Not only on the Refugee Admissions front (see my previous post), but obviously fearing powerful Islamists, the US State Department has convinced the wobbling White House to not name the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily yesterday:
President Trump has decided not to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization, at least for now, according to published reports citing pressure from the U.S. State Department and the King of Jordan.

Anonymous sources told the Washington Times that the administration “backed down from a plan to designate the Brotherhood” after an internal State Department memo advised against it.
The State Department’s argument – put forth in a memo to the White House – comes down to a belief that there is actually more than one Brotherhood and that one side is not as bad as the other because it works through democratic processes in the Middle East, the Washington Times reports.
Yet, it’s always been known that the Brotherhood operates on multiple levels.
According to scholar Martin Kramer, the Muslim Brotherhood from its early days had “a double identity.”
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., one of the earliest advocates of banning the Brotherhood in the U.S., describes it as “the mother lode of global terrorism.” She told WND President Trump is unlikely to be successful in defeating Islamic terror without confronting the head of the snake.
“It is the umbrella organization from which all terrorism flows because the Brotherhood’s goal is global Islamic rule,” Bachmann told WND. “It’s no coincidence that every terrorist act stems from the same Muslim Brotherhood motivation: Global governance under Islamic Shariah law.”
Phil Haney, former Homeland Security officer and co-author of the whistleblower book “See Something Say Nothing,” said it’s no coincidence that the State Department is heading up the opposition to declaring the Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
“It’s the same shallow argument we’ve been hearing for years,” Haney said. “We refuse to take them at face value and ask what do they, themselves, say they intend to do? This is willful blindness if you can’t take the Muslim Brotherhood at face value. This is part of the swamp that needs to be drained.”
Indeed, two months in to the new Administration and we see little effort being made to drain the swamp as we told you here earlier this morning.
Continue reading here for the 13 reasons why the Muslim Brotherhood is dangerous for America and the world.
Surely not lost on readers here at RRW is the fact that in order to advance the caliphate the MB needs people—migrants/Muslim refugees—placed in communities large and small throughout America.