Lucky Europe! Louseborne Relapsing Fever among East African Refugees, Italy, 2015

That is the title of an article at the Centers for Disease Control which reminds us that it isn’t just the Islamic terrorists that Europe has to worry about, but diseases that had long been eradicated in advanced western countries.   Lucky taxpayers too!

For more than you ever wanted to know:

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news……
From the CDC:

During June 9–September 30, 2015, five cases of louseborne relapsing fever were identified in Turin, Italy. All 5 cases were in young refugees from Somalia, 2 of whom had lived in Italy since 2011. Our report seems to confirm the possibility of local transmission of louse-borne relapsing fever.

Louseborne relapsing fever (LRF) was once widely distributed in all geographic areas, including Europe and North America, occurring in association with poverty and overcrowding. In Europe, it virtually disappeared after World War I in parallel with improved living conditions that led to substantially decreased body lice infestations in humans (1). Currently, LRF is reported mostly from Ethiopia and surrounding countries, where it is endemic (2): in this region, it is an extremely common infection with substantial mortality. The causative agent is the spirochete bacterium Borrelia recurrentis. In nature, the only relevant vector is the body louse, which feeds only on humans; no other reservoir for this infection is known (1,3). The incubation period is 3–12 days. We report 5 cases of LRF in refugees to Italy from East Africa that occurred during 2015.


Italy has recently received large numbers of refugees from East Africa, particularly from Somalia. These refugees come from and travel through countries where B. recurrentis is endemic; along the way, they are often sheltered in crowded conditions with very poor hygienic facilities. Two of the patients reported here indicated that, while staying in Libya, they were held with many other persons in a close environment, and all refugees housed together reported severe itching.

Many of these refugees enter Italy through Sicily, from where they are sent to reception centers throughout the country. Some of these reception centers have grown to substantial size and now house a more stable population, with continuous input of new arrivals. In these conditions, local transmission can occur with a possible risk for epidemics: 2 of the 5 patients reported here were long-term residents in Italy, and they denied recent travel to Africa, so they probably acquired the infection while being housed in the same facilities as the newly arrived refugees. Although it is possible that they denied recent travel for fear of legal consequences, they are unlikely to have had the opportunity to travel out of Europe for economic reasons.

More here.
For future reference this post is filed in our ‘Health issues’ category, here (285 previous posts), as well as in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archives, here.

German Chancellor now wants to return to the old European asylum rules

Invasion of Europe news…..

After dispensing with the EU rule earlier this year that required that asylum seekers register and apply for asylum in the first country in which they arrive, Angela Merkel now says the rule is back in force.   Of course, her earlier “welcome” set in motion the massive flow of migrants that now stretches throughout many countries in especially eastern Europe.

Merkel pursed lips
Merkel reluctantly trying to put the Genie back in the bottle.

Here is the Wall Street Journal on the reinstatement of the rule.  I bet some European leaders, like Orban in Hungary, are further enraged.
And, who is going to tell the moving masses they must return to the country they first set foot on in Europe.
Go here to see how many were on the move just yesterday as “Mama” Merkel made the announcement.

BERLIN—Germany said Tuesday it could reject Syrian migrants if other European countries are officially responsible for their asylum requests, a move that in practice will affect few people but illustrated the government’s mounting efforts to signal that its ability to take in refugees was reaching its limits.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been trying to balance her continued message of welcoming refugees with responding to growing pressure from local and state governments, as well as senior members of her own party, to stem the continuing inflow of thousands of migrants a day.

The change in policy announced Tuesday was an example of that balancing act. The Interior Ministry said that since Oct. 21, it was again applying to all migrants EU rules that require the country in which a person first registers an asylum request to process that request.

In August, Germany had announced the suspension of those rules for Syrians, a move that officials say helped spur hundreds of thousands of refugees to make their way to the country.

There is more here.
For all of our Invasion of Europe news, click here.  For more on Germany, click here.

Note to Antonio Guterres! Terrorists do use refugees as cover to get into Europe

When we attended the Georgetown gig the week before last, the UNHCR Antonio Guterres brought the audience to laughter as he went through a little pantomime about why on earth would an Islamic terrorist bother to get into the migrant stream flooding Europe when he might simply fly in, to say, Germany.

Chuckles reverberated through the auditorium at Georgetown University Law School on October 29 when UNHCR Guterres explained in detail why it would be ridiculous for a terrorist to infiltrate the migrant flow to Europe…. yuk! yuk! yuk!

Surprise! Not! We see that in fact an Al-Qaeda bigwig did attempt to get into Italy hidden among ‘refugees.’

