Who are the wealthy and influential Open Borders Republicans?

And, let me ask the real humanitarians in our audience, why do you think this cabal is for Open Borders?

Because they have a heart? Or, because they are looking at their bottomlines and need the cheap labor?  Let’s be completely honest!  They do not have the best interests of the American worker or the taxpayer first on their priority list!

If you are going to CPAC 2015 later this month, keep in mind that Norquist has kept out any conservative who has questioned his Islamic sympathies. https://potomacteapartyreport.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/cpac-doesnt-like-free-speech-blocks-pamela-geller-this-year-completely/

By the way, don’t forget Grover Norquist and his RINO pals (including Jeb Bush) were pushing for more refugee (laborers!) this month last year.

So, why might refugees and legal immigrant laborers be so good for big business interests—the rich can get away with paying lower wages while you subsidize the workers with welfare!  Great business model isn’t it!

From BuzzFeed (Hat tip: Judy):

Leading figures in Republican fundraising will hold a teleconference next week calling for an overhaul to U.S. immigration policy — a move that could put pressure on GOP presidential hopefuls as they head toward 2016.

The Tuesday call, which will be moderated by longtime conservative immigration advocate Grover Norquist, will include Mitt Romney’s former finance director Spencer Zwick; California-based fast food CEO Andrew Puzder; and billionaire health care executive Mike Fernandez.

Fernandez, who contributed at least $1 million to help elect Mitt Romney in 2012 and helped raise many millions more, has said he is leaning toward supporting Jeb Bush in the upcoming election. But Puzder, who helped fund Carly Fiorina’s 2010 Senate campaign, so far appears up for grabs in the early race for Republican money; and Zwick, who led Romney’s 2012 fundraising efforts, has not yet aligned himself with any of the prospective candidates who are courting him.

The call serves as the latest illustration of tension between GOP donors — whose business interests and personal ideology often lead them to support more lenient immigration measures — and conservative activists, who generally oppose such policies.

The teleconference will be hosted by the Partnership for a New American Economy, which boasts a bi-partisan collection of co-chairs including Rupert Murdoch, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Marriott, and Julian Castro.

If you missed it last week, read more about Norquist’s Islamic connections, here.

Italy says it may take military action in Libya (with UN leadership); wants to stop the boats

Invasion of Europe News….


Rescuing the African migrants which launch from the “failed state” of Libya


Fearing that ISIS is only a short boat trip away from Italy and Malta, Malta’s President is cheered by an Italian suggestion that they might join a UN-led “force to battle” in Libya.  I wouldn’t hold my breath!  I think the UN is perfectly O.K. with the on-going ‘Invasion of Europe.

From the Times of Malta:

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat welcomed an announcement by Italy this evening, that it would be ready to join a UN-led force to battle “an active terrorist threat” after recent advances by a faction in Libya that has sworn loyalty to Islamic State militants.

In a tweet, Dr Muscat said:

“Glad #Italy willing to intervene in #Libya under UN mandate. #Malta will play it’s part to ensure #Mediterranean stability -JM @matteorenzi”

Earlier, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said in an interview with SkyTG24 television, that Italy backed efforts by United Nations special envoy Bernardino Leon to bring warring factions to the table to try to broker a ceasefire.

But he said should talks fail, Italy “is ready to fight naturally in the context of an international mission”.

“We cannot accept the idea that there’s an active terrorist threat only a few hours from Italy by boat.”

The situation in Libya, already chaotic, “is deteriorating”, Gentiloni said, adding that Italy “cannot underestimate” the possibility of an attack by Islamic State militants.

In the meantime, those Malta Millionaires are busy fundraising to rescue the next batch of North African invaders, here.

Remember who we can thank for the fall of Libya—Hillary, Rice, and Power (the humanitarian Vulcans)!

For American readers, if you think this has nothing to do with you—think again!  Some of those illegal aliens arriving on Malta are being transformed by our US State Department into “refugees” being resettled in your towns!

See our extensive archive on Malta by clicking here.   It is interesting how motivating the prospect of Islamic terrorists getting into Europe can be, yet most political leaders are blind to the slow creep of Islamic migrants into their countries and cultures that in the long run will have a more devastating impact then some individual terrorist acts will have.

New information on Grover Norquist’s connections to influential Islamists

If you just finished reading our previous post on an Iraqi refugee creep from Kentucky and still have a smile on your face after clicking our last link in that post, wipe the smile off your face!

Grover Norquist, a long time Open Borders lobbyist apparently has some explaining to do! Photo and earlier story on Norquist at Frontpage magazine: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/a-disturbing-event-the-american-conservative-union-embraces-an-islamist/

From Rebel Pundit comes some amazing news about Republican tax guru Grover Norquist and his connections to Islamist sympathizers in the US (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum).

So why do we write about Norquist? because back in our first months as a blogger (more than seven years ago) we told you that Norquist was pushing for Iraqi refugees to be admitted into the US in large numbers.  The majority are Muslims in need of extensive taxpayer-funded social services.

Why, we asked, does an anti-tax crusader want to add to our tax burden?

More recently we told you about Norquist and Suhail Khan rounding up a bunch of RINO Republicans to once again push for more refugees to be admitted to the US.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush signed the letter!

Does Jeb know who he is consorting with???

By the way,  Norquist’s letter erroneously stated that Ronald Reagan signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law (he knows better—it was Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and Pres. Jimmy Carter who are responsible for the law).

