Holy cow! Look at this! Who knew we were making such headway in getting our messages out!
Fascinating isn’t it how times have changed and the Leftists and Wall Street are on the same side!
I told you here that the SPLC and ProPublica had teamed up to ‘out’ us, but look at this NBC story about the payola the SPLC and the ADL are getting from those giant global corporations.
And, folks, this is about one issue only (not hate speech! not Charlottesville!), but IMMIGRATION.
Immigration and its consequent demographic change is the biggest issue of our times (see Steyn).

These globalists and big banks need the free flow of cheap migrant labor (and immigrant consumers) to be able to move freely across borders. (And the SPLC and ADL are actually aiding in supplying that slave labor!)
Thus they are silencing anyone explaining to the American public about why unfettered immigration is not good for America—economically and culturally.
This is about MONEY for the rich, straight up!
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — JPMorgan Chase is fighting back against hate groups by donating $1 million to nonprofits that expose extremists.
The nation’s largest bank announced on Monday that it is giving $1 million to be split equally by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.
The donations are part of an effort to address “deep divisions” in the U.S. following a violent white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia this month, the bank said.

Last week, Apple CEO Tim Cook similarly announced plans to donate $1 million each to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.
21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch, the son of Rupert Murdoch, also pledged $1 million to the ADL.
I know none of us have the money to fight back in a big way, but in your own small way, you can dump Apple, your JP Morgan bank acct/credit card and maybe it is time to give up Fox News (if you haven’t already).
P.S. And, as we have said many times on these pages remember that both Tyson Foods and Chobani Yogurt are always on the lookout for more refugee laborers!