Can we call Minnesota Somali Measles outbreak an epidemic yet?

Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart has been doing great work digging in to the Minnesota Somali measles outbreak which we first reported here on April 20th.
Health officials in Minnesota predict it is going to get worse before it gets better and you can bet it is costing the state taxpayers a bundle to track and treat.

Kris Ehresmann is director of the Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division at the Minnesota Department of Health. Photo:

Did you know that Measles was considered eradicated in the US in 2000?  I didn’t!
New cases are coming in with the new immigrants, most likely the refugee flow that Trump has not curtailed!
Here is Leahy yesterday:

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announced on Friday afternoon that the number of confirmed cases of measles in the state has now increased to 44, three more than had been confirmed 24 hours ago, and ten more than had been confirmed 48 hours ago.

Of the 44 total cases, 41 are in Hennepin County, two are in Ramsey County, and one is in Crow Wing County.

Forty-two are “confirmed to be unvaccinated.” Two “had 2 doses of MMR.”

Forty-three of the cases are “in children ages 0 through 10 years,” while there is “1 case in an adult.”

MDH reports that “38 of the cases are Somali Minnesotan.”


“Once measles begins to spread in unvaccinated populations, it can be very difficult to stop,” Kris Ehresmann, director of infectious disease control for MDH, said in the statement.

“We would not be surprised if we saw additional cases in other parts of the state where there are clusters of unvaccinated people before this is over,” Ehresmann added.


“Measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. in 2000, but it is still common in other parts of the world. Ehresmann noted that Europe is currently experiencing a significant measles outbreak. [Gee, I wonder why?—-ed]

Continue reading here.

So where have Trump’s Somalis been placed in Minnesota?

When trying to figure out the source of the initial case of Measles in the state, the first group to be analyzed should be refugees admitted to the US in recent months! 
As we have reported on many occasions, the US State Department and DHS do not weed-out sick refugees.
The Minnesota Department of  Health should find out which Somalis entered the state within the disease’s incubation period.  Of course they will have trouble finding out who is ‘just visiting’ since there is no travel ban in place and as far as I know there is no way to track those who get in as visitors.  And, never forget, Somali, so-called refugees, are traveling back and forth to Africa all the time (so much for fearing persecution!).
For your edification, here (below) is where 193 new Somali refugees were placed in Minnesota since President Trump was inaugurated.
Overall (as of today, May 6th) Trump has welcomed 1,394 Somalis since inauguration day. Minnesota is the number one state, but as we reported here, some placed in other states pack up quickly to get to Minnesota as ‘secondary migrants’ to join their own kind of people and avail themselves of the more generous welfare that they get in MN.
(I am having trouble with screen shots these days, so forgive the lousy shots below).
From Wrapsnet:

For new readers, we have 328 previous posts in our ‘Health Issues’ category, click here to learn more about the many diseases, parasites, and mental health issues involving the refugee flow to America. You will see that TB is an especially big problem in the refugee flow.

RRW monthly roundup for the month of April 2017

It was a slow posting month for me here at RRW due to pressing family and farm responsibilities, so you may have noticed my usual (self-imposed) goal of writing three posts a day has gone by the wayside (until today).

Does Trump even know what is going on in the Dept. of State? For that matter, without an Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, does Rex Tillerson even know?

And, frankly, as my garden beckons, I’m feeling pretty disgusted at the way the Trump Administration is unfolding.
I can only speak on the issue of refugees, but honestly he is dropping the ball.  His defenders, like ‘Nancy’ here, can continue to make excuses about the various roadblocks the Left is throwing in his way, but he isn’t even speaking up about how they are rolling him on refugees from terror-producing parts of the world or showing any outward sign of fighting back.
Let’s hope I will be proven wrong and that much is going on behind the scenes, but I wonder…..
Does he even know what is happening?
This is going to be a quick update, I really just want readers to know what the Top Three Posts of the month were.
I also want to emphasize again that there are 8,428 posts here at RRW and I’m going to have to leave it to you, if  you are seriously interested, to mine that information.  ‘Nancy’ in a follow-up e-mail suggested I write something simple for beginners to catch up, but short of Frequently Asked Questions in the header, it is pretty hard to re-cap nearly ten years of writing. And, I don’t want to bore longtime readers to death saying the same things over and over.
As I have told you often in these monthly updates, like this one, use RRW’s search window with a few key words, read every day and eventually you will catch on.
And, I don’t say it enough. My heartfelt thanks for contributions readers send.  I see those as confirmation that my work is useful to you.

Here were the Top Three Posts for the month of April:

Pence in Australia: Sure! We will be taking over 1,000 illegal aliens now held in Australian detention

Trump Department of State supports the Muslim Brotherhood, White House caves

7,000 Africans made it to Europe over the Easter weekend as invasion heats up

Thanks for reading RRW! Follow me on twitter @RefugeeWatcher!  I’ve been trying to educate people with a few tweets headed with the phrase: “Finding facts!”
All of my weekly and monthly updates are tagged ‘Refugee Resettlement Watch.’ Or, you can find them in the category called ‘blogging’ here.

Despicable USA Today says refugee numbers plummet under Trump, but were silent when Obama monthly numbers were low

It is so maddening to see how the Leftwing Open borders media spins the news!
Here USA Today trumpets:

Refugee admissions plummet under Trump, USA TODAY analysis finds

Before you even read their analysis, look at this chart we posted two days ago showing monthly admissions for the last ten years.  We pointed out that at this point in the fiscal year (the end of April) we actually admitted more refugees than we did in that period for the last ten years. See also this morning’s numbers report.
Trump is on target (we are unhappy to say) to bring in just slightly less than the average number for the previous ten years, but you would never know that from reading the mainstream media!

