Maine: Battle over female genital mutilation bill raging

Diversity is beautiful alert!

This is one of those great ‘fun’ political debates you will get to have once the population of Muslims, mostly from East Africa, ‘find their way’ to your state. 
Maine, especially Lewiston, is the Somali capital of the East!
The story at the Press Herald is long and detailed, but what you might see as a ‘no brainer’—-making it illegal to subject anyone to this form of abuse, or to take someone out of the country to have it done—isn’t a no-brainer for the Leftwing women and the Southern Poverty Law Center which oppose the bill.
Here is a bit of the story from the Portland Press Herald just to give you the flavor:

AUGUSTA — There are parts of the world where it has long been common for adult women to slice away girls’ external genital tissue in a bid to dampen their sexual desires.

Though Maine is a long way from anywhere this has traditionally been a problem, a battle is raging among lawmakers about whether the state ought to have a law specifically barring female genital mutilation.

Safiya Khalid
Safiya Khalid: “It is horrible.” But, here’s what I want to know: if the Somalis in Maine are truly refugees why are they going back to Africa for any reason? Isn’t that the place they claim they were “persecuted.”

The operation to slice off all or part of a woman’s clitoris and labia is prohibited under federal law and is almost certainly banned by existing, broader Maine statutes. In addition, there is no solid evidence that the procedure, also called female circumcision, is happening in Maine.


One provision in a bill legislators are considering also would make it a felony to take a girl outside Maine to have someone cut her genital tissue without a medical reason, which is already illegal under federal law.

Safiya Khalid, a Somali-American from Lewiston who serves on the city’s library board, said Friday that “old school” women in her community “wouldn’t risk” having the procedure done on a child in Maine, but some might take their daughters back to Africa for it. She doesn’t know anyone who’s had it done, she said, but she thinks it probably has occurred.

“It’s a horrible experience,” Khalid said of the procedure, which is typically done without anesthesia. “It’s just terrible.”


Critics of the proposal see it as a thinly disguised attack on African immigrants, especially Somalis who hail from an area where female genital mutilation is widespread, basically a swath from Somalia on the east coast of Africa to Sierra Leone on the west, an area that includes Muslims, Christians and animists.

Kate Brogan
Kate Brogan opposes the measure because it promotes stereotypes of Somalis.

There is an “insidious assumption that members of Maine’s Somali community support this harmful practice,” Maine Family Planning’s Kate Brogan told lawmakers.


A 2017 survey of the immigrant community in Maine by Partnerships for Health found that 71 percent think the practice is harmful and 82 percent believe it shouldn’t happen. [Do the math based on numbers in next paragraph, this still leaves a couple of thousand Maine immigrants who are fine with the mutilation!—ed]

The issue has particular resonance in the Lewiston-Auburn area given the influx of immigrants in the past two decades from countries where the practice is common. About 7,500 East Africans have moved to Androscoggin County and another 5,000 to Cumberland County in that time, according to the Immigrant Resource Center of Maine.

Some of the women and girls who moved to Maine underwent the illegal procedure in their home countries, though specifics are hard to come by. Khalid said she knows “a lot of friends and people who had it done” to them before coming to America.


Supporters of the measure, pushed in part by an anti-Muslim hate group, said girls need protection.

What the hell! Act for America is an “anti-Muslim hate group.” 
How dare this reporter and this paper swallow the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propaganda without question! It is a disgrace! Do they not know how discredited the SPLC has become?  Has ACT contacted the paper and asked for a retraction?
I guess we are left to conclude from SPLC’s involvement in Maine—the Southern Poverty Law Center supports Female Genital Mutilation.
See my archive on Maine, here and one specifically on Lewiston, here.

Breitbart roundup: Refugee contractors whine as revenue plummets

Michael Leahy at Breitbart has pulled together in one article a litany of complaints from representatives of the refugee industry.
The newest data that came in here on the first of March will surely set off a new wave of temper tantrums aimed at Trump. But, I will remind readers that the contractors who must now fire low level workers in the industry and close small offices, have brought this on themselves by their nearly complete dependence on the US Treasury and their laziness about raising private money.
Why bother with chump change when the taxpayer spigot is wide open? See my post here.

David Miliband the king
Not crying for you! International Rescue Committee CEO David (Moneybags) Miliband pulls down an annual salary approaching $700,000.  Think how many refugees and low level staff could be sustained on that!

