No time to say, more. This picture is worth a thousand words. The Hungarian Bishop is right!
“Refugees” from Afghanistan arrive in Germany. Fighting-age young men! See the story at The Telegraph.
By the way, our top post of the last week wasthis one—UN confirms 75% of migrants are men!
Well, here you go, you knew it had to happen. At least they caught this one! I wonder how many more there are? German politicians (and industrialists?) optimistic that they can handle hundreds of thousands of young men seeking asylum.
From The New Observer (hat tip: Joanne):
An ISIS terrorist posing as an “asylum seeker” has been arrested by German police in a “refugee” center in Stuttgart, and German customs officers have seized boxes containing Syrian passports being smuggled into Europe.
According to a report carried by RTL’s German language service, the terrorist is a 21-year-old Moroccan using a “false identity” who had registered as an asylum seeker in the district of Ludwigsburg. He was identified after police linked him to a European arrest warrant issued by the Spanish authorities. He is accused of recruiting fighters for ISIS, where he acted as a contact person for fighters who wanted to travel to Syria or Iraq.
Fake Syrian passports seized!
This first confirmed arrest of a bogus “asylum seeker” came simultaneously with the admission by a German finance ministry spokesman that “boxes” of fake Syrian passports, destined for sale and distribution to the hordes of nonwhite invaders seeking to settle in Europe as bogus “war refugees,” had been seized.
That news, carried in a report by the German Tagespiegel newspaper, also revealed that 10,000 fake Syrian passports were seized by police in Bulgaria, on their way to Germany.
The finance ministry official said both genuine and forged passports were in the packets intercepted in the post. Possession of these passports is a vital part of claiming “asylum” as “war refugees.”
Do you know that in the process of “screening” Syrians and others from the Middle East destined for America, prospective refugees are asked if they have ever been involved in terrorist activities. So what do you think they are going to answer—a big fat NO!
Take action!
Every one reading these pages must contact your Member of Congress and US Senators and tell them ‘no’ to admitting Syrian Muslim refugees! Time is of the essence because Obama could announce any day now that he will be opening the floodgates to Syrians.
You don’t think he is going to let Merkel, Cameron and the Pope be the humanitarian big shots do you?
While you are talking to your elected officials tell them that we have had enough Iraqi, Somali, Uzbek, Burmese, and Afghan Muslim refugees as well.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive ishere. Our archive on Germany (aka ‘New Syria!’) ishere.
Denmark is warning would-be Syrian asylum seekers that Copenhagen’s new center-right government has made it harder for refugees to find safety in the Nordic country. Ads targeting refugees that appeared Monday in Lebanese newspapers says asylum seekers will get fewer social benefits, may not bring family members to the country for a year and rejected asylum seekers will be quickly deported.
Copenhagen: Danes not forgetting the February 2015 terror attack by a Palestinian refugee.
“The Danish immigration authorities are informing about changes of conditions regarding residence in Denmark being implemented by the new Danish government,” the ad reads before listing essentially seven reasons why asylum seekers might consider a neighboring European country instead. The ads have been published in 10 languages on government websites and through social media.
The EU Observer news site said Inger Stoejberg, the Danish integration minister, told TV2 News the campaign cost 30,000 euros (about $33,500), or about the cost of hosting one refugee for a year. Copenhagen had been planning to run these ads since July, after news emerged that refugee smugglers were circulating fliers comparing the social welfare benefits of various European countries.
The Feb. 14 shooting rampage in Copenhagen by the 22-year-old son of a Palestinian immigrant killed two people at a freedom of expression event and injured five police officers. The tragic incident exacerbated a growing resentment among some Danes who think their generous social benefits are being drained by an influx of immigrants.
Someone with a little time and a head for numbers should figure out what an average refugee costs the US taxpayer per year.
See our‘Invasion of Europe’ archive as the beat goes on! Go here for previous posts specifically on Denmark. We have written previously about this ad campaign.
Update!A reader has let us know that it was Gates of Vienna that first reported this news directly from one of their correspondents, go herefor even more detail!
