Priscilla Alvarez writing at The Atlantic runs through a partial list of the nine federal refugee contractors and tells us how many staffers have been fired because of that mean old Donald Trump not sending them enough refugee paying clients.
Doing well by doing good! Writer Alvarez features the International Rescue Committee. Bet she doesn’t know its head honcho, Brit David Miliband, makes a cool nearly $700,000 annual salary. He won’t be losing his job!
There really isn’t much new here (like so many of the fear-mongering stories the lapdog media is publishing these days, there isn’t much here that you haven’t heard over the last few months), however, it is worth posting for a couple of reasons.
First, we are reminded that the US State Department is rumored to be preparing to cut one of the nine federal contractors completely off the federal dole!
Which will it be?
My guess is that they might cut out the smallest—The Ethiopian Community Development Council. It surely won’t be the giants: International Rescue Committee or the US Conference of Catholic Bishops!
It could be one of the others (besides ECDC) that is almost COMPLETELY funded by you through your tax dollars. See the list below.***
But they aren’t quite there yet as the two major parties are neck and neck with about 40% of the vote each.
The Sweden Democrats(you might call them the Sweden First party!) will however, have an increasing impact on the direction of the country going forward.
The BBChas this news early this morning, but the most useful bit is their graphic showing the percentage of voters each of the Nationalist parties have in many European countries.
Swedish election: Main blocs neck and neck as nationalists gain
The Swedish general election has left the two main political blocs almost tied, with the anti-immigration party making gains on its previous results.
With nearly all ballots counted, the governing centre-left coalition is marginally ahead of its centre-right Alliance rivals, with around 40% each.
The nationalist Sweden Democrats (SD) have won about 18% of the vote, up from 12.9% in the previous election.
A protracted battle to form a working coalition now looks certain.
It probably never went away, but several news accounts of recent days suggests the attacks on immigrants to the “Rainbow Nation” have picked up lately.
South African looters in Soweto last month. They are destroying the shop of a “foreigner.”
We have chronicled (see my archive here) the fact that South Africa’s black citizens are not welcoming to their fellow black Africans (they didn’t get the Nelson Mandela message I suppose!) from countries to their north. They especially don’t like Somalis!
The international Hard Left (Commies, the Obamas and others) don’t like this bad news getting out broadly because they have much invested in the myth of South Africa as a “Rainbow Nation” now that the whites have been driven from power there.
And, part of that Leftist mythology is that anyone who has been discriminated against in the past couldn’t possibly discriminate against others, right!
As you read this remember these are not white people attacking the immigrants, they are black South Africans! And, since they don’t want that fact to spread widely, you need to spread it widely!
One Oregon protesting Donald Trump in Portland, OR in January 2017
However, a couple of things in this otherwise ho-hum news story make it worth posting.
First, because Catholic Charities of Oregon (a refugee agency subcontractor of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops) isn’t getting in massive new waves of fresh refugee clients, they are focusing on better care for the ones they resettled earlier and that is a good thing.
However, when they list their efforts at job training and mental health counseling it got me thinking—who is paying for that!
It is probably the taxpayer again, but because Catholic Charities of Oregon considers itself a church they are not required to file an IRS Form 990 so that we could find out exactly how many taxpayer dollars are flowing to them.
We know that in addition to the per head payment resettlement agencies receive from you there are myriad taxpayer-funded grants at the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, grants like this one, that keep resettlement contractors afloat. (I think I need to start having a look at those!)
Require all Catholic Charities to file Form 990s (they aren’t churches!)
One more of many reforms that Congress (or the President) should undertake is to require these so-called ‘religious’ charities to file Form 990s. (By the way, some Catholic Charities do file a Form 990, but the one featured at Catholic News Agencydoes not.)
To see the second reason I’m posting this story, continue reading!
330 of these mostly single Muslim men held in detention by Australia have been placed in American towns and cities during Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump said we would take up to 1,250 (processing is continuing) that Australia will not allow on its mainland.
Every few months I have a look at the “Processing Country Map” provided by Wrapsnet(The US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center).
The new map is posted usually on the fifth of the month for the previous months of the present fiscal year (in this case FY18).
The processing country is the location where the ‘refugee’ goes through his or her paperwork processing and security screening. We are not told what nationality they are.
One is left guessing about who exactly is coming in from that country.
The latest map is below. You can find it here yourself (click on this: Map Arrivals by Processing Country and Nationality as of August 31, 2018) and you might want to look at it because it is accompanied by a table which gives exact numbers for each processing country.
For example, it lists Malaysia (a Muslim country) as having processed 1,443 ‘refugees’ in to the US this year. Those aren’t Malaysians, but likely a large number are Rohingya Muslims from Burma who have been illegally entering Malaysia over the last few years. They should be Malaysia’s problem, not ours.
Here is the map…
When you look at this map and see the countries where we are processing refugees consider how much fraud could be being perpetrated on America.
Let’s talk about some of the questionable processing countries.
But, first, I had been wondering for months why the rejects from Australia (the “dumb” Obama deal that Trump is honoring) weren’t showing up as being processed by Australia. Ah ha! Here they are! 234 were processed by Nauru and 96 in Papua New Guinea.
A total of 330 failed asylum seekers to Australia are now living in Yourtown, USA!
Other questionable processing locations are these:
Israel (133):Why are we taking any refugees from the prosperous country of Israel? If asylum seekers from Africa arrived there they should be given a thumbs up or down from Israel, not shuffled off to Yourtown, USA as a ‘refugee.’
El Salvador (624): What the heck! I thought the Trump Administration ended the illegal pick up of migrants from El Salvador that Obama had initiated.
Costa Rica (56): Who are these people (what nationality) and again why are Costa Rica’s migrant issues our concern.
Pakistan (409): There are a few Christians coming out of Pakistan, but no where near 409. So who are these Muslims we feel compelled to resettle from a Muslim country?
When you see images of Mediterranean ‘rescue’ ships, remember that some of these migrants who get to Malta are coming to the US as your new neighbors!
Malta (128): I havedozens of posts on Malta going back ten years. When I first heard of the resettlement Bush began from Malta, I was infuriated.
Malta is a safe European country but unfortunately its location in the Mediterranean made it a primary target for migrant ‘rescue’ boats which were bringing Africans and Middle Easterners to Europe by the hundreds of thousands.
So guess what! We kindly allowed some of those African illegal aliensto be passed along by Malta to Yourtown, USA.
Europe’s illegals are not our problem, but even Trump is continuing this questionable practice.
South Africa (128): So who the heck are they?
SA is the Rainbow Nation, right? Why does the State Department data base not tell us which nationalities are not being ‘welcomed’ in SA? Why are we taking migrants who got in to SA from elsewhere in Africa and bringing them to America? We know from past reporting that many are Somalis (if you didn’t know, black South Africans are xenophobic)! Why is that our problem?
Although, as I said, there may be a way to find out which nationalities are being processed in these countries, I can’t find it.
But, I did a check to see how many South African citizens we have resettled in the last 11 months and the answer is 1 (one Christian).
Donald Trump could do more!
The choice of which countries we work through to process refugees is a choice that is made through the US State Department and the UN. As I have said repeatedly the US Refugee Admissions Program must be completely overhauled by Congress.
Meanwhile, however, the President can do a lot administratively and one thing he could do is to reassess where we pick up ‘refugees’ around the world!