Here is one of several accounts, this one from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily.
I want you to pay particular attention to the fact that only because he had been PREVIOUSLY FINGERPRINTED was he caught.  So the next time you hear a US State Department official say with all seriousness that refugees are screened using “biographic and biometric data” for security screening—remember if there is no database with names and fingerprints (the most common biometric information) they have no way of cross-checking anyone, let alone the hundreds of thousands of migrants on the move out of Africa and the Middle East.

Warnings about terrorists infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim boat people washing ashore daily on Europe’s beaches are no longer just warnings.

For the second time in the past few months, a known terrorist with direct ties to an international terror organization has been caught trying to enter Italy posing as an asylum seeker.

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi came to Italy on migrant boat from the failed state of Libya (thanks Hillary!).

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi was discovered among 200 refugees in a migrant boat off the coast of Sicily on Oct. 4. He was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror attacks with a group that has since been linked to ISIS. He tried to return to Italy last month in a boat that was attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Libya.

But authorities tried to hide the story, fearing their political opponents would use it to create “panic” among the population, the German channel n-tv reported. The story finally got out several weeks after Mehdi was detained last week.

“This is a totally predictable story to everyone but Angela Merkel and her supporters in Europe (which group includes most of the EU governments and media),” wrote blogger Thomas Lifson for the American Thinker.

Although he gave a false name, migration officers identified Mehdi through finger print records, according to the Independent.


If he had not already been arrested and convicted, he would not have had fingerprints in the terrorist database.

Continue reading here.
On October 29th, at Georgetown, wouldn’t Guterres already have been aware of the Italian arrest on October 4?  How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?

Berlin: Thousands protest, demand Merkel resignation

Invasion of Europe news…..

Berlin protest
On the streets of Berlin. Learn more about the ‘Alternative for Germany’ party here:

We have seen lots of Germans take to the streets throughout the country to protest the (mostly Muslim) migrant invasion, but this is the first time I’ve seen one in the capital.
From Breitbart:

The anti-mass migration Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) party held a rally in the German capital Berlin this afternoon, demanding the resignation of Chancellor Angela Merkel and calling for the country to adopt a strong policy on immigration.

The AfD has seen its popularity surge as Germany struggles to deal with the huge influx of migrants, and is currently campaigning in local elections in the Saxony-Anhalt region that will be seen as an indicator of public sentiment on the issue.

Frauke Petry
AfD leader Frauke Petry!

German paper Handelsblatt estimates that 5,000 people joined the rally this afternoon, calling for the immediate closure of Germany’s borders and introduction of Visa requirements from migrants from the Balkan states, including Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Angry demonstrators chanted “Merkel must go” and “traitor to the people” under the banner “Asylum has its limits – red card for Merkel”.

Continue reading at Breitbart and see the many photos, by clicking here.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.  Click here for more on “Mama” Merkel and Germany.

Can Germany put the Genie back in the bottle?

It’s doubtful even if the New York Times says German leaders are working on it….

Genie in a bottle
More Invasion of Europe news!  
Before even reading this below, go here, and have a look at the UN High Commissioner for Refugee’s interactive map which shows the daily flow of migrants into Europe.  It is absolutely fascinating to see! 7,315 were crossing into Germany from Austria just yesterday alone!  Two days before that (on Wednesday) it was 9,930.
And, so how do Germany’s politicians plan to get the message out to those on the move, and do they really think that even if the thousands arriving daily on Europe’s shores are going to hear the news (do they read the NYT?), what are the odds that they are going to say oopsie! and turn around?  See ‘Is the end nigh?’
From the NYT:

BERLIN — The German government is considering restoring controls on Syrian refugees arriving here after fleeing war in their homeland, and will significantly tighten rules allowing refugees to bring their families here, the Interior Ministry said on Friday.

The announcement followed weeks of mounting doubt about whether Germany has the capacity to handle almost 800,000 refugees who have arrived so far this year and who could total more than a million by year’s end.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government have come under fire at home and abroad, accused of triggering the influx of refugees from Syria and elsewhere when the German office overseeing migration said in August that it would no longer check Syrian arrivals. Those pursuing asylum had already been arriving in Central Europe in ever-increasing numbers earlier in the summer, but the pace quickened after that statement.

Continue reading to see the new rules they are thinking of putting in place.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.  Click here for more on “Mama” Merkel and Germany.
By the way, I’ve been tweeting a lot of Europe news because I can’t post it all, so if you are on twitter follow me here @refugeewatcher.