ROME (Reuters) – Italy’s far-right League party intervened on Sunday to block efforts by a Muslim association to turn a former hospital chapel into a mosque.
The Muslim group last week made the highest offer for the chapel in the northern city of Bergamo at an auction organized by a local hospital, outbidding the Romanian Orthodox Church which had been using the building for its religious services.
But the project proved short-lived, with League leaders in the wealthy Lombardy region, which includes Bergamo, announcing they would halt the sale by using a 2004 law that enables them to intervene and safeguard cultural sites.
“I would never put a Church on sale and I am amazed that the hospital management did not realize what a sensitive issue this is,” Lombardy President Attilio Fontana, a League politician, wrote on Twitter.
“However, we will exercise our right of first refusal (for the sale) and there will be no space for any appeal,” he added.
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini
His decision means the region must now buy the property.
League leader Matteo Salvini warned earlier this year that Italian culture and society risked being eradicated by Islam. “Centuries of history risk disappearing if Islamisation, which up until now has been underestimated, gains the upper hand,” he said in a statement.
There is a discussion in the Reuters story about the demographic change in Italy.
The story suggests that the Muslim population is still relatively small, but we know that the size doesn’t have to grow that much before demands for religious accommodation begin.
Mosques become a place around which Muslim communities build (even if there aren’t many practicing Muslims in the area when the mosque is first opened).
The United Nations is demanding that we follow international law and let those fleeing violence in their Central American countries (not a criteria for granting asylum) into the US. What happened with that supposed effort to tell Mexico to grant them asylum—that is what international law says!
The first safe country asylum seekers reach is where they must ask for asylum.
Clearly the UN is endorsing the concept of “asylum shopping” a term used around the world where migrants are on the hunt for their best deal.
But, you know all of that.
The caravan is an anti-Trump public relations stunt in the run-up to the midterm elections and it seems the whole world is in on it.
Here is Voice of America(with a photo of the starving mass of humanity!):
UN: Countries Must Allow People at Risk to Request Asylum
If VOA was trying to get sympathy for the marchers, this photo is a poor choice! Just saying!
The U.N. refugee agency is urging Washington to allow people fleeing persecution and violence, including those who are traveling with the Central American caravan, to request asylum on U.S. territory.
U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to prevent a caravan of thousands of immigrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador from entering the United States. The Pentagon has announced plans to send hundreds of troops to the border in what is described as a support role.
The U.N. refugee agency will not weigh in on whether it is legal for a country to close its borders to refugees and asylum seekers. But it says international law clearly states any person whose life may be in danger has the right to seek asylum and benefit from international protection.
What you see happening with gobbledygook in that previous paragraph is a strategy to make you think that every person on the move anywhere is a legitimate refugee. We aren’t there yet, but the UN is driving public opinion in that direction.
There has to be a reason for “danger,” generalized danger is not a reason for granting asylum. To be granted asylum a person must prove that he or she would be persecuted for race, religion, political views if returned to one’s home country. Running from gang violence or poor job prospects does not make someone a refugee!
UN spokesman Andrej Mahecic says there are security risks for the migrants as they travel through Mexico. Well gee, is that our problem? The UN can simply and easily get them back to their homes. (If they were really that concerned.)
“Our position globally is that the individuals who are fleeing persecution and violence need to be given access to territory and protection including refugee status and determination procedure. And, if the people who are fleeing persecution and violence enter Mexico, they need to be provided access to the Mexican asylum system and those entering the United States need to be provided access to the American asylum system,” he said.
But to get to the US they must pass through Mexico!
So that (above) tells me that any migrant caravan marchers who didn’t ask for asylum in Mexico when they crossed in to that country are admitting they aren’t asylum seekers after all.
Hence when they reach the US border they will all be illegal aliens and we can keep them out!
Mahecic keeps trying to send his message:
He said it is urgent to stabilize the situation, to provide proper reception and to improve basic conditions for people on the move. In regard to people seeking asylum, he says their international protection needs must be properly assessed before any decision is taken on their return or deportation.
Remember that Mahecic and his bosses are trying to drive public opinion world wide to their view that migration is a human right. If they succeed then obviously that spells the end of the concept of national sovereignty.
Trump’s America First! message is completely antithetical to the UN’s objective, thus their on-going effort to destroy him.
Don’t you just feel like telling the UN to shut up! Of course, using only non-violent means by cutting off their funds entirely!
Ohio is developing in to one of the most migrant ‘welcoming’ states in the nation thanks to its present governor and former candidate for President, John Kasich.
But, this is a bit much even for him!
For all of you who are sick of the ‘welcome the stranger’ club many leaders of the Religious Left beat you up with these days, there are some things in this story you should know.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich told CNN Thursday that “the Lord” doesn’t want Americans to build walls and oppose the migrant caravan heading to the United States from Central America.
“We’ve got to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people,” Kasich told CNN’s Newsroom.
See Kullberg’s American Association of Evangelicals expose’ on George Soros and his “rented Evangelicals”:
Kasich, the grandson of Catholic immigrants from Eastern Europe who became an Anglican Christian as an adult, said he believes most Americans would welcome the caravan.
But not all Christians agree with the governor’s take on biblical truth.
She said the Bible has a lot to say about nations, but nowhere does it teach nations to open their borders to mass migration.
“While I appreciate Gov. Kasich’s Christian faith and compassion, I would encourage him to reconsider the nature of love and the balanced wisdom of Scripture,” Kullberg told The Ohio Star. “The Bible does not teach open borders, but wise welcome.”
Continue here as Kullberg gives you some ideas on responses to those who are cherry-picking the Bible to support their leftwing views on immigration.