RRW monthly round-up for March 2017

The most important news I have this morning is that I am taking a short break.  As of my ‘Muslim Brotherhood supported by Trump State Department‘ post two days ago, I have written 8,402 posts since 2007 and I need some time off right now!

I’m mentioning the number of posts because I have so many new readers and some ask me to get them up-to-speed on the issue, and frankly I can’t do that.
It’s up to you to research posts I have written.
Start with Frequently Asked Questions linked at the top of this page (sorry fact sheet is out of date).  You can use the categories in the drop-down in the left hand column or tags at the end of individual stories.
And, the search function here at wordpress is very good, so use a few key words in the search window.
LOL! I also have new readers referring to my “organization” or to my “staff.”  There is no organization and no staff, just me and this blog!
When I take a break now for a week or two (unless there is some earth-shattering news), I urge you to follow me on twitter (my twitter feed @Refugee Watcher is also in the right hand side column of this blog and I tweet much more news than I could possibly write about), or follow my facebook group page, here, and in the left hand column of this blog page.
I’ll be updating the ‘Refugee Admission Numbers’ in the right hand side bar during my break.
Also, although there are many good writers who are writing about the refugee program, you should follow especially Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review, Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, Pamela Geller at The Geller Report, and Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish. Others?
So, as I do at the beginning of some months, here are the Top Three Posts of last month:

Church World Service announced yesterday that it is launching anti-Trump campaign (to raise $$$)

Hawaii: Muslim Brotherhood-backed imam dictating US refugee policy

“Battle of Rotterdam” on eve of historic election in the Netherlands

All weekly and monthly roundups are archived in my ‘blogging’ category, here.
Oh, and one more thing, wordpress seems to dump subscribers from time to time.  I don’t control those e-mails that come directly to you each time I post.  I recommend that you simply visit RRW every day or so and see what is new, and, for now, while I am taking a break, to use the blog as a research tool as described above.
p.s. Although I don’t say it enough, your gifts and notes of thanks are gratefully received.