Up next! Niagara Falls to become 'welcoming' refugee resettlement site

We learned months ago that the US State Department had been secretly assessing the feasibility of 47 new sites in which to place some of Obama’s last wish—110,000 refugees for America in FY2017.
Those 47 would presumably be in addition to the 110-200 listed here. (oops! The State Department’s Refugee Processing Center has taken down some of the handiest links we could previously access. Sure hope it is just temporary and not a further effort to keep information from the general public.)

Seneca Niagara Casino needs workers, so Niagara Falls will get a refugee office. Starting wages must be too low to attract Americans! I wonder who owns this Casino? No time to find out right now….

Because there is no published list of new sites we can only assume that is because the federal government and its contractors do not want to tip off any citizens who might object.
We have been listing all those we learn about (see list below).
But here is the latest news on Niagara Falls from Buffalo News.
The Jewish resettlement contractor says there are jobs there for refugees—what as waiters, maids and janitors in hotels catering to tourists?

As many as 50 refugees from one of the world’s troubled spots are likely to resettle in Niagara Falls next year as Jewish Family Service of Buffalo and Erie County expands its services northward. [It is just the beginning, the numbers will increase each year and there is no stopping it once a contractor has set up shop.—ed]

The U.S. State Department recently approved Jewish Family Service’s application to begin refugee resettlement in the Cataract City [nickname—ed], said Marlene A. Schillinger, the local group’s president and CEO.

Jewish Family Service will be the first refugee resettlement agency working in Niagara Falls, and Schillinger said it makes sense to do so.

“There’s capacity for this in Niagara Falls,” she said. “There are employment opportunities.”

Many refugees who have resettled in Buffalo have taken jobs at the Seneca Niagara Casino, and Jewish Family Service hopes some of the new arrivals who settle in Niagara Falls will do the same.

Jewish Family Service has been working with Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster and the Niagara Falls School District to prepare for the refugees’ arrival.

“You can’t just plop people down there,” said Peter Scott, career services program manager at Jewish Family Service, who will supervise the new operation.

They say the community is all fine with it! Does the community even know?

Democrat Mayor Paul Dyster supports the arrival of the federal refugee resettlement program to Niagara Falls. See his bio here: http://www.dyster.com/

And despite fears that refugees from Syria might be a terror threat, “we have not had any pushback from the community,” Scott said. “And there’s certainly an economic benefit.”

Dyster could not be reached for comment, but Schillinger and Scott said the mayor has been supportive, hoping a refugee influx in Niagara Falls could revitalize neighborhoods and stem falling population, just as it has in Buffalo.


Fewer refugees have arrived in America recently from Burma, the destination that has been the source of a majority of Buffalo’s refugee influx in the past 15 years. But Burma remains one of the top five home countries for refugees moving to the U.S., along with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Iraq and Somalia.

One thing the good citizens can be sure of is that the refugees will most likely be Muslims from Iraq, Syria and Somalia.  Even with the Burmese, large numbers now arriving are Burmese Muslims (which won’t make the Burmese Christians living there very happy!).  Just so you know, only a handful from DR Congo are Muslims.  However, Niagara Falls officials need to know they will get a mix of refugees and they don’t get to choose their favorite ethnic groups.
You should know that this Jewish agency is a subcontractor of the major federal resettlement contractor Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

New sites!

Here are some of the new sites being chosen by the US State Department (that we know of!).  We are adding Niagara Falls, NY. If anyone there is interested in learning more, check out our ‘Ten Things Your Town Needs to Know‘ by clicking here.
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted as a primary resettlement site!)
Charleston, WV (expansion of what was a very small program)
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Poughkeepsie, NY
Wilmington, DE
Watertown, NY (maybe)
Youngstown, OH (maybe)
Storm Lake, Iowa
Niagara Falls, NY

Southern Poverty Law Center wants to silence James Simpson now because….

….the SPLC has got to keep the donations flowing in (they have fat salaries to pay)!

Many of you are familiar with author/investigator James Simpson and may even have read his monograph that followed mine at the Center for Security Policy.


A prolific writer and speaker, Simpson travels to many towns and cities to explain to the public how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program works.  This week he is scheduled to speak in Michigan, but the Southern Poverty Law Center would be all too happy to shut him down with their usual name-calling strategy—don’t like the message, call it racist, bigoted, Islamophobic and scare the audience away.
Here is Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily telling us what all the fuss is about in Trump country—Michigan!

