannot expand based on white, B+, native-born citizens. We don’t have enough.”

More here.
Want to blame someone? Follow the money!
I’m urging all of you attempting to resist further colonization (or a start-up seeding project) of your towns and cities to look to your politicians—follow the money, find out who their donors are!  This is not a project driven by ‘humanitarian compassion’ (that is what they want you to think!), but by cold hard cash on the part of some and a desire by others (Democrats) to expand their voter power base.

Breitbart: Wisconsin is (for now) the new TB capital of America

Michael Patrick Leahy has published one more investigative report on Tuberculosis in the US refugee population. Go to our ‘health issues’ category by clicking here to see his previous reports.
Here is the latest, hot off the presses this morning:

Twenty-seven recently resettled refugees were among the 117 cases of active tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed in Wisconsin in 2014 and 2015, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. That makes the Badger State the new refugee TB capital of the United States.

Will we soon have to mass produce up-dated posters like this one from the 1920s to alert the public in refugee resettlement target cities?

Wisconsin replaces Louisiana as the state with the most reported cases of active TB among recently resettled refugees in the country.

As Breitbart News has reported previously, twenty-one cases of active TB were diagnosed among recently resettled refugees in Louisiana between 2011 and 2015.

Six other states have reported recently resettled refugees have been diagnosed with active TB: Florida (eleven), Colorado (ten), Idaho (seven), Indiana (four), Kentucky (nine in one county), and North Dakota (four in one county).

Wisconsin may not be the actual leader, though. Only eight of the forty nine states that resettle refugees under the federal refugee resettlement program have responded to Breitbart News requests to provide this important public health data, which resettlement agencies are required by law to monitor and report in each state.

Lots more here!
One more HUGE example of the secrecy surrounding the Refugee Admissions Program in America!
Endnote: I’m going to ask again if anyone knows if volunteers working with the resettlement contractors are given any information on how to stay safe from health risks associated with refugees coming here directly from the third world.

If Syrians safely go home (to Syria!) today for EID, are they still legitimate refugees?

The answer of course is NO!  Legitimate refugees are people escaping persecution of one sort or another. Economic migrants and even people staying out of war zones are NOT real refugees!

syrian border
If Syrians move back and forth across Turkish/Syrian borders, are they really persecuted refugees fearing for their lives?

I’ve been remiss in not reporting this fantastic essay by two former US asylum judges in which they define very carefully the definition of a refugee (or legitimate asylum seeker)—a definition that we believe has been intentionally perverted so that anyone in the world on-the-move is considered a refugee.
Serious students of the Refugee Admissions Program must read ‘Blurred lines: Migrant vs. Refugee’ by the Hon. Mahlon F. Hanson and Hon. Elizabeth A. Hacker posted last month at the Immigration Reform Law Institute. (Hat tip: Joanne)
Then ask yourselves, if Syrians “return home” to Syria for the holidays are they truly refugees? Or, are they economic migrants using the conflict as an excuse to move up in the world (at your expense!).
From TRT World:

Thousands of Syrian refugees in Turkey are returning home to Syria to mark the Islamic festival of Eid al Fitr which commences Tuesday.

Turkey temporarily relaxed controls at the Cilvegozu border crossing in its south-eastern province of Hatay last week, allowing Syrians with foreigner cards—those issued to refugees—to pass into northern Aleppo.

The border will remain open till 5pm local time on July 5, the start of the three-day holiday. Syrians returning to Turkey are obliged to do so before July 8 or face being barred from the country.

Turkey regularly opens the border to allow Syrians to return home for Eid holidays.

Why does the political Left and open borders aficionados on both the Left and Right want everyone to be a REFUGEE?
First because refugees are eligible for all sorts of welfare/services.  They  are free to work in the country in which they have landed, they can bring in the extended family, and they will ultimately become citizens of the countries in which the UN places them.  Why the political Right doesn’t see that they will ultimately vote the R’s (in America, in Europe the Right gets it) out of office is beyond me.  But, it seems that the Republican supporters of Open Borders see the dollar signs as the refugees are ready cheap labor for their big donors and the R’s get to wear the white hat of humanitarianism as an added bonus!
Of course there are surely larger forces than some on the American Right and Left driving the No Borders movement worldwide, but who or what is doing that is beyond my understanding!
This post is archived in our ‘immigration fraud’ category (808 previous posts) among other places.

Minneapolis Somali 'youths' invade suburban neighborhood, threaten homeowners

I first read a story about this a couple of days ago and wondered if the scary incident involved Somalis, but the word ‘Somali’ was absent in the written account and it wasn’t until a reader, Dede, directed people to watch the video that we learned our first instincts were correct.
***Update*** More details at World Net Daily (Leo Hohman) here.
Update July 7th:  Primary victim of the rampage speaks, here.
I’m telling you, the lengths to which the media goes to hide the truth when it involves refugees of a certain ‘religious’ persuasion is stunning.  Why on earth leave the key piece of information people need out of the written news report!
Here is the story (do you see the word “Somali” in the text?). Now watch the video (this is a screen shot in case they remove this from the video).
Screenshot (43)
I guess we should be grateful that at least the broadcast version of the story used the ‘S’ word!
This should be on the national news!
Just envision this happening in your neighborhood!
How are Americans ever going to be prepared and proactive if we don’t even know what is happening in the next city, let alone the next state!  You know, I tell people in Maryland what is happening in Minnesota and they don’t believe me because they haven’t seen it on Fox News!  Ahhhhhh!
This is exactly what Phyliss Schlafly has pointed out here:  the second generation Muslim migrant to America isn’t assimilating!
For new readers: We probably have a hundred posts here at RRW on Minnesota as the state which has ‘welcomed’ thousands and thousands of Somali refugees.  Here is just one post from last year to help you get up to speed on ‘Little Mogadishu!’  Just remember! Somalis didn’t “make their way” to Minnesota, they were resettled there for two decades by the US State Department and three major contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and World Relief (additional contractors have moved in since).
The ‘youths’ harassing homeowners were born here or came as very small children!