A couple of days ago I reported on the Asylum process which is part of the Refugee Act of 1980. The difference from the US Refugee Admissions Program is that these wannabe ‘refugees’ are already in the US usually illegally and they claim they will be persecuted if returned home.
It is a huge backlog of cases that is concerning the Trump Administration and is why they say that a 30,000 cap on the refugees the UN/US State Department bring in to the country is all we can handle. I assume they are expecting more than the 20,000-30,000 asylum seekers who have been approved each year for the last ten will grow with their stepped- up processing.
I have no time to snip this Fact Sheet from the American Immigration Council on ‘Asylum in the US,’ but you will find it answers many of your questions.
Although AIC is a non-profit legal advocacy group promoting more immigration, the facts seem pretty straight forward.
Take note of the definition of ‘refugee’ and see that they still pretty much stick to the original definition that doesn’t include a lot of expansions.
Oh, and for those who have asked, asylum seekers, who often wait years for an asylum hearing (while free in America), are permitted to work after a certain time.
What I didn’t mention the other day was where most of the asylum seekers who are approved come from.
Total Asylum Grants by Country of Nationality, Fiscal Year 2016

I’m urging all of you to start paying attention to the tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ being approved as your new neighbors after they got in to the US illegally, or came in on an approved visa and then asked for asylum.
The Boston Bombers got in through the asylum system.