Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal doubles down on ‘no-go-zones’ statement, runs afoul of word police

Update:  Today the Center for Security Policy sent a formal letter of thanks to the Governor for his willingness to speak the truth, read it here.

And, it isn’t just the phrase ‘no-go-zones’ that the politically-correct word police surely aren’t happy with.

He actually had the nerve to use the forbidden word—“assimilate.” 

Now that is unforgivable!  It is a word never, ever used by the Open Borders/More refugees movement!  See here—“integration” is the proper word in Obama and Washington cool circles.

Jindal wants Muslims and other immigrants to assimilate. But what could he possibly know about immigrants!

From CNN at WPTZ.com:

WASHINGTON (CNN) —Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Wednesday stood by his controversial comments about “no go zones” in European cities, insisting that some Muslim immigrants are trying to “colonize” European cities and “overtake the culture.”

And the United States could be next, warned Jindal, a Republican who is considering a 2016 presidential run.

“They may be second, third, fourth generation, they don’t consider themselves part of that country. They’re actually going in there to colonize, to overtake the culture,” Jindal said. “If people don’t want to come here to integrate and assimilate, what they’re really trying to do is … overturn our culture.”


“We’re at war with radical Islam whether he wants to call it or not,” Jindal said on Wednesday.

Drawing on his Indian heritage, Jindal insisted that the race or religion of immigrants is not what’s important, but that immigrants to the U.S. must learn English and integrate and assimilate to American culture.

“It used to be OK to call America the melting pot, now the politically correct one wants to say, look we can’t impose our culture on others, we can’t impose our values on others, that’s nonsense,” Jindal said.

Say after me:  Assimilate, assimilate, assimilate!  Use it everywhere you can!

Senator Rand Paul has a lot of nerve to question French immigration policy!

How can a man whose own home town was traumatized by the arrest of Muslim refugee terrorists, and whose home state of Kentucky is a prime US State Department resettlement site for Somali, Iraqi, Burmese and soon-to-arrive Syrian Muslims have the audacity to tell the French that they need to re-think their immigration policy!

Frankly, I had a lot of hope for Senator Paul a few years ago when he raised some hell in Washington over how those two Iraqi (now convicted and in prison) terrorists slipped through Homeland Security’s hands (they lied on refugee applications, big surprise!) when one of them had fingerprints on IED fragments from Iraq.  He is the only Senator I have seen even make a peep about the Refugee Program.

Maybe I’m the only one who remembers Senator Paul’s brief stand!  See posts here here, here and here.   After 2013 (what! when 2016 was around the corner?) it sure sounds like Paul himself erased concerns for Kentucky and America right out of his mind!

Grover Norquist and Senator Rand Paul. For your own good Paul, get away from Norquist! Photo: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/norquist-bloomberg-and-rand-paul-team-up-for-dont-call-it-amnesty/

Why doesn’t Senator Rand Paul get it—if he came out strongly right now about American security as it relates to LEGAL and illegal immigration he would have a shot at the Presidency in 2016!

This is the news that got me steamed this morning.  From CNN:

(CNN)Sen. Rand Paul thinks that France needs to rethink its immigration policy in light of the recent terror attacks.

The Kentucky Republican said Thursday that intelligence and surveillance tactics should still be employed to prevent terrorism, but argued “there’s some policy changes, though, that could be better.”

“I think also you got to secure your country. That means maybe that every Muslim immigrant that wishes to come to France shouldn’t have an open door to come,” he said on Sean Hannity’s radio show, referring to Islamic radicalization in Europe.

Paul suggested such policy be considered by France and “many of these other countries that had old colonies in predominantly Muslim areas.”

He does throw in a comment about our border security and student visas (big deal), but more than any other Senator in Washington, maybe even more than Senator Jeff Sessions (who doesn’t say much about refugees), Paul knows about the dangers and the cost of our refugee program.

Paul, a potential presidential contender, argued that “it’s also my concern here,” saying the U.S. border “is a danger to attack” and criticizing what he described as a poorly monitored student visa program.

