Guest comment: Hannity interview explains why refugee flow so dangerous to us

Editor:  From time to time I post guest columns from readers.  Although a few days late, this is a very welcome piece.  I heard the interview live driving through South Dakota the other day and thought—you must all hear this!  Thanks to reader Julia for being on the same wavelength and sending me her comments. (Emphasis is mine)

Rich Higgins and Raheem Kassam Warn Against the Inflow of Refugees

Sean Hannity questioned Rich Higgins and Raheem Kassam on his radio show about “why President Obama is insisting 10,000 ‘refugees’ from the Middle East [be] brought immediately to America, and why Democratic nominee Hilary[sic] Clinton advocates increasing numbers by ‘500 per cent'” in light of the non-stop killing, raping, and groping by refugees and migrants in France, Germany, and Belgium and when Obama’s advisers say that terrorists may infiltrate the refugee population.
Higgins is a former official with the Department of Defense’s Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office & Irregular Warfare Support Program. Kassam is Editor-in-Chief at the Breitbart London bureau.

Behind bars in France, Marxist, Carlos-the-Jackel married his French lawyer in a Muslim ceremony.

As to Hannity’s question, Higgins answered, “I think that they’re so keen to have them coming in here because their Muslim Brotherhood advisers are telling them that is best for the West.”
Kassam added that “powerful liberal open borders activists such as George Soros” were responsible as well. His message to them: “it’s very hard to fight for social justice if you’re dead.”

“‘And the most galling element of it,’ [Kassam] continued, ‘is that we have the BBC, and the New York Times, and Sky News (editor note – Rupert Murdoch), and all of these other guys who are basically saying: ‘well, a backpack killed these people, a machete killed them.’ No. These are Syrian migrants who have faked being refugees. Some of them have been turned down in terms of asylum status, and they happen to have bombmaking knowledge and explosives at the same time?”

Higgins emphasized that the “outcome of this enemy isn’t just the killing, it is the political [expansion] of the shariah law, of Islamic law, in the west and we see our media compliant with Islamic law already – they won’t tell us the truth about it.” Higgins continued his warning:

“[and] to build on [Kassam’s] comments on the Socialist-Islamist nexus, in 2003, Carlos the Jackal, the Terrorist, in his book Revolutionary Islam said that only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States and what we see happening right now is that de facto alliance – both in the tactical sense – in the neighborhoods where these NGOs are working with these refugee groups – they’re not actually refugees, they’re immigrants or Muhajirun is the more appropriate technical term for them and this is all part of the Hijra . . . Hijra is a term from Islam . . . this is a Hijra – it is an act of moving here – they call it the process of settlement – they are not coming to immigrate and to actually become Americans or to subscribe to the Constitution – they’re coming here as a process of settlement.”

When the Obama administration says ISIS is on the run because it may have lost some “occupied territory” or lost “some leaders to drone strikes”, read what “Carlos the Jackal” surmised below and realize that ISIS is adaptive and “the only destination to which [it is] on the run is the next step in [its] strategy or the next attack . . . and [w]e have to stop falling into the ‘lone wolf’ trap, the insistence that if [ISIS] leaders aren’t texting instructions to [its] operatives, an attack somehow has less strategic importance or is not directly connected to [its] . . . plan.”

“Carlos the Jackal”

“Carlos the Jackal” a/k/a Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, is “a Venezuelan now serving a life sentence for murder in France,” He “saw that only revolutionary Islam could recruit the large numbers of killers and martyrs necessary to destroy the United States.”

“Carlos had also concluded that the United States could not be destroyed by any military rival. What was needed was a campaign of terror . . . [and] that terrorism is ‘the cleanest and most efficient form of warfare.’ By killing civilians, he argue[d], the terrorist saps the morale of the enemy and forces its leadership to submit to the demands of the revolution or surrender.”

“. . . [Carlos] dwell[ed] on the necessity for all Muslim men to grow beards and all Muslim women to wear the “revolutionary” head-cover (the hijab) invented in Lebanon in the 1970s. He sa[id] that beards and the hijab can be used as tools of terror, to dishearten the Americans by reminding them that “their enemy Islam” is in their midst.” See. See also.

Editor: So the question we (who understand this) have is this:  They are telling us that they are coming for us, so why don’t more people believe them?
For more guest comments and op-eds, click here, and see our category called ‘comments worth noting.’

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