Why are we taking “refugees” from Austria…..

…..and Turkey, Sweden, France, Malta, Germany, India, Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam among others?

We couldn’t possibly be taking the Pakistanis and Afghanis who have been demanding asylum in Austria by camping out in Catholic Churches? Could we? http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/23/us-austria-refugees-idUSBRE90M0Z820130123

Since when do those countries have a war or other disturbance going on that would justify the US taking off their hands THEIR immigrant problems? 

Readers, legitimate refugees/asylum seekers are those who leave their country where they are supposedly persecuted and seek asylum in the first safe country in which they land.   There isn’t supposed to be some pass through opportunity to go to America!

Just now I had a look at WRAPSNET (US State Department) where the statistics are kept about which refugees are coming to the US.  Actually at WRAPS there are only a few data bases available to us, the taxpayers, most are password-protected and only available to the special people working in the refugee industry.

One database tells us from what country refugees have arrived in America in the first 4 months of this fiscal year (FY2014) and I was shocked to see we took 572 REFUGEES from Austria in 4 months, but who the heck are they?  Austria is a prosperous safe country!  Are they illegal aliens who entered Austria and to help them out we said, ‘What the heck, we can take them off your hands?’

The statistics don’t tell us the nationalities of those we took from safe countries!  Also, you should know that WRAPS does track the religions of the refugees, but won’t release that information to you (or me!).

We’ve been telling you for years how all this got started—the Bush Administration bent the rules and the US began resettling illegal aliens from Malta.  I see from the stats we have taken 136 off Malta’s hands in the first 4 months of this year alone.  Why is this in our NATIONAL INTEREST?   See our extensive archive on Malta (note to any real investigative reporters out there, we have done your research for you!).

Although we have only taken a tiny number (why isn’t it zero?) from Sweden, France, Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam, check out the large number we took-off Turkey’s hands—1,781, South Africa (aka the rainbow nation, the model for the world!)—167 (and you can bet they aren’t persecuted white people), India—138, and the UAE—92.   WTH!

By the way, the big number for Kenya (1,336) probably represents the Somalis we are taking from Dadaab.

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