Ohio Somali slasher said he was angry because Buddhists in Burma mistreated Rohingya Muslims

So why is that our problem?

After all we admitted 18,000 Burmese Muslims to the US since 2006!

(Well, no one said this guy was brilliant after all!)

This is my fourth post of the day on how the Somali Islamic terrorist attack on Monday has inspired the news media in so many different directions.  See here, here, and here.

Buddhist monks in Burma in 2012 made it pretty clear they didn’t want the Muslim Rohingya in their country. Gee, maybe the Somali slasher story confirms why the Buddhists are so worried about devout Rohingya populating Burma.

This is a Reuters story that reports that the Ohio State Somali slasher had reached a “boiling point.”
One thing he was angry about was what he claims is happening to Rohingya Muslims in Burma. So, of course the logical conclusion is to go out and try to mow down American students with your car and slash as many of them as you can. (I’m going to bet his victims have no clue who the Rohingya are!).
But we do!
For over 8 years we have been trying to get the attention of some in government to question why we are bringing any Rohingya Muslims to the US. 
The Somali slasher should have thanked America because we have admitted over 18,000 of them to Anytown, US since 2006!  The devout Rohingya have been wandering all over Southeast Asia for years and frankly they can’t be screened any better than the Syrians because the Buddhist government in Burma or the Muslim government in Bangladesh have few records (if any!) on them.
I predict that some of the ‘stateless’ migrants in the Australia deal are actually Rohingya.
For inquisitive minds! We have an entire category devoted to the Rohingya with 192 previous posts, see here.  Don’t miss this early one where Time magazine warned that Rohingya were radicalized.
Here is what Reuters said of the Somali slasher’s motives for trying to kill his fellow students:


Investigators were looking into a message posted on Facebook by Artan that contained inflammatory statements about being “sick and tired” of seeing Muslims killed and reaching a “boiling point,” a law enforcement source said.

“Stop the killing of the Muslims in Burma,” Artan said in the Facebook post.

Violence in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, has sent Rohingya Muslims fleeing across the border to Bangladesh amid allegations of abuses by security forces.

I’m not going to rehash my Rohingya Reports archive. But, I do want to point you to this post from May 2013 in which we reported that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops testified to the US State Department that the Bishops wanted more Rohingya placed in America (I was there in person to hear this!—ed)

Looking at the data at Wrapsnet (Refugee Processing Center) for the last ten years we note that there was a drop in Burmese Muslim resettlement in 2010, 2011 and 2012, but the resettlement picked up dramatically again beginning in 2013.
289 Burmese Muslims were resettled in America in the first 6 weeks of this fiscal year.

To the incoming Trump team: It is not only Syrians who can’t be thoroughly vetted, the Burmese/Bangladeshi Rohingya can’t be either!

Greeley, CO: Refugee advocate worries about backlash against Somalis

Earlier I posted a news round-up of stories on the Somali refugee slasher, see it here.  Then I mentioned there are three (at least) other news stories I wanted to spend more time on.  I posted the first of those here.
And, this is the next one, from the Greeley Tribune.  The story is not about how citizens of Greeley are worried about an Islam-inspired attack there, but whether the Ohio State attack might cause some Americans to say nasty things about Somalis in Greeley. Sheesh.

I took this photo of JBS (previously Swift & Co) headquarters in Greeley, CO on my tour of meatpackers of America this past summer. JBS is a Brazilian-owned company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JBS_USA

Before I tell you the news from Greeley, know that we have an extensive archive on Greeley here at RRW going back years.

Greeley has a Somali refugee population because one of the largest FOREIGN-OWNED meatpackers (JBS) has lured them there to fill the company’s need for cheap legal immigrant labor.

Think about it! A foreign company gets to tap into cheap refugee labor (subsidized by welfare) and change your town forever!
Greeley Tribune (emphasis is mine):

After hearing of the attack at Ohio State University on Monday, Global Refugee Center Executive Director Erich Strehl’s first thoughts were for the victims. [Sure!—ed] Eleven were injured when Somali-born student Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into students and then stabbed many others.