Even if the refugee numbers being admitted are low, there are still plenty of refugee lost souls they brought in last year or the year before who could use their help (if they had private money! Private ‘religious’ charity!).
(It isn’t really about humanitarianism, these are organizations working to change America by changing the people.)
Here is how Leahy begins his roundup of complaints:

The federally funded non-profits known as voluntary agencies (VOLAGs), who collectively have received more than $1 billion annually to resettle refugees, are whining now that refugee admissions, and their own associated revenues, are down dramatically during the first five months of FY 2018 under the Trump administration.

Despite a slight uptick in refugee admissions in February to 1,927, the total number of refugee admissions during the first five months of FY 2018, which began on October 1, is only 8,635, according to the State Department’s interactive website – the lowest number of refugee admissions for the first five months of a fiscal year in more than 15 years.

If the average monthly arrival rate of 1,727 during the first five months of FY 2018 continues at the same pace for the final seven months of the fiscal year, total refugee admissions for the 12 months of the full fiscal year will be under 21,000, less than half the ceiling number of 45,000 President Trump announced in September.

The nine VOLAGs (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, the International Rescue Committee, HIAS, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Ethiopian Community Development Council, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Catholic Charities), and World Relief),*** all of whom are almost entirely dependent on federal funding tied to the number of new refugee arrivals they resettle around the country through local affiliated agencies, are now in the midst of a cash crunch unheard of in the agency.

Consequently, they and their political allies are complaining loudly and often about both Trump’s lowered refugee ceiling admission number and the increase in the time and length of the Department of Homeland Security’s security vetting of potential refugees.

One of those complaining is Bob Carey:

Bob Carey, a prominent critic of the recent reduction in refugee admissions by the federal government, is a prime example of the cozy revolving door the Trump administration has disrupted.

Carey spent most of his career as an executive with the International Rescue Committee, one of the nine VOLAGs supported almost exclusively by government funding. While there, he served as chair of Refugee Council USA. [And headed the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement in Obama’s second term.—ed]

Much more here.
Photo: Just so you know I’m not making it up!  Have a look at this recent (2015) Form 990 salary page for the International Rescue Committee.
Doing well by doing good!
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Think about this: the IRC is a federally funded non-profit. A Member of Congress/Senator makes $174,000 a year! A Supreme Court Justice $213,000!
Where is Congress? The refugee slowdown has demonstrated that the Refugee Act of 1980 set up an insanely flawed system that must be dumped now!
***The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.
If you are wondering, I post this list every chance I get because we have new readers daily and because I want all of you to know that for reform to be possible these nine fake non-profits have to go.


Germany: Palestinian jihadist sentenced to life in prison for deadly knife attack

Invasion of Europe news….
He was a failed asylum seeker who said he understood the Koran and therefore needed to go out and kill Christians.
From AFP via Malay Mail Online:

HAMBURG, March 1 — A Palestinian jihadist who killed one man and wounded six other people in a German supermarket knife rampage last year was sentenced today to life in prison.

What a wonderful asset this wannabe refugee was for Germany. Now German taxpayers get to pay for his life in prison.

Ahmad Alhaw, 27, had admitted to the murder and assaults in the river port city of Hamburg.

In delivering the sentence, the judge noted the “particular severity” of the crime, lowering Alhaw’s chances of obtaining early release on parole.

Prosecutors had said the attack stemmed from a “radical Islamist” motive, charging that the man had hoped “he would die as a martyr”.

His aim was to kill as many German Christians as possible to avenge the suffering of Muslims worldwide, they said.


The defendant entered a supermarket on July 28 last year, snatched a 20-centimetre (eight-inch) knife from the shelves, unwrapped it and fatally stabbed a 50-year-old man.

As panic broke out, he slashed and stabbed at others inside and then outside the shop, shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest), and also wounding a 50-year-old woman and four men.


The Islamist attack was Germany’s first since December 2016 when Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a stolen truck through a Berlin Christmas market in an attack that claimed 12 lives.

The knife rampage led to charges that security services had been too complacent in keeping an eye on Alhaw despite multiple warnings that he was radicalising.

It also fuelled growing xenophobia against Muslim migrants after the mass influx of more than one million asylum seekers since mid-2015.

Witnesses told the court they had seen the failed asylum seeker self-radicalise in the lead-up to the attack.


….Alhaw, who had watched IS propaganda videos online, grew deeply religious and increasingly distrustful of state authorities.

By 2016 he thought that he suddenly understood the Koran completely, rejected all previous temptations, and started looking at all other people as either true believers or non-believers, the psychiatrist said.

More here.
For my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive go here.  My Germany files are here.

