Martin O'Malley In Dearborn, Michigan: Bring in the Syrian Muslims! Michigan needs more!

They are just like my Irish ancestors! 

I know, O’Malley is going nowhere in his bid to knock out Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and still possibly Joe Biden to become the Democrat nominee for President of the US, but since he was Maryland’s governor and Baltimore’s mayor, this news interested me (a Marylander). And, LOL! I think I might be in that “shadowy network” he refers to (but, it is not so shadowy).

Martin O'Malley
Former MD Governor Martin O’Malley: Muslim refugees just like my County Mayo ancestors. (I know I have used this photo before, but I love it!)

From the Detroit Free Press:

Speaking to Arab Americans in Dearborn, Democratic presidential candidate and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley slammed “Islamophobia and xenophobia,” saying the U.S. should take in more Syrian refugees.

“I stand for a more compassionate America,” O’Malley said to about 200 people at the University of Michigan-Dearborn as part of a three-day conference held by the Arab American Institute. “We are a nation of immigrants and refugees. It’s in our DNA…The enduring symbol of America is not the barbed-wire fence. It is the Statue of Liberty.

O’Malley spoke Friday afternoon in a city whose population is more than 40% Arab-American Muslim. His remarks were the most extensive of any presidential candidate so far this year about Arab-American and Muslim issues. Before his talk, he met with Syrian and Iraqi refugees in metro Detroit, listening to their stories.

O’Malley called for bringing in 65,000 Syrian refugees, more than what the U.S. government currently plans to take in. Noting that Germany is taking in 800,000 refugees, he said: “As a nation, we should step up…we are a large nation. We must do better.”  [I think he hasn’t been properly briefed—all of his pals on the hard left are pushing for 100,000 Syrians now, 65,000 was sooo last spring!—ed]

Muslims are just like my Grandpappy from Ireland!

“When I look in the eyes of immigrants, I see my grandparents,” he said.

Bad boys—Donald and Ben!

O’Malley slammed Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Detroit native Dr. Ben Carson for making anti-Muslim remarks. He said there is a disturbing pattern of anti-Muslim sentiment, saying “houses of worship…have been denied permits, worshippers exiting the mosque in Phoenix (Arizona)…greeted with protesters carrying assault rifles.”

O’Malley said that a “shadowy network of hateful” groups is “scapegoating and marginalizing Arab and Muslim Americans.”

I don’t think there is anything shadowy about those thinking it’s absolutely INSANE to bring in 65,000-100,000 (or even 10,000) Syrian Muslims (97% entering the US right now are Muslims) and disburse them throughout America. We are all quite out in the open!
Note to the “shadowy network” in Michigan….
O’Malley is not alone—Michigan Republican Governor Snyder wants to boost the Muslim population of Michigan too!   Here is more news on that which I won’t have time to post separately.  See if you can figure out for what Michigan is receiving $3 million from the feds.  If it’s for the school system that would be a drop in the bucket for what the refugee kids cost state taxpayers.

Hillary (and the girls) are to blame for Libyan hellhole, European invasion

A trip down memory lane….
As I listened to testimony yesterday at the Benghazi hearing I was reminded of the many posts I’ve written over the years about how Hillary was directly involved in the destruction of the Libyan state that ultimately led to the use of that country as an important launch pad for the Mediterranean invasion of Europe by tens of thousands of Africans and Middle Easterners.

Hillary, rice, power
Hillary admitted yesterday that in 2011 Obama was reluctant to follow Europe’s lead and get involved in Libya, but that she marshaled the forces (including Susan Rice and Samantha Power) to persuade Obama to help overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Ultimately, she said yesterday, it was the President’s decision thereby tossing blame back on Obama when the results of her actions have proven so disastrous. Ambassador Stevens and the others who died might not have been there if it weren’t for those “loose weapons.”

Here is one of our many posts on Hillary:  This one is from December 2014, but we had predicted in 2011 that Hillary’s (and yes, she admitted it yesterday that she was the leading Administration force for the overthrow of Gadaffi) misadventure in Libya was leading to a refugee crisis of massive proportion.
Hillary and the girls (dubbed the “humanitarian Vulcans” by some in the White House) said it was our “responsibility to protect” the Libyan people that underpinned our imperative to join the Europeans in overthrowing (and killing) Gadaffi.  This is what I said in December of 2011.  So much for the poor Libyan people now!

Watch for it!   The ‘responsibility to protect’ means we go to war and create a whole new bunch of refugees that need to be resettled in the West!

April 2011:  read what we said about the three witches, here.  Go here for all of our posts mentioning Hillary and Libya.

Big pow-wow of the refugee pushers and the no-borders gang coming up in December

Who is working against American workers and your American towns and cities? Find out!
Let me be clear, many of you have foolishly (in my opinion) tried to make the distinction between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration for way too long (legal is good, illegal is bad).  Please notice that the side, pushing for MASS MIGRATION, makes no such distinction.
They are all happily coming together surely (in December of this year) to get their marching orders (community/union organizing instructions!) for the 2016 Presidential race. LOL! to be a fly on the wall and hear how many times the name ‘TRUMP’ is mentioned.

eva Millona
Eva Millona is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. MIRA is a co-sponsor of the pow-wow at which they will denigrate you for standing up for your communities.

From New American Dreams (click on the site to follow links and to register):

We’ll be making history together Dec 13-15, 2015 at NIIC 2015. [for those who have enough money to stay in a hotel in Brooklyn—ed]

Founded over 25 years ago, the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), the local Co-Host for NIIC 2015, is the leading advocate for New York’s immigrant communities on the local, state and national level. NYIC brinPrintgs together 165 organizations and entities that work with immigrants and refugees across the city and the state; together, our multi-ethnic and multi-sector constituencies pursue a common agenda and represent what is best about New York—diversity, energy, and the drive for positive change.

