Ronald Reagan was NOT responsible for Refugee Act of 1980; fake news from The Salt Lake Trib

No wonder people can’t trust the big print media anymore.
Don’t mainstream media outlets have some responsibility to fact check letters to the editor or can anyone just make up ‘facts’ from history, that are very easy to check, and just throw them out there for the gullible public?

esar met head shot
I looked for a photo of Eric Goldman, but there are too many political activists with that name, but heck, why not illustrate this story with this refugee convicted murderer from Burma resettled in Utah by Catholic Charities or the International Rescue Committee.

Before I get to the letter from someone named Eric Goldman, let me say that there was a time that I wrote in glowing terms about the reporting from The Salt Lake Tribune and that was when they did super reporting on the horrific rape and murder of Hser Ner Moo, a little Christian Burmese refugee, by a fellow refugee from Burma (a likely Rohingya) named Esar Met.
The Salt Lake Tribune actually sent a reporter to the camps in Thailand to get the full story.  But, that was before the Mormon church had drunk the koolaide on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and began enthusiastically welcoming refugees of all stripes to Utah.
Click here for all of my posts on this Utah murder case that was never thoroughly reported on a national level, but see what a good job the Trib did in its coverage.
(I think it was never widely reported because Esar Met didn’t fit the media image of a refugee—lovable, grateful and hardworking.)
Now back to my beef today with The Salt Lake Tribune…..
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Facebook on the hunt to remove nationalist Burmese patriot monks from their platform

Burma is a Buddhist country and the Buddhists want to keep it that way.
That is the long and short of the battle between nationalist patriot monks and the Rohingya Muslim minority that has been increasingly aggressive in pushing for what they see as their rights.

monks in Burma
Angry monks fighting for their country and their religion!

Of course, the global Left is on the side of the Rohingya and therefore so is Facebook!
I’ve been following the Rohingya controversy for over ten years and the Rohingya are far from being pure as the driven snow having instigated many of the violent conflicts between the government and themselves which has played out in rural villages, but you would never know that to hear the mainstream media spine.
So now we learn that Facebook is hunting for monks on their platform in order to silence them and keep them from going around the biased media with their side of the story.

Burma (aka Myanmar) is far away. Why should Americans care?

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Refugee industry advocates flailing at Trump as he breaks the "assembly line" in to the US

I’m not going to spend the time this morning going tit-for-tat with refugee advocates whose only line of argument, about changes being made in the US Refugee Admissions Program, is to attack the President as a hateful, bigoted, racist boob.

Frelick: The Trump administration has slowed down refugee admissions by throwing sand into the gears of resettlement processing.

I guess people, like Bill Frelick at Human Rights Watch, assumed the program was running like a well-oiled machine as refugees by the hundreds of thousands (some not even real refugees) were being secretly placed in US communities while the federal resettlement contractors sucked down billions of dollars (including fat CEO salaries) from unwilling taxpayers who they then labeled as, what else, racist Islamophobic boobs, if they dared to question the process.
Is Bill Frelick, in his screed at the Los Angeles Times, saying the program had no flaws and critics like me over the years have been complaining about nothing?
I guess so when he quotes Barbara Strack (retired USCIS refugee bureaucrat) referring to the “assembly line” in a piece entitled:

Trump’s brutal refugee program reflects prejudice instead of compassion

“The process works like the assembly line in a factory,” Barbara Strack, who retired in January as chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, told the New York Times. “This fiscal year, the administration essentially ‘broke’ the assembly line in multiple places at the same time.”

An assembly line shoved down citizens’ throats for nearly four decades!
Yes, they have had an assembly line since shortly after 1980 and that is why the program has created anger and controversy as American citizens, who pay the bills and have to live with the destabilizing results in community after community across America, feel left out and are now asking questions and demanding change.
Elections have consequences.
Frelick and his morally superior pals in the industry should admit there are problems and work to reform the program rather than take cheap shots at the President and his nominee to head the Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration.
They won’t though, even if they know deep down that there are problems, because they are one-trick ponies and apparently none are brave enough to break from the Leftist herd mentality.

US is still taking 'refugees' from Malta, why?

Yesterday after talking to an expert on the US Refugee Admissions Program where we talked about the highly irregular arrangement with Malta to welcome to America some of those illegal migrants who arrived on Malta in the last decade through the boat migration from Africa to Europe, I checked the data at Wrapsnet and see that we admitted 123 ‘refugees’ from Malta in this fiscal year (so far).
malta map
I have followed the case of Malta for ten years now and have a large file about this highly irregular arrangement first launched in the Bush Administration and continued by Obama.
Refugee law says that asylum seekers are to ask for asylum in the first safe country they get to.
It is not our responsibility to save Malta (an EU country!) from its own problems with illegal migrants/asylum seekers.  What are US taxpayers getting out of this deal? 

Why is the Trump State Department still participating in this legally questionable  arrangement?

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Trump's Iftar dinner was a really dumb idea

Wouldn’t you love to know who in the White House was responsible for Trump putting on a dinner for Muslims during Ramadan after he had already “broken the tradition” by not holding one last year?
It just became another opportunity for the “Muslim community” to protest Trump’s immigration slowdown. They say its his rhetoric, but his immigration policies are the real threat to them.

Hendi and Obama
Of course Yahya Hendi loved Barack Hussein Obama!

Normally I wouldn’t be writing about this except for the fact that the name Yahya Hendi jumped out from a news story at CNN in the lead-up to the dinner.
Who is that you ask?
He is a Muslim chaplain at Georgetown University and was previously the Imam for the mosque in the next county east of where I live.
And, it was a Washington Times article in the summer of 2007 about his trip to Saudi Arabia that was part of my education when I first began writing RRW.

In 2007, Hendi told a Saudi audience that by the year 2015, there would be 30 Muslim mayors of American cities.

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