But Strehl’s mind quickly turned [I bet it did!—ed] to Artan’s Somalian heritage and the impact that could have on the community he serves in Greeley, a community already on edge after a contentious election season.

“I thought it was an unfortunate event to have happened at any time, but particularly now with the way things are in the United States with refugees and the program that resettles them,” Strehl said.

Erich Strehl of the Global Refugee Center in Greeley shills for BIG MEAT. Does he understand that? http://www.grccolorado.org/


For the past several years, 100-200 Somalian refugees have taken up residence in Greeley. After a period of time, refugees are no longer tracked, free to go anywhere just like any American, Strehl said. So pinpointing an exact number of Somalian refugees in Greeley or Evans at any one time is difficult. There’s no indication any Somalian-born residents in northern Colorado have violent intentions, as the Ohio State student did. Strehl said attacks like the one at Ohio State serve to terrorize those in the Somali-American community as much as any other American. [The Islamist terrorist at Ohio State had shown no violent intentions either before he went on the murderous rampage on Monday!—ed]

“If anyone gets reprisal outside of the localized incident it would be those who have similarities to the individual carrying it out,” Strehl said.

Although Strehl hasn’t heard specifically of verbal or physical attacks against local Somalian refugees, he knows there is uncertainty and concern in the community. It was that way when Donald Trump became president-elect, particularly among Muslim refugees.

“The concern has only been heightened, particularly in this last attack,” Strehl said.


“We did communicate with local police and even the FBI,” Strehl said. “There didn’t seem to be any known threat against refugees here.”

This last is about making sure that they firmly implant the idea that the victims here are Somali refugees!

For more at the Greeley Tribune story, click here.
When you visit our Greeley archive, don’t miss Greeley’s role in the formation of radical Islamic thinking! As they populate Greeley you can be sure the Islamic supremacist thinkers get a great chuckle out of that fact!
Also, we had written so much about Greeley and Swift a number of years ago, we had a separate category just for the on-going controversy there—-the epicenter of conflicts over Muslim demands for special accommodation in the workplace.  Click here.

What do nine bloody attacks in 18 months have in common?

See Hohmann’s new book, out in January 2017. https://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Invasion-Conquest-Immigration-Resettlement-ebook/dp/B01N54E18S

Just now I posted some of the news generated by the Ohio State Somali slasher attack two days ago. But, I still have three other news reports that are connected with the Islam-inspired attack that I want to say more about.
This is the first…..
Don’t miss Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily where he tells us there is a connection between nine violent attacks carried out on American soil in the last 18 months.

Law enforcement, from the local level on up to the FBI, said they did not know what could have motivated the young Muslim student to act in such a premeditated, violent way against his fellow students on a chilly Tuesday morning in Columbus.

Artan, an 18-year-old freshman at OSU, had immigrated from his native Somalia through Pakistan, arriving in Columbus at the invitation of the U.S. government, which considered him a “refugee.”

But the media failed to connect any of the dots with a host of similar attacks on U.S. soil, let alone the even larger number of strikingly similar attacks in Europe committed by migrants from Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Go to World Net Daily where Hohmann connects the dots and see the list of nine violent attacks in the US!  What do they have in common?
An aside: Every time one of the Islam-inspired killers goes on a rampage (showing Islam’s violent propensities), I wonder if the Islamists who are working day and night to take us over through immigration, through the Hijra (detailed in Hohmann’s new book), are furious at the punk with no patience.

News roundup: More Somali Slasher news

See our post yesterday on the Islamic terror attack at Ohio State.
I thought it would be useful this morning to give you a smorgasbord of news reports about the Ohio State Somali refugee terrorist attack.  One thing you gotta laugh about is how quickly the Somali community and its supporters turn to the victim card.
First check out Michael Patrick Leahy’s detailed investigative report on how he ‘made his way’ to Ohio at Breitbart:

Catholic Charities Resettled Ohio State’s Somali Attacker

Then here are many more stories directly related or where the Islamic-inspired slasher attack is used as a news hook:

Will Trump and Republicans finally shut down suicidal Somali immigration?

Somali community fears backlash after Ohio State attack

OSU Students Let Somalis Know They’re Welcome On Campus