See our extensive archive on Kentucky and its many problems with refugees, here.  Paul’s home town of Bowling Green was until recently a preferred resettlement site!‘  Sometime after 2009 it was taken off the list, why? because it is so overloaded with refugees that the feds and their resettlement contractors are now focusing on other Kentucky cities like Louisville (where they eat camels!).

About the photo and Senator Paul’s association with Grover Norquist.  In 2007 Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform) was promoting, with his inside-the-beltway Republicans, the idea of bringing in Iraqi refugees.  More recently Norquist and Suhail Kahn ginned-up a letter from a group of RINOs to bring in more refugees generally.

Jeb Bush signed that letter asking that we resettle MORE refugees.

Note to Paul—get away from Grover Norquist!

Islamic State spreading into North Africa (Libya and Egypt); blame Hillary and the girls!

In case you missed the story on turkey day last week, the Washington Times published a report that we are mentioning here for two reasons.

First, as you know, Libya is the primary jumping off point for the so-called Muslim “refugees” invading Europe by the tens of thousands via the Mediterranean Sea.  So what is going to stop a few ISIS types climbing into those boats?

The three reasons Libya is an Islamic hellhole that could easily become the newest ISIS acquisition! Photo: http://www.inquisitr.com/694431/samantha-power-the-most-appalling-and-terrifying-presidential-nomination-in-decades-commentary/


And, secondly, we are posting this so that history is not forgotten—the Libya debacle is the direct result of Obama’s three witches dragging the reluctant warrior into their “responsibility to protect” scheme back in 2011.  That would be Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power dubbed the “humanitarian Vulcans” in the White House according to author Edward Klein.

Klein reports in The Amateur that Power had gotten tired of rinky-dink do-gooder stuff  like worrying about Iraqi Christians as Obama’s refugee czar, so she joined the let’s go kill the Colonel chorus.  Gaddafi might have been a tyrant, but he held the country together and kept a check on the number of boats launched from Libya, which is more than we can say for Obama’s girls.

Here is the Washington Times:

In its war to create a caliphate across Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is opening a front in North Africa, where affiliated militants are wreaking havoc in eastern Libya and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula — presenting a complex challenge for Washington and its allies in the region.

Through its savvy use of social media and slick production of recruitment videos, the Islamic State — also known by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL — is attracting a growing number of individual jihadis to its harsh interpretation of Islamic, or Shariah, law.

“ISIL’s stated goal of expanding its caliphate and its adherence to a strict form of Shariah has definitely resonated with a collection of extremists across North Africa, who appear to be mimicking ISIL’s rhetoric and brutality,” said a U.S. intelligence official who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss security issues freely.

What remains to be seen is whether the region will face a surge of unbridled Islamic State-style violence, including beheadings. Counterterrorism analysts say there is little doubt of that — especially in Libya, where the government is under threat of being overrun by militants, and in Egypt, where the military has struggled to contain Sinai extremists for years.

There is more.

If I were the Europeans, I would be turning back every boat that leaves the coast of North Africa!  But, they won’t of course because they are such chickens.

So remember Hillary’s role in Libya in 2011 and at Benghazi a year later as the 2016 election cycle begins in earnest next month.

US Bishops’ lobbyist threatens White House with ‘fence jumpers’ if Obama doesn’t act on executive amnesty

Of course, Kevin Appleby says he is speaking “politically” when quoted by the New York Times last week here:

Many pro-immigration groups and advocates — as well as the Hispanic voters who could be crucial for Democrats’ hopes of winning the White House in 2016 — are expecting bold action, having grown increasingly frustrated after watching a sweeping bipartisan immigration bill fall prey to a gridlocked Congress last year.

“This is his last chance to make good on his promise to fix the system,” said Kevin Appleby, the director of migration policy at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. “If he delays again, the immigration activists would — just politically speaking — jump the White House fence.”

Money! Money! Money!

