First, of course, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees blames Australia, but our President is criticized for not taking more of Australia’s illegal aliens to America causing them to want to kill themselves.
I sure hope the President has learned his lesson. You can never be nice with these no borders pushers and their media sycophants.
Remember when he arrived in the White House and quickly agreed (pending extreme vetting) to take 1,250 of Australian asylum seekers, housed in camps on Manus and Nauru islands, in an Obama deal he dubbed a “dumb deal.”

Here we are, just short of two years and we have placed in your American town 418 of the mostly Muslim migrants who tried to break in to Australia by boat about six or so years ago.
Australia had taken a hard line against illegal alien border crashers and denied entry to the mainland to anyone breaking in by boat. They were placed in offshore detention. Needless to say, the policy stopped the boat traffic!
Those mostly Muslim men have been in offshore detention ever since. Well, except for 418 who are now free in America.
Here is the latest ….
From the Sydney Morning Herald:
UN refugee agency calls for mass evacuation of asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus
The United Nations refugee agency has joined calls for immediate evacuation of the remaining 1400 refugees and asylum seekers stranded on Nauru and Manus Island, citing a “collapsing health situation”.
The UNHCR’s appeal to the Australian government to end offshore processing follows warnings from global humanitarian body Médecins Sans Frontières about the “absolutely devastating” situation as dozens of refugees are knocked back for resettlement in the United States under President Donald Trump’s “extreme vetting”.
“Australia remains responsible under international law for those who have sought its protection,” said UNHCR spokeswoman Catherine Stubberfield.

“In the context of deteriorating health and reduced medical care, Australia must now act to prevent further tragedy to those forcibly transferred under its so-called ‘offshore processing’ policy. UNHCR renews its call for refugees and asylum-seekers to be moved immediately to Australia, where they can receive adequate support and care.”
You can’t win Donald!
A deal negotiated with former US president Barack Obama to resettle up to 1250 refugees has been hampered by Mr Trump’s hardline immigration stance. According to the Department of Home Affairs, 418 people have now been accepted for resettlement under the deal. Médecins Sans Frontières said the rejections were causing people to become “extremely hopeless”.
The federal government has refused calls for the refugees to be brought to Australia or be resettled in New Zealand, arguing that doing so would risk people smugglers restarting their trade. Refugees can also accept resettlement in Papua New Guinea or a 20-year visa to live in Nauru.
See my extensive file on the ‘Australia deal’ by clicking here. Obama made the deal with the Aussies as he was headed out the door in 2016.
Not our problem!
You might also want to visit my post from just the other day about how we are taking ‘refugees’ (really asylum seekers not even designated refugees yet) off the hands of countries that are safe countries in a process that is clearly stretching international norms on how resettlement is supposed to work.