Is David Miliband going back to the UK, or is he staying in Manhattan to collect an exorbitant salary to manage the largest (financially) refugee resettlement agency in the US? When I see news like this, I wonder.
***Update*** See this amusing bit at the Daily Mailcalling Miliband the “king over the water…” Miliband applying the “double-hander” on you know who!
Maybe what he is really doing is waiting to jump back across the pond when something has been firmed-up there for him.
After all, the US resettlement program is experiencing tough times with fewer refugees, staff layoffs, head honchos bailing out, and even the possibility that the gang of nine will lose one whole agency this year.
(SeeLutheran CEO—gone, and USCRI CEO—gone. )
And, there appears to be no hope for return of the good-old-days on the horizon based on what we are hearing out of the Trump Administration.
Here is the Financial Times on Miliband:
Labour fury and derision at prospect of new centrist party
David Miliband, the former Labour foreign secretary who some centrists see as a potential leader, dipped a toe back into domestic politics last week when he called for a second Brexit referendum.“The threats to peace around the world are more acute than ever,” Mr Miliband wrote in the New Statesman.
As a pal of Soros, the Clintons, Samantha Power and Obama, I don’t know how anyone would call Miliband a centrist!
And, since we pay him nearly $700,000 a year to run the International Rescue Committee, doesn’t he have enough to do without dipping toes in UK politics?
See my archive on ‘Moneybags’ Miliband here.
In some ways I’ll be sad to see him go because he is fun to write about. Just 5 days ago I told you he was trash-talking Europe and saying countries there need to take more refugees.
Whoa! Now that would shake up the No Borders International Left for sure!
Peter Dutton is talking about the 1951 Refugee Convention that is under the control of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Yes! Let’s push for an end to the UN Convention. Each country should make its own immigration policy!
He has a point!
Resettlement is not possible for the millions of migrants moving around the world, so why not create a better system to care for them where they are!
In fact, President Donald Trump told the United Nations this very thing on September 19, 2017 (see here).
But, the time is now and that means we should be on the offense and question the very underpinning of a system that is dangerously flawed, erodes national sovereignty, and is costly!
From The Guardian:
The home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, says “like-minded” countries [like the US!—ed] should come together to review the relevance of the 1951 United Nations refugee convention, arguing the document is outdated and does not account for the modern movement of people.
Peter Dutton: Is the 1951 Refugee Convention relevant today?
In a wide-ranging interview with Guardian Australia conducted on Tuesday, Dutton flagged a reluctance to allow the elderly family members of immigrants to come to Australia, and a desire to incentivise new arrivals to move to regional communities. He also reaffirmed the country’s commitment to a nondiscriminatory immigration policy.
Dutton said he agreed with statements made by the British prime minister, Theresa May, and others suggesting the UN convention relating to the status of refugees could be modernised “or at least an update of the way in which the convention works and what it provides for”.
He said countries’ efforts to resettle refugees were “token” given the numbers of displaced people, and argued offering support to refugee camps would be more effective than resettling a small portion of the refugee population.
Continue reading here. See that he backtracked on earlier remarks about saving white South Africans. Contactthe White House!
Tell the President to go on the offense and push for dumping the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
If nothing else, a debate on the issue would be extremely useful and might even force our do-nothing Congress to reevaluate the Refugee Act of 1980—a law that has over time allowed the UN to call the shots on who comes to the US as refugees.
See my Australia category byclicking here.
Invasion of Europe news…. Members of German Special Forces in Muenster yesterday. Still no official report on the deadly attack.
I bet Japan Timesis eager to show the citizens of Japan what a mess one’s country becomes when the migrant tide is invited in!
From Japan Times:
BERLIN – A scuffle over immigration has marred the first weeks in office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fourth coalition, promising anything but smooth sailing in the years ahead for the loveless left-right alliance.
Conservatives among Merkel’s Christian Democrats are keen to restrict as heavily as possible so-called family reunifications that would allow some of the million-plus migrants and refugees who have arrived since 2015 to bring in relatives.
That has stirred the ire of Social Democrats (SPD), the reluctant junior partners who helped Merkel into office to end the longest period of post-election limbo in post-World War II German history.
A thousand a month! Chancellor Merkel and Interior Minister Seehofer
Japan Timescontinues…..
In their painstakingly negotiated coalition deal, the parties agreed that up to 1,000 people per month could enter Germany under family reunification, with only immediate relatives eligible.
New Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is eager to tighten the screws further, with a draft law that would prevent people dependent on social benefits from bringing in family members and further restrict which relations are eligible, including ruling out siblings.
Now that is an idea! The US should be doing that too! If the family already here is on welfare, they can’t bring other family members over. Gee, I bet that is already a law we don’t follow!
Many people who arrived in Germany as refugees are yet to join the labor market, undergoing job training or language classes, and would therefore not qualify.
Seehofer is a former leader of the ultra-conservative CSU, the smaller Bavarian sister party of Merkel’s more centrist CDU.
“If the Social Democrats don’t cooperate, the ‘grand coalition’ would be over” less than a month after Merkel was sworn in, deputy leader of the conservative parliamentary group Georg Nuesslein told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper.