For new readers (and everybody) always keep in the back of your mind that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops migration fund is almost completely–98%–funded by federal grants and contracts.  They will benefit financially from an amnesty as they will be tasked with getting the “new Americans” signed up for all their social services.  You probably pay Appleby’s salary!

Also, I think the Bishops were actually promoting the rush on the border when they traveled to Central America in late 2013 and Appleby authored their report on the coming border surge.  Could they predict the surge of “children” because they helped create it?

Don’t forget to call your Representative and US Senators today to demand they oppose Obama’s Executive Amnesty!

We are up against BIG-money “religious” groups operating on your dime!

Will our voices be drowned by big ‘leftist’ money behind Obama and no-borders movement?

And, special feature:  The Commies at Casa de Maryland are at it again too!

When you read this New York Times article you can pat yourselves on the back for holding off the no-borders leftists for as long as we have with mostly grassroots power and no money.

But, don’t despair!  We can do it again!

George Soros and Hillary. Soros funded “evangelicals” for open borders. http://www.examiner.com/article/soros-funded-evangelical-groups-pressure-congress-for-immigration-reform

The New York Times yesterday gives us a catalog of the Leftwing big bucks flowing into supposed do-gooder pro-immigrant lobbying groups.   And, this doesn’t even include the money coming from big international corporations, like BIG MEAT, looking for cheap laborers.

Who gets screwed (sorry for the language, but how else can you say it)?  Middle and lower class Americans who want to work and love America as it is!

They aren’t just fishing for Democrat voters, they are working for the advancement of a socialist/communist borderless world where people like George Soros, and now his offspring, will control what happens throughout the world to your detriment and their financial advantage. (Of course Soros and his ilk think they can control the Islamists and their migration agenda.)

The pro-open borders/no borders do-gooders (and frankly some of the immigrants themselves) are only pawns.

From the NYT (hat tip: Judy).  We pushed them back in 2007, we can do it again! (Emphasis is mine)

When President Obama announces major changes to the nation’s immigration enforcement system as early as next week, his decision will partly be a result of a yearslong campaign of pressure by immigrant rights groups, which have grown from a cluster of lobbying organizations into a national force.

A vital part of that expansion has involved money: major donations from some of the nation’s wealthiest liberal foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. Over the past decade those donors have invested more than $300 million in immigrant organizations, including many fighting for a pathway to citizenship for immigrants here illegally.

The philanthropies helped the groups rebound after setbacks and financed the infrastructure of a network in constant motion, with marches, rallies, vigils, fasts, bus tours and voter drives. The donors maintained their support as the immigration issue became fiercely partisan on Capitol Hill and the activists intensified their protests, engaging in civil disobedience and brash confrontations with lawmakers and the police.

The donors’ strategy arose in 2007, as immigrant groups nursed wounds from a rout after a bill pushed by President George W. Bush failed in Congress.

Mr. Stein, this is bigger than the Democrat party!  We have been watching the same strategies unfold in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.  Did you know they have the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion happening there too (see next post this morning).

“The whole apparatus has become the handmaiden of the Democratic Party,” said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR, which opposes legalization for unauthorized immigrants. “These foundations fund activist organizations designed to create ethnic identity enclaves and politically control them for partisan purposes.”

Speaking of ethnic enclaves, predictably here comes Casa de Maryland.  Be sure to read all about the Commies at CASA, here. (LOL! We have to get over our self-censorship and call a Communist a Communist!).

…. now that the White House has confirmed that Mr. Obama plans measures that could shield as many as five million immigrants from deportation, the advocates are mobilized and pushing him to act as broadly as his powers allow.

Last week, two days after the president held a news conference in the wake of the midterm elections, vowing to take executive action on immigration, Gustavo Torres, the executive director of CASA de Maryland and a coalition leader, was protesting once again in front of the White House.

“We expect the president to be big and bold,” he said. “This is his opportunity to make sure we are going to remember him as the president who made a difference for Latino and immigrant communities.”

Read the whole New York Times story here.  You might want to have a look at all of our previous mentions of Casa de Maryland, here.