NYIC is a proud member of the National Partnership for New Americans, the national Co-Host and anchor for NIIC 2015. NYIC is committed to bringing voices from across New York to NIIC 2015 and share our experiences from the last quarter century of advancing immigrant integration. NIIC 2015 will also advance NYIC’s work with regional and national partners.

The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) is a national multiethnic, multiracial partnership. We represent the collective power and NPNA resources of the country’s 34 largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 29 states. Our members provide large-scale services—from DACA application processing to voter registration to ACA outreach—for their communities, and they combine service delivery with sophisticated organizing tactics to advance local and state policy.

Our aim is to achieve a vibrant, just, and welcoming democracy for all. We believe America’s success is rooted in our ongoing commitment to welcoming and integrating newcomers into the fabric of our nation, and to upholding equality and opportunity as fundamental American values. Immigrants are the soul of our organization, and immigrant communities inspire, implement, and champion our work.

Joining the Co-Hosts on the NIIC 2015 Executive Committee are key partners. Make the Road New York, which builds the power of Latino communities to achieve dignity and justice, as well as the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees.

They are going to examine you!

LOL!  They are going to have a session about us (about those of us who don’t want to CHANGE America, who want to know what they have planned for our towns, who want to put American workers first, who don’t want to spend enormous amounts of the federal treasury to care for third world migrants, who don’t want to dilute our Judeo-Christian culture and heritage).  Check it out!  At 3:15 on December 13th:

Understanding and Addressing Today’s Organized Backlash Against Muslim Immigrants and Refugees

This session will explore the resurgence of anti-immigrant and Islamophobic rhetoric and activism and the recent use of Islamophobia to undermine refugee resettlement. This new development has implications for receiving communities and for refugee resettlement, particularly of Muslim refugees. How does this backlash against resettlement fit within the broader attacks on Muslims in the U.S. and what are the best ways to respond? Who are the key actors fueling this campaign and how is their message spreading? Hear from experts from the Muslim community and from refugee resettlement leaders about this new challenge and potential responses.

Here is the list of those working against your American towns, against American workers and against American taxpayers (regular readers of RRW will recognize many of these groups from our previous reporting).  The gang is all here!

Building Skills Partnership
CAPACES Leadership Institute
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York
Catholic Legal Immigration Network
Center for Urban Research at the CUNY Graduate Center
Four Freedoms Fund
International Rescue Committee
JM Kaplan Fund
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
Make the Road New York
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Migration Policy Institute
National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders
National Council of La Raza
National Partnership for New Americans
New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito
New York Immigration Coalition
New York State Office of New Americans
Partnership for a New American Economy
Partnership for New York City
The Program for Environmental and Regional Equity at the University of Southern California
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
Unbound Philanthropy
Welcoming America
Western Union

About the photo:  Learn more about Ms. Millona here as she played a major role in the Obama Task Force on New Americans.

My video shown on Newsmax TV

Maybe we will hit 2 million views one of these days!   The video we made with the Center for Security Policy back in April has over 1.7 million views as of this writing.
Be sure to check out our second Youtube video here about the Senate Jihad Caucus wanting 65,000 Syrian mostly Muslim refugees to be admitted to America (they have recently bumped the number up to 100,000 before Obama leaves office!).
By the way, when Donald Trump says he will send them back if he should become President (we applaud his bravery in saying this), but please know that will never happen once they have been admitted during Obama’s remaining time in office and are disbursed to 48 US states (see map).  Only a tiny fraction of the refugees we’ve admitted to America ever go home willingly and we have never forcefully sent any home even once their country has stabilized.
Last night our first Youtube video was shown on the Steve Malzberg show on Newsmax TV (thanks to all who notified me and to Brenda for the link).

Malzberg:  If this keeps up we are going to lose our country!


Trump doubles down on Syrian refugee "Trojan Horse" comments

Here we have the New York Post reporting on 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump (on the Sunday shows) reemphasizing his contention that the Syrian refugee stream to Europe and America could bring ISIS terrorists in with it.

donald serious
Donald Trump: “What she [Merkel] has done to Germany is insane.”
Trump also said he carries a gun from time to time.
Just a reminder, the Syrian stream to America is well underway, 97% are Syrian Muslims.
From the New York Post:

WASHINGTON — It’s “insane” that Chancellor Angela Merkel is allowing so many male Syrian refugees into Germany, Donald Trump said Sunday.

“I’ve been watching this migration. And I see the people. I mean, they’re men, they’re mostly men, and they’re strong men,” Trump said on “Face the Nation.” “What I won’t do is take in 200,000 Syrians who could be ISIS.”

“These are physically young, strong men. They look like prime-time soldiers. Now, it’s probably not true. But where are the women?” the GOP frontrunner wondered.

Merkel has welcomed the flood of mostly Syrian and Afghan refugees with compassion saying it’s her “damned duty” to help those running for their lives. An estimated 800,000 newcomers will arrive in Germany by the year’s end.

“What she’s done in Germany is insane. It’s insane. They’re having all sorts of attacks.”

The Gulf States “who have nothing but money” and others should find a big swath of land in Syria and create a safe zone to harbor families, Trump suggested. The US could help economically, but should limit taking in Syrian refugees because they could be terrorists.

See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  And, see what Merkel is doing to Germany, here (“unparalleled historical mistake”).
Update:  Merkel not backing down on original decision to invite Syrian refugees to Germany, here.