Frankly, I was surprised to see a story with this headline at Fox News (the headline and the story sound like something CNN would feature).
Europe’s migration ‘fixes’ trigger disgusting humanitarian crises
It is about the difficult conditions in detention facilities featuring especially a Greek detention camp on the island of Lesbos, but the Fox reporter seems to have swallowed, hook, line and sinker, the international Left’s talking points.

Europe’s migration crisis, where hundreds of thousands from the Middle East and Africa have swarmed toward Europe, many claiming they should get refugee status (the asylum scam!) when most in fact are economic migrants, has become the number one issue threatening the very survival of Europe, the birthplace of western civilization.
See this migrant crisis news just this morning:
EU migrant STALEMATE: Kurz admits ‘very low’ chance of solving crisis set to DESTROY EU
We, in the US, don’t want to get to this point and therefore absolutely must stop the flow of fake asylum seekers at our borders.
Already, as I mentioned in my previous post, more migrants to the US will be put in to expensive detention centers to be used ultimately as these in Europe and Africa are being used—for media instigated campaigns to let them loose!
Such as the story yesterday here at Fox News (aka CNN!):
European leaders are changing their course as their efforts to curb migration have triggered what the U.N. and other groups condemn as massive humanitarian failures. Deeply divided over how and where to control Europe’s borders, leaders met Wednesday in a summit in Austria.
One of Europe’s main solutions to migration — Greece’s overcrowded, unsanitary Moria migrant camp — has suicidal children and conditions that a psychiatrist compared to “an old-fashioned mental asylum.”
In another heavily criticized solution to immigration, imprisoned men and women have been shuttled away from one gun battle only to end up incarcerated on the front line of another, vulnerable to both trafficking and new abuse.
The jammed Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos and the dangerous migrant detention centers in Libya serve as a sober reminder that the current plans seem to be unworkable.

Continue reading here for a litany of sob stories.
Notice there is no mention of the possibility that some of the migrants in these camps are violent and vile people to begin with!
However, there is one mention of a voice of reason:
“Until the message is made abundantly clear that illegal economic migrants will not be processed, that boats will be turned back, thousands and thousands more sad and desperate lives will be lost in vain, all for your feelings of virtue,” said Nathan Gill, a British member of the European parliament, accusing fellow legislators last week of being soft on immigration. “You’re not really helping people.”
Yup! Nothing humanitarian about this!
Remember the worldwide migration of the third world to the first world is an orchestrated campaign to erase borders and eliminate national sovereignty, the migrants are simply the poor pawns in a high stakes bid for a one world government.
Read the whole story here if you want to.
America has been sent a warning message from Europe (if we have the guts to heed it) and that is, the migration has to be stopped now and a message sent—-our borders are closed.
If we don’t do that ASAP, then our US detention centers will fill and the Leftwing-dominated media will be eagerly writing stories about the horrible “humanitarian” conditions (they already are!).
Demands will be made to let them loose, and when that happens millions more will arrive on our borders.
Heed the lesson! Build the Wall! Then if the ‘humanitarians’ and the UN really want to do something, they can go to work to fix El Salvador, Mexico, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. etc.
Go here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.