I think it has dawned on them that the Supreme Court, in writing refugee law, has just exploded the decades-long concept that a ceiling is a CEILING. Here they predict that it will be a refugee free-for-all for months to come. Effectively they are saying there is NO ceiling (no longer even Obama’s 110,000) in place at least until October!
I was interested to see that Eric Schwartz is back…..
From Bloomberg:
The refugee ban will actually add more refugees.

Trump used his power to reduce refugee entries for the current fiscal year to 50,000 from the target of 110,000 set by President Barack Obama. But the number of refugees who enter the U.S. is likely to end up higher. Under the Supreme Court’s June 26 ruling, refugees who have “bona fide” ties to the country may be admitted, and they don’t count as part of the cap.
Immigration advocates say that more than half of all refugees admitted each year have such ties. So even though the U.S is just days away from hitting the 50,000 figure, many more refugees may be entering the country while the 120-day ban is in effect.
“In all likelihood, I would expect we would end up with more than 50,000 this year,” said Eric Schwartz, president of Refugees International and former assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration. “Once we get to 50,000 there will inevitably be some number of refugees that meet the ‘bona-fide’ test and if the administration monkeys around with that by trying to slow down approvals, then they’ll be in violation of the court decision.”
More here. So you can tell where they are going with this…
We haven’t written much about Refugees International in the last few years (ever since Ken Bacon of Clinton/Lewinsky/Linda Tripp fame died while heading this organization).
We have written several important posts on Soros groupie Schwartz, see here.
This post is filed in my new category, ‘Supreme Court’ which will include all posts related to the decision handed down last week.