Asylum scammers: fake passport business booming

That’s what the Wall Street Journal is reporting, thanks to Jeff for sending the story.
The ‘stars’ of the WSJ piece landed in the UK, but I wonder how many are landing at an airport near you as we speak?

ISTANBUL—Somewhere over Europe, Kassem went to the airplane’s bathroom and flushed his fake Italian passport down the toilet.

When he landed in London’s Heathrow Airport a few hours later, Kassem presented his Syrian ID to U.K. immigration officials and requested asylum. The trip wouldn’t have been possible using his actual, Syrian passport—the country’s four-year civil war has turned it into a burden for anyone fleeing the conflict.

When asked where his passport was, Kassem told the officials: “It’s in the toilet.”

While hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees make the dangerous sea voyage to Europe followed by arduous treks across the continent, some of their countrymen have used fraudulent Western passports to board planes to countries where they can request asylum. Winter’s approach, turning seas colder, stormier and more dangerous, is expected to increase the practice.

Continue reading here.
This chart shows how many successful asylum cases were processed in 2013 in the US.  Source: Migration Policy Institute. (I would love to know what countries are represented in that 7,776 (30%) from “other countries,” wouldn’t you?)
asylum US
For new readers the difference between refugees and asylum seekers is that we fly the refugees in after the UN selects them for us and asylum seekers get in on their own steam—either illegally across a border or come legally on another type of visa—then ask for asylum, claiming they will be persecuted if returned to their homeland. Once granted asylum however, the asylum seekers get all of the same welfare goodies that refugees receive.

Don't miss NYT on German village to be overrun this week with Middle Eastern and African migrants

Invasion of Europe news….

Sumte is about an hour and a half drive from Hamburg. Map and story here:

Please read the New York Times story from Saturday.  I was trying to imagine a small American town if such a thing happened.  I won’t say it, but I know there would be a bit more than a community meeting.
New York Times (German Village of 102 Braces for 750 Asylum Seekers):

SUMTE, Germany — This bucolic, one-street settlement of handsome redbrick farmhouses may for the moment have many more cows than people, but next week it will become one of the fastest growing places in Europe. Not that anyone in Sumte is very excited about it.

In early October, the district government informed Sumte’s mayor, Christian Fabel, by email that his village of 102 people just over the border in what was once Communist East Germany would take in 1,000 asylum seekers.

Continue reading here.
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Posts on Germany and Merkel’s mess are here.

Swedish Foreign Secretary: Sweden will collapse

Invasion of Europe News
More on what were the most important posts for readers here at RRW last week….

marching from Denmark to Sweden
Middle Eastern migrants march from Denmark to Sweden

From the Daily Mail:

The Swedish Foreign Minister has claimed her country is facing collapse due to the mass influx of refugees*** as the migrant crisis deepens.

Margot Wallstrom has said that Sweden cannot cope with taking in refugees at its current level, without it affecting services.

She says that Stockholm will now have to pressure the European Union in a bid to force other member states to share the burden of those coming from the Middle East, mainly Syria.

It is expected that Sweden will take in around 190,000 migrants by the end of 2015. In the first nine months of the year, more than 73,000 people applied for asylum in Sweden.

And Mrs Wallstrom said in an interview: ‘I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse.

Continue reading…
It will collapse then because there is nothing going to stop the invasion.  All predictions are that tens of thousands will continue to go unimpeded to “welcoming” Sweden.
Will Sweden need sex education classes too as the mostly men arrive?
For all of our previous news on the Invasion of Europe, click here.  For many years of reports on Sweden, click here.
***By the way, according to the UNHCR, 53% of the migrants are Syrians, but the other 47% come from all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa, see here.

Hungarian Prime Minister: Soros behind invasion of Europe

I’ve thought this very same thing!
More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..
We have written several stories over the last few years about Soros involvement in various countries, here, here, and here promoting the rights of Somalis as they colonize Scandinavia.
See also news about Soros’ handbook for Muslim invaders to Europe, here.

hillary and soros
Never, never forget that Hillary and Soros are soulmates!

From Bloomberg Business:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused billionaire investor George Soros of being a prominent member of a circle of “activists” trying to undermine European nations by supporting refugees heading to the continent from the Middle East and beyond.

“His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle,” Orban said in an interview on public radio Kossuth. “These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

Rights groups have criticized Orban for building a razor-wire fence on the border, tightening asylum laws and boosting his support among voters with anti-immigrant rhetoric. Soros, who was born in Hungary and is one of the biggest philanthropists in eastern Europe via his foundations and university, gives grants to organizations that provide legal assistance to asylum seekers.

Soros said in an e-mailed statement that a six-point plan published by his foundation helps “uphold European values” while Orban’s actions “undermine those values.”

Go here to read Soros’ plan.
And remember Hillary and the girls share much of the blame for the ‘Invasion of Europe’ from Libya.

Germany investigating terror suspects in refugee flow (surprise!)

Invasion of Europe news….

On October 25th, Angela Merkel (left) and UNHCR Guterres (right) spoke about plans to welcome the migrants to Europe. On October 29th, in Washington DC, Guterres brought an audience to laughter explaining in humorous detail why terrorists wouldn’t bother to slog with the masses to infiltrate Europe. He said they would just buy a plane ticket and fly in (and what! be able to get through airport security screening). Of course they are in the flow of humanity. See my report from Washington. Photo:

From The Telegraph:

Germany is examining 10 cases of refugees accused of being a member of a terror organisation or taking part in war crimes abroad in an admission by the country’s police chief that will raise fears of terrorists among migrants.

Holger Muench, head of the BKA federal police, said that the influx of refugees posed a domestic security threat as migrants continued to cross into the country.

More than 8,000 streamed over the Austrian border to Bavaria on Wednesday and officials believe up to 800,000 migrants could enter the country by the end of year. Some predict it could be as high as one million.

Many of the migrants coming to Europe via the western Balkans route through central and eastern Europe are from war zones in the Middle East. Those fleeing to Germany were encouraged by Angela Merkel’s welcoming comments earlier this year, saying that Syrians would be given refugee status.

More than four million have fled the country since the start of the four-year civil war and nearly eight million have been displaced inside Syria.

The German chancellor has been criticised by allies and political foes and many say the influx has left Germany struggling to cope.

Some migrants also pretended to be Syrian to guarantee successful asylum in the country.

More here….. Be sure to see the informative graph showing where the refugees are coming from.  Almost as many are coming from Afghanistan as are those coming from Syria.
BTW, when you read the article, you will see that German officials refer to Islamic motivated terrorists as ‘Salafists’ which is a word describing a hard core group of Islamists.  In the US we refer to Al-Qaeda or ISIS and so forth, but in Germany they often use the broader term Salafism.  Also know that Salafists are Sunni Muslims and 97% of the Syrians we are admitting to the US are Sunni as well.
Photo caption: My report from Washington is here.  Gee!  I guess Guterres is wrong already! Guterres also told the audience of open borders activists that if Europe make the migration legal they wouldn’t have this problem—huh?
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive click here.