The family reunification row is just one front in a broader battle over immigration, integration and Islam in German society that has pitted the SPD against the CDU/CSU.
Seehofer is also keen to speed up expulsions of people whose asylum applications are refused, many of whom spend months or years contesting the decisions in the courts or acquire a “tolerated” residence status.
The twin issues of asylum abuse and family reunification are also key elements in the US debate over our southern border.
Can’t lose with the issue of more law and order!
Health Minister Jens Spahn, a rising star of the CDU’s right wing seen as a potential future candidate for the chancellorship, has spent his first weeks in office giving interviews urging more “law and order” in troubled city districts.
Continue reading the story at Japan Times, here.
Japanese readers must be asking: Why would any sane government act to destroy its own country and culture?
See my Germany archive here. And, new readers might like to know that Japan doesn’t want to open its doors to the third world, here.
And, for those with a lot of time, see my archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.
This is a subject I’ve touched on from time to time—I have 51 previous postson the topic.
I hope to continue to bring it to your attention because it might seem like a fringe issue to you, but you can be sure the NO Borders political machine is advancing it as one more reason to erase borders worldwide (and redistribute wealth from the first world to the third world).
There has been some controversy however about the use of the word “refugee” since the ‘humanitarians’ don’t want the environmentalists appropriating the word. Nevertheless, from the bits and pieces I have read, they are moving closer to an agreement.
I’m not proposing you buy this expensive book, but am just putting this out to you as one more ‘heads-up’ on the subject.
Facilitating the Resettlement and Rights of Climate Refugees
One of the most significant impacts of climate change is migration. Yet, to date, climate-induced migrants are falling within what has been defined by some as a ‘protection gap’. This book addresses this issue, first by identifying precisely where the gap exists, by reviewing the relevant legal tools that are available for those who are currently, and who will in the future be displaced because of climate change. The authors then address the relevant actors; the identity of those deserving protection (displaced individuals), as well as other bearers of rights (migration-hosting states) and obligations (polluting states).
The authors also address head-on the contentious topic of definitions, concluding with the provocative assertion that the term ‘climate refugees’ is indeed correct and should be relied upon.
The second part of the book looks to the future by advocating specific legal and institutional pathways. Notably, the authors support the use of international environmental law as the most adequate and suitable regime for the regulation of climate refugees. With respect to the role of institutions, the authors propose a model of ‘cross-governance’, through which a more inclusive and multi-faceted protection regime could be achieved.
“Cross-governance” sound a bit ominous!
Addressing the regulation of climate refugees through a unique collaboration between a refugee lawyer and an environmental lawyer, this book will be of great interest to scholars and professionals in fields including international law, environmental studies, refugee studies and international relations.
You can bet this will be required reading for your little darlings attending Leftwing colleges and universities (LOL! the high price of the book suggests that is where it is headed!). Click here for my ‘Climate refugees’ category.
This may be the only place on the political right where you can find this much coverage (even as little as I have provided) on the subject.
This is from a short article at The Catholic Recordin Kentucky. It’s about how difficult it was for a new employee with Migration and Refugee Services in Louisvilleto learn the ropes about the resettlement process.
I can relate since I’m still learning the system after writing about it for nearly 11 years, but one bit caught my attention! Here is what Catholic Charities of Louisville’s “employment team leader” Somali Ahmed Hussein told the new guy on the block:
One of my co-workers who is always willing to share his story and answer questions about his experience as a refugee is our employment team leader, Ahmed Hussein.
Ahmed is a Somali refugee who came to Kentucky after spending eight years in a Kenyan refugee camp. I remember when I first met Ahmed, I asked why they chose Louisville as a destination, and his response was really eye-opening to the entire resettlement process, “Man, we didn’t choose Louisville, they (the United Nations High Commission for Refugees) choose for you, and you take the destination they offer.”
You know what!
Since the US State Department and their resettlement contractors*** NEVER explain to the public how locations are chosen (it is one of the most closely held secrets of the whole process), we’ll go with Mr. Hussein’s explanation until we get some real answers!
And, have a look at this graphic I found. It’s a couple years old, but it does give you some idea of where the UN is placing Somalis!
I missed this article in 2016:
This is the Top Twenty list of cities (targeted by the UN?) from that map:
Minneapolis-St. Paul – 646
Columbus, Ohio – 412
Buffalo, N.Y. – 361
Syracuse, N.Y. – 307
Dallas-Ft. Worth – 302
Salt Lake City, Utah – 276
San Diego – 275
St. Cloud – 243
Louisville, Ky. – 236
Phoenix, Ariz. – 218
Seattle, Wash. – 212
Erie, Pa. – 207
Atlanta – 159
Glendale, Ariz. – 155
Tuscon – 154
Boston – 153
Houston – 150
Nashville – 148
Kansas City, Mo. – 145
Portland, Ore. – 132
Contact the President by clicking here. Tell him it is time to get the UN out of our refugee resettlement business!
*** These are the nine major resettlement contractors who keep this secret well: How is your town or city chosen?
I post the contractor list almost every day because I want new readers to know exactly who is responsible for driving the US Refugee Admissions Program (in addition to the UN!).
(Catholic Charities works for the US Bishops.)
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.