Yesterday a reader sent me a facebook posting translated from Polish and we see that it was also posted at TheConservative Treehouse/The last refuge by blogger Sundance. This morning as I began to post on the “horror story,” and attempted to visit the facebook page, I’m getting a notice that the “content is not available.” Has facebook taken it down? On the march to Austria and Germany! The Independent calls them “refugees.” 75% are men! What do they look like to you?
What do you get when you click here?
If you learn more about this, let us know.
Here (below) is a portion of the “horror story,” but please visit Sundance at the The Conservative Treehouse for more and for additional commentary.
“Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria i saw a huge crowd of immigrants. With all solidarity to people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror.This huge mass of people – sorry – but it’s an absolute wilderness … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting “We want Germany”. So what, Germany is now a paradise?
I saw an elderly Italian woman in a car that was surrounded by the immigrants. They pulled her by the hair out of the car and wanted to use it to go to Germany. They tried to topple the bus i was in. They threw feces at us, banging on the door for the driver to open it, spat on the glass. My question is- for what purpose? How do they want to assimilate in Germany? For a moment, i felt like in a warzone. I really feel sorry for these people, but if they would reach Poland – I do not think they would receive any understanding from us.
We spent three hours on the border, but failed to get through. The whole group was later transported back to Italy by the police. The bus is butchered, feces smeared, scratched, broken windows. And this is supposed to be an idea for the demographics? These big powerful hordes?
Continue readinghere. The horror story gets worse….
The UNHCR confirms that 75% are men.
By the way, the US State Department processes refugees out of Austria! I sure hope we aren’t going to be flying men like these to the US!
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news, click here, if you have time that is! We’ve been following the issue for years, so the archive is a huge one!
Former head of Socialists International, UNHCR Antonio Guterres is calling the shots for Europe AND America!
As EU leaders meet today to discuss the migrant crisis overwhelming Europe, the UN ups the number of refugees it is demanding that European countries permanently resettle.
By the way, in 2014 the UN was demanding that all western countries (not Gulf Arab states and not communist Russia or China!) take 130,000 permanent Syrian refugees. That is how the number 65,000! for America came to be—the UN and the US resettlement contractors said that since the US takes half of the refugees from around the world, our SHARE is 65,000!
Using that logic, since the UN is now upping the number are we expected to take 100,000?
Here is the latest at Deutsche Welle:
The United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Refugees has called for up to 200,000 refugees to be shared across the European Union. Various meetings are due to be held across the EU to discuss the crisis.
Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said on Friday that EU member states would be bound to the “mass relocation program.”
Polish Foreign Minister wisely says—stop the flow!
Poland’s Grzegorz Schetyna says STOP the “illegal migration” first!
Former Communist block countries seem to get it!
There is really no sense discussing the numbers to be distributed (or forced on each European state) when there is no will to stop the invasion!
Remember Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told European leaders months ago that they needed to (safely) turn boats back to where they were launched! No effort was ever made! This present crisis could have been averted had EU leaders followed Abbott’s advice back in April.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says this is Germany’s problem apparently a reference to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s invitation to the Syrians. Deutsche Wellequotes Poland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Grzegorz Schetyna near the end of the story. Clearly Schetyna believes most of the illegal aliens are ‘economic migrants’ and not truly persecuted refugees.
Poland warned on Friday that the EU must tackle the causes behind the huge migrant influx or risk being inundated with millions of refugees.
“The scale of the migration is enormous, so we can’t focus – I’m talking about the whole of Europe – on allocating illegal migrants without fighting the causes [of their arrival],” Schetyna told private Radio Zet.
“We have to think of how to stop the illegal migration. Otherwise [we may have] soon have 3-4 million economic refugees,” he added.
By the way, Poland has taken some Christian Syrians who do not pose a threat to the largely Catholic country.
Meanwhile the UK is caving.
Previously the Cameron government had been holding firm and not allowing itself to be bullied into taking large numbers of Syrian refugees. But, here Cameron buckles to pressure. From The Guardian (hat tip: Joanne).
For background on the ‘Invasion of Europe’go here where we have over a hundred posts on the topic going back a couple of years!