I’m not going to tell you what Rebel Pundit has unearthed—-read it yourself!

Our archive on Grover Norquist is here.

Jeb Bush: repopulate Detroit with migrants! Sounds good, but is it one big fat myth?

Drudge had a headline story last night, from CNN, which listed many of Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush’s comments on welcoming immigrants.

Can we afford one more Bush tax and spender?

According to CNN, Bush was to give a speech in Detroit yesterday (I don’t know if he did) and suggest this:

He even suggested the mayor of Detroit — the economically depressed Midwestern city where he’s giving his first policy address of the 2016 campaign on Wednesday — use immigration to “repopulate” the city.

Would someone please do an economic study of one of the refugee-overloaded cities and see if immigrants did bring prosperity to the city or not!  Let’s put this notion to rest!

Look at Utica, NY for example.  Ten years ago the United Nations raved and called it the Town that Loves Refugees and just two weeks ago we learned that the city was suing the state because they can’t afford to educate all of the refugee children.

Any study should examine closely the cost of educating the children and the costs to the criminal justice system. We need to know what the labor market looks like.  Are the immigrants simply taking jobs that less-educated Americans want?

We also need to know how much money is leaving the city and the country in the form of remittances back to the homeland!

The study must consider how much federal TAXPAYER money is simply flowing from Washington to the city (it shouldn’t be counted as benefiting the city when taxpayer dollars are simply moved from one pot to another!).  Also, we hear all the time that immigrants open businesses at a higher rate, but I want to know how much start-up money is going to them from government-supported micro-loans.  And, how quickly they are closing those businesses!

Let’s get the answer once and for all!

More news about Syrian Muslims headed to Kentucky

While I slept, Pungentpeppers was busy reading the latest news…..

And, by the way, the last time we reported on Syrians headed to Kentucky, Nebraska and North Dakota it was our top post for three weeks running!

The US State Department’s man in charge of refugees coming to America, Laurence Bartlett: “The US will be a significant player” in the resettlement of Syrians and private resettlement agencies will determine where they go!

The State Department has been slow gearing up for the big Syrian push and in this article at The Courier-Journal they claim it’s due to the United Nations being slow to get them a list.

REMEMBER! it is the UN choosing who is coming to America.

They say we do intensive security screening, but logically that is impossible because who is going to supply records (what court records? what government documents?) when the whole region has been in turmoil for years.

Here is the latest from The Courier-Journal:

Twenty-one Syrian refugees will arrive in Louisville over the next two weeks, a figure expected to increase in Kentucky and beyond as the U.S. begins to take in an expanded number of refugees fleeing Syria’s bloody civil war.

The refugees, from four families who fled to Jordan and Egypt, are part of a larger U.S. resettlement effort expected to bring as many as 10,000 Syrians to cities throughout the nation over the next several years, according to the U.S. State Department.


The U.S. has accepted few Syrian refugees in recent years, sparking criticism that it was slow to respond. But Bartlett said the U.N. only recently has sought to resettle larger numbers. The State Department is now reviewing nearly 10,000 referrals from the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. By contrast, just 323 Syrians were resettled in the U.S. in 2014.

The U.N. is asking an array of nations to take in 100,000 refugees through 2016, Bartlett said, and the U.S. will be a “significant player.”

Although private resettlement agencies will determine where they go, last year some arrived in California, Illinois and Texas. Bartlett predicted resettlements would reach 1,000 to 2,000 through this fiscal year and would grow more quickly in the subsequent 12 months. While no ceiling on Syrians has been set, the U.S. has a cap of 70,000 total global refugees a year.


Kentucky, home to two Louisville resettlement affiliates, has taken in 6,428 refugees since 2011, including 1,113 from Iraq, according to the State Department figures. That has left the area with resources and interpreters that could make it a landing spot for Syrians, Koehlinger said, though exact numbers are unknown.

“We’ll probably have a significant number here in Louisville” by summer, said Darko Mihaylovich, director of Louisville’s Catholic Charities Refugee and Migration Services.

The Iraqi terrorists in the next section did have a “record,” at least one of them had fingerprints on an IED that killed American National Guardsmen in Iraq and no one had ever put the prints together with the fraudulent refugee application to America.

Advocates said the refugees from Syria bring added security concerns, in part because of fears of Islamic extremism among Islamic State followers and others.

In 2013, two Iraqi refugees living in Bowling Green, Ky., were sentenced on terrorism charges. They were arrested in 2011 after helping a confidential government informant load cash and weapons that they thought were bound for al-Qaida in Iraq into a tractor-trailer.

Read on, the article is full of information including the fact that a local Islamic Center is getting geared up to welcome the new Muslims.

By the way, Kentucky is a Wilson-Fish state and as such the program is run by contractors and the federal government (UN!) with no Kentucky state government say-so!

Senator Mitch McConnell has obviously not protected Kentucky for all of his time in the Senate.  Senator Rand Paul did speak up here in 2013 when he wanted to know why we needed to bring in all the Iraqis.  You may not like Senator Paul, but he may be the only one in a position to put the breaks on the Syrian resettlement for Kentucky and for America (if he wanted to!).

The UN is gearing up and so is the State Department so that by the time a new President enters office in January 2017 there will be no hope of stopping this train.

About the photo:  Do you see that map behind Bartlett? That is the map I referred to in my presentation in St. Louis this past weekend.  You can find it online by clicking here.  It depicts the 180 or so cities that have contractors working in them and that are being colonized. Any smaller town within a hundred miles is fair game.