Kay Bellor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services told USA Today: “The statements from this administration about refugees are shocking to me…It’s language I’ve never heard used with refugees…” Photo:

See the chart that comes directly from the US State Dept. data below:
Notice that Obama had a month (FY2014) at 1,810 (did USA Today trumpet a plummet?)
Notice that Obama had two very low months in FY11, 2,034 and 2,190 (did USA Today trumpet a plummet?)
Notice that Obama had many months where the numbers were in the 3,000s. (did USA Today trumpet a plummet?)
And, don’t miss the fact that Obama, in many years did not reach his ‘ceiling’ and in fact never set one anywhere near 110,000 until he was on his way out of office!
Indeed, if Trump keeps his present pace he will exceed Obama’s years of FY11 and FY12.
Notice that George W. Bush’s numbers were in the 2,000s and 3,000s for many months.

Now here is how USA Today begins its story:

The number of refugees arriving in the United States has dropped sharply this year because of President Trump’s threats to bar their entry, even though his order for a total 120-day ban has been blocked twice by federal courts, a USA TODAY analysis of government figures shows.

The U.S. accepted 2,070 refugees in March, the lowest monthly total since 2013, according to State Department data. April ended with 3,316 refugees admitted, the second-lowest total since 2013.

The lying sacks only went back to 2013 where they could find a number that works for them, but how did they manage to overlook October 2014?
Read to the very end of the story and see what Mark Krikorian had to say.  And, USA Today finally does get to the crux of the matter—-the contractors are worried about their cash flow if Trump does follow-through and cap resettlement at 50,000.
The big test for Trump comes in September when he sets the level for FY18 and we will be watching.
BTW, there used to be “scoping meetings” in May (held by the US State Dept) to ask the public what the numbers and nationalities should look like for the upcoming fiscal year.  We will be watching to see if Tillerson’s DOS goes back to that practice.  The Obama Administration curtailed  those meetings in its final years because they really didn’t want to hear what the general public had to say!

Trump has admitted 13,224 refugees since January 20th, 5,135 since supposed moratorium began

And, Syrians, Iraqis and Somalis arrive by the thousands…..
I know I am sounding like a broken record! But….

They (Syrians) aren’t going back at all! Trump is admitting more Syrians every day!

We have not forgotten that Donald Trump announced earlier this year that on March 16th a 120-day moratorium on all refugee resettlement would commence for the purpose of assessing how well we are screening refugees. (That was ALL, across the board and not just the so-called banned countries).
Then the courts intervened to stop a completely unnecessary Executive Order on the matter and the Administration tucked its tail, and continues admitting refugees as if nothing was ever said (before or after the Presidential campaign).
Here are the numbers this morning:
Since FY2017 began on October 1, 2016, we have admitted 43,241 refugees, and are on target to have a slightly below average admissions year, as I reported  here.  However, we have admitted more refugees at this point in the fiscal year than any year in the previous ten.
Since Inauguration Day on January 20th, Donald Trump has admitted 13,224 refugees.  Including:

Afghanistan (340)

Iraq (1,599)

Somalia (1,394)

Sudan (303)

Syria (1,534)

And, since the day the moratorium was supposed to begin to assess security screening (March 16th), Trump welcomed 5,135.
Here (from Wrapsnet) is where  the 1,534 Syrians were placed from January 20th up to this morning:

Alaska and Hawaii got zero.

This post is filed in our ‘Trump Watch’ category, click here.

At this point in the fiscal year, more refugees have entered US in FY2017 than in any of the previous ten years

Trump is on target to beat Obama numbers in two of O’s fiscal years!

There are some fascinating statistics at the Refugee Processing Center for those of you interested in getting the facts.
Below is a screenshot graph at Wrapsnet showing this year and ten previous fiscal years.  It doesn’t yet include the month of April, but checking that number separately I found we admitted 3,316 in April.  So add that to the 39,098 on the chart (for the end of March) we see that we are now up to 42,414. That is the highest number for this time in the fiscal year (FY17 ends on September 30th) than in any of the previous ten fiscal years.

If Trump reaches the 60,000 refugee admissions mark (900 a week would get him there), for the remainder of fiscal year, he will have surpassed Obama admissions in FY11 and FY12!

I especially want to direct your attention to the column for ceiling and the one for actual admissions.
Note that we never reach the ceiling (although Obama came awfully close in his last year as he was driven to admit thousands of Syrian Muslims).
See that Obama never set a ceiling anywhere 110,000 until his final months in office. Why?
The average admissions in the previous ten years is around 66,000 and if Trump’s State Department does bring in 900 a week as they said they would, here, then Trump will admit just over 60,000 this fiscal year bypassing his supposed reset of the ceiling to 50,000.
If Trump reaches the 60,000 mark he will have surpassed Obama admissions in FY11 and FY12!  I don’t remember any crying and moaning, or Obama bashing, in the media from the federal refugee contractors in those years.

Here is the chart.
Remember the ceiling is just that—a ceiling! Nothing in refugee law says the President must bring in that number!
The chart has not been updated for April yet. However, looking up data separately, we admitted 3,316 refugees last month. So if you tally up the columns you will see that as of the end of April (7 months in to the fiscal year), we have admitted more refugees, at this point in the year, than any of the previous ten fiscal years.

Since Inauguration day (as of today), Donald Trump’s Dept. of State has admitted 12,594 refugees. 43% of those are Muslim refugees from Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and even Burma (406 are Rohingya Muslims).