Evangelical ‘leaders’ out of touch with their flocks on refugee admissions

The Evangelical Immigration Table is a conglomeration of evangelical groups on the Religious Left, and like all skilled Leftwing activists they know how to get media attention.


Write a letter to the Trump Administration and you get headline stories…..

Here at HuffPo we see that the Table group has sent a letter to the Secretary of State and others who will make the decision on how many refugees could be admitted to the US beginning October first.

They want the President to set the level of refugee admissions for FY19 at 75,000 (that is the agreed upon level that the contractors*** have come up with for this coming year, a number that would keep them financially afloat.)

What I would like to know is why don’t evangelical conservatives now get together and counter the liberals with a letter of their own.  After all, they far out number the Libs!

LOL! See if HuffPo writes a headline story about your letter—-Evangelicals tell President to place moratorium on refugee program until reforms are in place!

Instead, a small number comprising the Religious Left says this….

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Hungarian PM Orban undertakes a social experiment that might just save Western Civilization

“Who would have guessed that a constellation of formerly atheistic, Communist countries would become the vanguard of the family?”

(Samuel Hammond writing at National Review)


It isn’t just in Hungary either.  In Poland and especially in Russia the push is on to encourage marriage and then the all important follow-up—more babies!

Why? They want to produce their own replacements and stop the flood of third world migrant workers that globalist corporations say are needed to keep the economy humming.  Never mind that the migrants have no interest in maintaining Hungarian, Polish or Russian culture (even if they work and don’t depend on welfare payments).

orban and family
Hungarian PM Orban practicing what he preaches….

I guess you can tell, I love this guy—Viktor Orban—because he has no fear of telling the truth. 

And, this subject interests me because in the 1970’s I was steeped in this idea that no family should have more than two children in order to save the planet.  But, guess what, only white educated young people listened. 

And, in fact, no one I ever knew made any serious effort to tell it to those in the Middle East and Africa especially where Muslims were pushing their people to produce babies for Allah and to migrate.

Here is a detailed account at National Review of what, first Hungary is doing to boost its population, and what is happening in Russia and Poland to do the same.

It strikes me that a renewed focus on American family-building might be something Donald Trump should incorporate into his campaign message.

Surely you knew that the US birthrate is now below replacement levels.

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