Pretending to be Rohingya?

This is a discussion thread  that gives us some more insight on the scams that are occurring in the refugee resettlement program in Canada (and I suspect in the US as well).

They don’t take Bangladeshis?  Then be a Rohingya

Commenter TIslam reports:

I wasn’t aware of people seeking “political asylum” or applying for Canadian immigration under “refugee” status by Bangladeshis, until recently. I came to learn about it because my wife’s cousin’s friend got married to one such hapless character, who is now getting his papers straightened out owing to being married to a Canadian citizen. He was to be deported from Canada as he became illegal. The fellow entered Canada with a student visa but wanted to remain permanently. Apparently he hired an immigration lawyer who advised him to apply under the refugee status. Initially they thought that his application was accepted and the petition granted, however, he was notified that his application has been rejected after a year or so, owing to the backlog of applications. The poor guy met his wife-to-be, in the nick of time, thus saving himself from deportation.

The woman told me that there are many unscrupulous immigration attorneys who dupe many unknowing and helpless people by advising people to seek Canadian immigration under the refugee status or political asylum, when in fact they would not be eligible.

Refugee status for a Bangladeshi is pretty far fetched because by definition, that status is meant for people whose country is at war for which a large number of people have become displaced or for people who belong to a certain segment who are being persecuted like the Rohingyas, or like in Darfur, or those Iraqis who actively assisted the coalition forces, who perceive of being in danger if they continue to live in Iraq. Political asylum is more plausible since it is always possible to show that one was active in politics and that the current regime seeks to persecute him/her, etc.

Samaruf responds:

I have heard of Bangladeshis seeking asylum in Scandinavia and Canada by calling themselves Rohingyas as it is hard to tell the difference.

We have a whole category (94 previous posts!) on Rohingya Muslims.  For the longest time they were not accepted as refugees for resettlement to the US, but all that has changed.  Earlier in the month we reported Rohingya being resettled in Atlanta, here.

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