The State Department pours refugees in at a much higher rate in the final month of the fiscal year, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that, with only a couple more days to go in this month, we are above the average admission rate for the previous 11 months.
Rohingya refugees protesting in Phoenix. 979 came to the US this year. 109 were welcomed by the Trump State Department since September first!
Checking the data at Wrapsnet, as of this morning we are at 22,469 refugees admitted.
That is 2,570 more than we had on September first.
The average for the previous 11 months was 1,809.
Nevertheless, it is nearly official—and it will be official on Sunday evening—that this is the lowest number of admissions since the Refugee Act of 1980was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.
Top ethnic groups arriving since September 1 are from these countries:
DR Congo (1,058)
Burma (381)
Ukraine (363)
Of the total 2,570 September arrivals, 418 are Muslims of one sect or another.
Most concerning to me is that 109 of the Burmese are devout Rohingya Muslims.
P.S. I’m going to be away over the weekend, but will give you year-end numbers on Monday or Tuesday next week.
I’ve been watching the news unfold for a couple of days about what happened at Valley Fair, an amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota, not far from Minneapolis when fights broke out throughout the park—enough fights to require hundreds of police being called to clear the area.
The mainstream media in Minnesota says, ho hum, nothing to see because no one was hurt. And they steadfastly refuse to use the word “Somali” when discussing the incident they say involved “multiple-ethnicities.” (Could there ultimately have been multiple ethnicities fighting back against the roving gangs of Somalis?)
From a video taken by a witness….Multiple ethnicities?
On Saturday September 22, 2018 at the ValleyFair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota, police and emergency responders had to evacuate all guests after a mob of Somali teenagers and men rushed through security and caused several violent fights to break out inside the park.
According to eyewitnesses who were at the park to celebrate Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, a group of nearly 100 Somali men mob rushed past security and amusement park staffers at the front entrance, and proceeded to run through the park and instigate fights among themselves and with guests.
Shakopee is 30 minutes from Minneapolis. Interesting! When I looked at the map I recognized other US State Department refugee resettlement sites. Bloomington, Burnsville, Eagan, St. Paul and Roseville have all ‘welcomed’ Somali refugees in the last ten years.
As several violent fights broke out, guests began to panic as reports of people being stabbed and shot began to circulate.
Cliff Hallberg, who was inside the park with his children at the time the fights broke out said it was very frightening for his children. “I saw about 60 Somali teenagers push their way through lines and scream at guests.”
The violent fights erupted during Law enforcement appreciation day when the park was full of police officers and other members of law enforcement who received discounted tickets so that their families could enjoy the amusement park. An estimated 263 police officers responded to the fights inside the park, according to witnesses.
“This looked like a targeted attack on law enforcement,” Hallberg added.
Hallberg also told Big League Politics that his car was spit on and that the rioters were setting off car alarms and causing chaos in the parking lot, all of which can be seen in video that was exclusively obtained by this reporter.
According to eyewitnesses and police officers who wish to remain anonymous, they believe the media is covering up the fact that the violent rioters were Somali men because the media and police don’t want to offend the Muslim Somali population or influence the upcoming election.
Officers in Minnesota have told this reporter that they are often told to avoid using the word Somali when discussing crimes committed by members of the Somali population because police and local Democrats have asked them to “stand down” in an effort to create positive community relations between Minnesota natives and the continually increasing Muslim Somali “refugee” population.
In the United States, Minnesota is the state with the largest Somali population.
Continue here where Loomer has much more plus videos from witnesses who were at the park last Saturday evening.
When you search around on the story, you will see that a mention of the Somalis at Valley Fair comes only in a story attacking Loomer which (I know firsthand!) is par for the course in that state!
Just like Lake Calhoun intimidation!
When I read Loomer’s story, I was reminded of a similar incident at Lake Calhoun, five miles from downtown Minneapolis, two years ago. Although involving fewer people, a similar scenario was described by eyewitnesses as gangs of Somali youths roamed the park and the adjoining neighborhood threatening whoever they encountered. The frightening incident was swept under the rug by the police department there.