It doesn’t take much to get one’s self branded a racist in Michigan these days.

Donald Trump pulled off an upset win in the state that has gone Democrat in the previous two presidential elections, but that hasn’t stopped the entrenched establishment from demonizing those who hold Trump-like views on immigration.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is teaming up with local Detroit media to paint a Maryland-based journalist as an anti-Muslim “extremist” and “Islamophobe” simply because he has produced fact-based research on the U.S. government’s refugee resettlement program.

James Simpson has been invited to speak at the annual Business Roundtable Breakfast in Oakland County, one of several counties in Michigan that have been pummeled with refugees from the Middle East over the last eight years of the Obama administration.

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, who won re-election in a landslide on Nov. 8, has been a vocal critic of the refugee program, threatening to sue the administration for violating the Refugee Act of 1980. Under Obama, the feds have distributed thousands of refugees into Oakland County without advance notice to Patterson and other local government officials. Once the federal month that follows the refugees runs out, Oakland County taxpayers are left holding the bag for the education and welfare of the refugees.

But the SPLC’s attack stance has now frightened away one of the Roundtable event’s main sponsors, the Fifth Third Bank.

SPLC is the same organization that tried to label former GOP presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson an “extremist” only to remove the post from its website and apologize after an intense nationwide backlash in 2015.


But the newest source of the media-made controversy in Michigan is Simpson, author of the 2015 book “The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.”

Simpson has been invited by Patterson to speak at the annual economic forum on Dec. 1. Simpson is a research fellow at Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. The SPLC was used as the source of the negative stories about Simpson that appeared in the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit Metro Times.

There is a lot of important information in Hohmann’s article, continue reading here.
If you missed it, see SPLC calls yours truly a top anti-Muslim extremist here.
Once again it is about money!
The ‘non-profit’ SPLC rakes in millions every year by scaring people with tactics like these.
If they made reasoned arguments about why we are wrong about the UN/US Refugee Program and why mass immigration is good for America (and American workers!), for instance, they simply couldn’t make enough money to pay the fat salaries  (Form 990 page 8) they pay their executives and staff.

This is from their 2014 Form 990. Notice the last line in my screenshot. They have 21 employees making over $100,000 a year so they need to haul in a lot of money each year! http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2015/630/598/2015-630598743-0ca6eda4-9.pdf

One more thing!
Order your advance copy of Hohmann’s book to be released in January 2017 (see the SPLC rage!):

Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad

News roundup: what you might have missed over the holiday weekend

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving 2016 with family and friends and are now rested and ready to continue the revolution to make America great again!
While you were away, I posted what I think are very important stories, and because I want to be sure you got them all (some of you reported that you didn’t get my post on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (9/11 mastermind) telling interrogators that the Islamists plan to take over America by immigration and out-breeding us), I’m listing here a series of posts I wrote since the day you got in the car (or on a plane) to head to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving!

Grassley and Goodlatte blast Obama Admin on secret Australian ‘refugee’ deal

Not good: Nikki Haley to be Trump Ambassador to United Nations

Australian press thinks its unlikely US will take rejected ‘refugees’ off their hands

9/11 Mastermind says the goal of Al-Qaeda is to takeover America through immigration

Trump has power to stop refugee flow, will he also slow flow of our $$$ to UN?

Maine immigration lawyer: we are too old and too white!

Migrants looking for economic opportunity and running from gangs/violence are NOT refugees

We should all be Geert Wilders, use your free speech while you have it!

German court: Syrian ‘refugees’ may not be refugees by definition

Lancaster County, PA refugee economic study is misleading

Students at William and Mary pushing for refugee resettlement for Williamsburg, VA

Turkey threatens to unleash millions of Syrian Muslims on Europe (again)

Cut the crap! Australia ‘refugee’ deal is about the Australian public not wanting any more Muslim migrants

Sorry (to those of you who look for it), I didn’t get around to a weekly round-up of top posts again this past week, but will do a round-up for the month of November later this week. By the way, if you haven’t noticed there is a right hand sidebar here at RRW entitled Top Posts where the posts being most read over the last day or so are listed. There is a really old post about the Clintons and Podesta trending for some reason.