No time to read it, but thought you should know this new General Accountability Office (GAO) study came out yesterday in Washington. Let me know if you see anything useful!
My experience with past GAO studies on the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is that, other than media like RRW which could use their findings to confirm a point we have made, they result in not much change in the actual operation of the the program.
Maybe I will be surprised this time.
Click here: (there will be a place to click for the full report).
By the way, if you have never looked at it, I have a whole category entitled: ‘where to find information.’ This post is archived there.
The vote could still come this week, but faces an uphill challenge as groups like the ACLU oppose attempts to save little girls from torture because it goes against their politics as reported at WGME 13:
The ACLU is against the bill saying it’s “nothing more than an attempt to single out behavior that is commonly attributed to certain religious and ethnic communities.”
Leo Hohmann at WND on Sunday, gives us a full accounting of the situation. The key takeaway is that AG Jeff Sessions is not turning a blind eye to the barbaric practice as did his immediate predecessors—Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.
Female genital mutilation is a form of human trafficking that Maine legislators are currently choosing to allow in their state, say child advocates.
Lewiston is the epicenter of the Somali community. Catholic Charities is responsible for their arrival in Maine. See my huge Maine archive here:
Maine will try again on Aug. 2 to become the 25th state to ban the barbaric Third World practice that involves cutting the genitals of young girls.
Liz Yore is an attorney who has served as general counsel to child welfare agencies and a former member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited children. As an international child advocate, she said she never thought she would see such a gruesome practice taking root in America, preying on its defenseless little girls.
Yet, it’s been a struggle to get some lawmakers to see the necessity of passing state bans on the FGM.
The fickle nature of the federal FGM ban, adopted in 1996, was exposed for all to see under President Obama – his Department of Justice under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch simply closed its eyes to female genital mutilation, never prosecuting a single case.
That lack of interest in a form of torture on young girls persisted even though the evidence is now breaking open, thanks to a federal investigation in Detroit launched by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
What Sessions’ staff is discovering is that it’s not just Minnesota and Michigan that are at risk. There’s a secret underground of at least eight states involved.
Maine has been identified as one of the eight “high risk” states, largely because of its large population of Somali refugees. More than 97 percent of women in Somalia have had their genitals mutilated by the time they reach adulthood. The numbers are similar in Egypt, Sudan and Indonesia.
And, on this last point above about where the barbaric practice is carried out, do not believe the lie being spread in many media outlets that it is mostly practiced by an obscure sect in India!
Here is my FGM archive. You will see that FGM hotspots correlate with the top refugee resettlement states.
Every time I see news about Tesla’s new cars, I am reminded of the R & P Abstract for FY16 for Reno, Nevada where refugee contractor, USCRI, cited Elon Musk’s nearby soon-to-be-built battery factory as a source of employment for refugees to be placed in their new resettlement site—Reno.
Wearing his white hat of humanitarianism, or fearing loss of workers? Musk not happy with Trump EO on refugees:
I told you about that abstract here. This is the segment where the refugee resettlement contractor (one of nine***) assures the US State Department that there are work opportunities for refugees including at the new “Gigafactory” Musk was building on the desert nearby.
Employment Services:
The Reno-Sparks economy is well known for its hospitality and leisure sector, with seven large casino-hotels employing 9,500-13,000 people. It is also home to the University of Nevada, the single largest employer in the county (after the school district), employing over 4,500 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). The Truckee Meadows Community College also employs 1,250 educators and staff. Two major hospitals (Renown and St Mary’s) and other large healthcare providers in the areas employ over 3,500 healthcare professionals, technicians, and staff. The location – four hours by highway to San Francisco, and seven hours to Salt Lake City – is also logistics hub, hosting many warehousing and fulfillment establishments including UPS (1,000 employees), and (650 employees). Tesla is slated to open its “Gigafactory” outside of Sparks in 2017. By 2020, the Gigafactory will be at full capacity, employing 6,500 FTEs and producing more lithium ion batteries annually (for electric cars, for example) than were produced worldwide in 2013.
Here is a very cool website showing the construction of the monster Gigafactory showing its speedy construction from June 2016 to July 2017. It reminds us of the speed with which the Chobani Yogurt plantwas built in Idaho that is now a consumer of refugee labor. (Investigative reporter alert! There is a story in Nevada beyond the refugee aspect!)
Frankly, hiring refugees is a great business model. First, salaries can be kept low because refugee families are subsidized by US taxpayers (housing, food stamps, medicaid) and refugees can hardly complain because they are captive workers who can’t easily go home or easily move elsewhere (Somalis are the exception).
Then here is a news account from the Record-Courierabout refugees arriving in the Reno area citing FedEx, Costco and Tesla among the companies ‘helping’ refugees.
For new readers…..
***The Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers?paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities are below. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.
The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”
If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again!
These federal contractors act as employment agencies for big companies in need of low-skilled workers and that is why the Republican establishment is loathe to abolish or reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/globalist head hunters from the process.