Invasion of Europe news……
We have been writing about George Soros’ role for years in directing and manipulating the worldwide refugee crisis, but now thanks to leaked e-mails (and one important memo, so far) we are seeing the extent of it. Soros is a power-hungry one-worlder who also likes money and I feel some sympathy for the refugees who are used as pawns and the naive do-gooders who think his interest and greedy global corporations’ interests are driven by humanitarianism. What a joke!

Here is the breaking news today at Drudge (from the Daily Caller):
A leaked memo from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society Foundations argues that Europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale.
OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review.” The memo focuses on an OSF program called the International Migration Initiative, which aims to influence immigration policy.
The nine-page review makes three key points: OSF — which doles out millions to left-wing causes — has been successful at influencing global immigration policy; Europe’s refugee crisis presents “new opportunities” for the organization to influence global immigration policy; and the refugee crisis is the “new normal.”
Continue reading here.
There is also a story at Breitbart, here, about Soros’ role in helping to improve the image of Somalis throughout Europe.
Click here for some of our earlier posts where we wrote about Soros’ advocacy work in Norway, Finland and Sweden on behalf of Somalis.
There is more here about other mega-wealthy businessmen who are in Soros’ camp looking to assure the free flow of cheap labor across borders everywhere. Their only impediment is you!
About the photo! Just think about it, those creeps (yes creeps) including David Miliband, the former BRITISH foreign secretary, are deciding the future of American states like Montana! (The IRC is about to open an office in Missoula.)
There is only one way to begin to try to save America from the inevitable fate facing Europe—help Donald Trump become the next President of the United States.