Twin Falls, Idaho again! It has gotten worse! Now three refugee criminal arrests since June

When I asked two days ago, could it get any worse for Twin Falls, little did I know that a third criminal arrest had occurred in the ‘poster city’ for what a large refugee influx can do to your town.

College of Southern idaho
In an unusual arrangement, the College of Southern Idaho is the refugee contracting agency in Twin Falls. It is a subcontractor of USCRI, one of the nine major US State Department contractors. Learn more about USCRI here:

Here is the news from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart (the Eritrean was angry at the Bosnian! Isn’t diversity beautiful?):

A refugee from Eritrea was arrested on felony aggravated battery charges in Twin Falls, Idaho on July 28.

Mulugeta Zemu Mana, 32, told the presiding judge at his Twin Falls bond hearing, “The only guilt I have is the day I decided to come to this country.”

His alleged victim is another refugee, Samuel Gebreegziabher. The arresting officer, Dzevad Mustafic, was also a resettled refugee whose country of origin is Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both disagree with Mana’s claim of innocence.


The court provided a taxpayer-funded interpreter of Tingrinya, his native language, and common in Eritrea and neighboring Ethiopia. Mana told the judge he “didn’t care” if his bond was set as high as $100 million.

The judge obliged and set bond at $100 million.


This is the third public report of an arrest in a major crime in Twin Falls since June that involves Muslims who have been resettled in the community en-masse to take lower-wage jobs in the expanding agricultural industry.

I’ve only snipped a bit of the story because I want you to go read the whole thing!  Click here!
Will this dangerous refugee ever be deported?  I doubt it!  He will be the ward of the US taxpayer for life—either behind bars or on welfare.  We talk a lot about security screening for terrorism, but we wonder if any refugees are screened for mental health problems?
For new readers, see our ever expanding portfolio of stories about Twin Falls, Idaho here.

Comment worth noting: Ann is a right-wing nut job!

Editor:  Occasionally we post comments as posts so that you will be sure to see them.  This is a comment from Jon Lolliger in response to my recent post about Twin Falls, Idaho.

Right wing nut job
Stickers available at EBAY:

We will find you…..

Ann, it’s clear you’re a right-wing nut job, with racist, bigoted views about people who aren’t like you; i.e., from a different county [does he mean country?—ed], ethnic group, and religious beliefs. You’re a coward with paranoid delusions, spreading fear and hatred, and you hide behind your alleged blog because you’re afraid of criticism from people who don’t share your warped worldview. No matter, I can find out exactly where you live, and then you shouldn’t be surprised when people show up at your home in large numbers and take you to task for your un-Christian attitudes and views.

Thank you Mr. Lolliger for affirming that we are making progress!
See more comments worth noting (and guest posts) by clicking here.
P.S. Have been on the road for exactly 4 weeks today and have enjoyed every one of you who have graciously shown me around your troubled communities and introduced me to so many wonderful people working hard to save America, Christianity, and Western Civilization!