Seattle: Tax dollars go to special programs for special people—Somalis

I couldn’t help seeing the irony yesterday when I posted on how Denmark is attempting to break up ethnic ghettos that have developed in certain housing projects in that country, see here, while we in the US are still building our ethnic enclaves even using tax dollars to do it!
And, before you move on, don’t miss Leo Hohmann last night who posted on a startling comment from German Chancellor Angela Merkel—yes, she admitted they have no-go zones in some German cities. 
In Seattle they are literally building-in separateness!
So much for assimilation!

Somali girls basketball
Special grant program so that Somali girls can play basketball. I sure hope if other girls of other ethnic groups, or even white Americans arrived they would be permitted to play too.

Although I am not sure the grant money is still flowing from the feds (the Office of Refugee Resettlement) to specific ethnic groups as it had been several years ago, this local grant continues the foolish idea of separating needy people by their ethnicity (country of origin).
How on earth do political leaders and grantmakers expect assimilation to ever happen when division and special treatment by country of origin is encouraged!
I wonder if someone formed a club entitled say: Americans of British Ethnicity Youth Club, would it even be permitted to exist let alone get nearly a million bucks from taxpayers?

Somali Youth & Family Club gets nearly a million dollars for after school programs for Somalis

From the South Seattle Emerald:

A crowd of young Somali girls has just finished an hour of basketball. Now they head to the classroom upstairs for tutoring, and of course an occasional dance to Drake’s “God’s Plan.”

These girls, most of them first-generation immigrants, are Skyway residents in the Somali Youth & Family Club, a nonprofit program which holds afterschool programs in Skyway’s Creston Point Apartments. Creston Point has almost 500 units, and many of the residents are Somali immigrants and refugees.

Around 100 Somali youths are in the program, which holds sessions five days a week and allows children of all ages to participate. Members can receive tutoring, play basketball, read and write poetry, and swim.

The nonprofit program is able to run events like this thanks in part to a recent $855,000 grant from King County’s Best Starts for Kids initiative. The grant more than doubled the program’s budget, according to Kelsey Dale, Education Program Manager for the Somali Youth & Family Club.  [Let’s see, $855,000 divided by 100 kids=$8,550 per Somali kid—ed]

The program started in 2007, and is currently overseen by Aden Hussein, a Somali immigrant who came to Skyway in 1999. Hussein says the program has been remarkably successful.

More here.

What is Drake’s “Gods Plan,” I wanted to know.

Apparently it is a song that is all the rage in the last few weeks.
The lyrics are here.
You can listen here (if it isn’t visible in your e-mail, then come to RRW see it or search for it on the net).

And here is a story about what five religious leaders say about the song and Drake giving out money in the music video.
The Islamic leader says this about it:

Mona Haydar, The Islamic Center at NYU, New York, NY

“The video had me in tears and made me wish that we would talk seriously about things like reparations in America for indigenous and Black peoples. It made me think about stolen lands and stolen peoples and the inequity we see as a result of those oppressions and how we become numb to it like the way we come to see poverty as simply the condition of a people instead of a symptom of systemic infrastructural injustice. People say that the system is broken and I don’t believe that’s true — I think the system is fully functional and is rigged the way it is to keep some people up and some people down. The video reminded me of unfettered capitalism and the destruction of our Earth mother.

This is a song and video you might want to keep away from your children, just saying!

March 1 data in: Refugee admissions levels at historic low

We know that already, but as month number 5 closed last night (FY18 began on Oct. 1, 2017), we have more evidence that the refugee industry must be in complete financial chaos.

Trump and Bush
President Trump is on target to break the Bush record of the two lowest refugee admission years since the 1980 law was signed by Jimmy Carter

As you know the whole admissions industry is based on a ponzi-scheme of sorts where nine federal contractors*** which monopolize all resettlement in the US are paid by the federal government on a per refugee head basis.
Fewer refugees=less money in their coffers. 
And, as I said here, the contractors got fat and lazy on the federal dole and have not raised sufficient funds to avoid layoffs and office closures.
I suspect too that there must be internal conflicts within the fake non-profit organizations*** and between them as they are bidding for fewer and fewer bodies.

8,583 refugees have been admitted in 5 months.  

That means that, if the present rate continues, arrivals will be around 20,500 for the full year.  And, that would mean that Donald Trump will beat the George Bush record lows:

In the immediate wake of 9/11, Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.

Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Center showing where the 8,583 refugees have been placed so far this fiscal year.
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I know the numbers are hard to read, nothing I can do about it.
Here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states in descending order:  OH, TX, WA, NY, CA, PA, NC, AZ, GA, IL.
For the umpteenth time, if Congress doesn’t reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program in its present window of opportunity, you can expect the numbers to explode again as soon as Trump is no longer in the White House (unless someone like Trump is elected next time).
*** For new readers:
These are the private contractors that are paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.