Senator Jeff Sessions: Time to re-think our LEGAL immigration system

Yes!  It is way past time!

Senator Jeff Sessions (R) Alabama

Any of you reading this and still saying to anyone who will listen that “illegal immigration is bad, but legal is good,” please stop saying it because it shows you don’t know what you are talking about!
Our LEGAL immigration policies and programs are a disaster and this week’s Chattanooga slaughter should be a wake-up call to every sane citizen.
Thank God, Senator Jeff Sessions is now saying what we have been saying for years!
His piece entitled, Homegrown Terrorism ‘Made Possible by Unwise Immigration Policy’, is posted here at the Weekly Standard.   After listing myriad cases of terrorism perpetrated by LEGAL refugees and immigrants he wraps up with this:

It is time to affirm some fundamental but forgotten principles that will enhance not only our security but also our social and economic well-being:

· We are under no obligation to admit anyone to the United States.

· The selection of new immigrants to the United States should be based on what’s in the best interests of the people already living inside the United States.

· Immigrants selected for admission should be expected to be financially self-sufficient and chosen because they are likely to succeed, thrive, and flourish in the United States.

· Assimilation is the best policy to ensure both the success of our country and the success of those who arrive in our country. We do both the country and those seeking to enter our country a disservice by failing to promote our language, our laws, and our political customs.

Call Senator Sessions and urge him to hold hearings on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program with an eye to throwing it out altogether.   
He is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, here.   I see Senator Ted Cruz is on this subcommittee, tell him he needs to get on this issue ASAP if he wants your support in his 2016 run for the Presidency.

Daniel Greenfield: Chattanooga shooter possibly linked to Palestinian refugees

Update 2: Shooter traveled to Jordan in 2014, WSJ here.
Update:  If Dad is a Palestinian who left Kuwait, this family could indeed be resettled refugees or successful asylum seekers we gave shelter to. Here is what wikipedia says about the expulsion of Palestinians (Jordanian citizens) from Kuwait after the first Gulf War.   I don’t have time to dig around, but if you do, I’ll post your links here!  I have to get on to my work on “Welcoming Ohio” this morning.
Everyone I know is asking if the Islamic-motivated shooting of 4 unarmed Marines is somehow linked to our refugee program.  I don’t have the answer yet.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez

We don’t take very many refugees from Kuwait nor do we take very many Palestinians, but we do send many Muslim refugees to Tennessee.
If anyone sees a mention of the year the killer’s family entered the US it might help us narrow this down.  Remember there are several legal immigration programs through which this family could have been admitted to the US.
One possibility is that a family member (the father?) entered the US in some legal fashion (tourist visa?) then applied for asylum and subsequently brought the family over behind him (like the Tsarnaev Boston Bomber family did).
Everyone keep an eye out for any news about how they got into the US!
Holly Johnson
As the Director for the Tennessee Office for Refugees, Holly Johnson would be able to put the question to rest by telling us whether or not the killer’s family came to the US as refugees or possibly were granted asylum status after getting into the country through some other means.

The refugee program in Tennessee is a Wilson-Fish program which means it is run jointly by the US State Department and in this case Catholic Charities of Tennessee (Tennessee Office for Refugees)—they would both know if the Abdulazeez family came here as refugees or successful asylum seekers. 
Also, the primary resettlement contractor in Chattanooga is Bridge Refugee Services (a subcontractor of Church World Service and Episcopal Migration Ministries, two of nine major contractors).
Bridge has been operating in Chattanooga since 1982 so they would know if this family was one of theirs!
My guess is that the refugee contractors in Tennessee will not be forthcoming.
Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine has this bit of information:

This is still preliminary as the story is developing. So take it as that.

The media is reporting that the Muslim attacker in the Chattanooga shootings is Kuwaiti. That may not be accurate, based on the current reporting, it would appear that his mother Rasmia Abdulazeez is indeed from Kuwait, but his father Youssuf Abdulazeez is from Nablus in Israel.

This is not especially significant as a lot of self-described “Palestinians” used to live in Kuwait. At least until the Kuwaitis kicked them out for collaborating with Saddam. With the approval of Bush I.

If you see more on how the family got into the US, please send it our way.
By the way, one of the first posts I ever wrote at RRW was about this agency, Bridge Refugee Services, joining the ACLU and CAIR to fight a 2003 request by the US Dept. of Homeland Security for information under the Patriot Act.  The national security agency was looking for information on resettled Iraqi refugees.  The resettlement contractor refused to cooperate.
So they are not likely to talk now!

Here is another Daniel Greenfield story on this topic.

Meanwhile Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal says Muslim immigration to America might more correctly be called “colonization.”

At Breitbart:

According to a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), approximately 2.5 million immigrants from “predominantly Muslim countries” reside inside the U.S. right now. Abdulazeez was apparently one of them. Jindal has questioned whether all the Muslims coming into the United States right now is really truly “immigration” or if it’s actually a “colonization.”

About Holly Johnson:  This is her contact information if any investigative reporters want to try to get an answer—good luck!

Holly Johnson, Director
Tennessee Office for Refugees
Office: (615) 352-9520 ext. 222
Fax: (615) 352-0701

Germany being overrun by refugees, police say they can't process them all

Invasion of Europe news…..

Communist icon Angela Davis recently traveled to Germany, met with refugees and said that the refugee movement was THE movement of the 21st Century.

From Deutsche Welle:

Police in Bavaria admit they don’t have the resources to fingerprint all newcomers. In the first half of the year, almost 180,000 people – many from Syria and Iraq – applied for asylum in Germany.

Border authorities in Bavaria have given up trying to take the fingerprints of all the refugees entering the country, reported “Der Spiegel” on Monday.

The revelations came as officials acknowledged that close to 180,000 people claimed asylum in Germany in the first half of the year.

Quoting an unnamed senior police union official, the magazine said that up to 300 people were able to cross the German-Austria border each day without proper registration due to a lack of resources.

Local media reported that around 45,000 people have entered the country this year without being properly processed by authorities.

Gaddafi’s revenge?
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.

Aljazeera article about Temporary Protected Status for Syrians tips us off—thousands of Syrians in US illegally

…..and more appear to be coming!
For new readers, Temporary Protected Status, is basically a sham LEGAL immigration program that is anything but temporary.
The idea behind it is that we would give temporary refugee status to people already in the US for some other reason (tourist or student visa for example) when a calamity befalls their home country.  The thinking is that it wouldn’t be humane of us to send them home to a country in chaos either from war or natural disaster.  It is supposed to last for 18 months and allows the temporary ‘refugees’ to work, but not collect welfare.
Sounds fine and dandy except there are those with TPS status who are here for decades as the federal government just continues to extend the deadline, and you know darn well many are now collecting welfare and voting!  See our post last week about the newest TPS designated country—Nepal.
Syrians were granted TPS status in 2012, but I have laugh when I see they have a rolling deadline of sorts!
Here is Aljazeera on the news that not very many Syrians want to identify themselves to the US government by signing up for TPS.

Some, Aljazeera says, are applying for asylum, but thousands are simply moving around America to avoid detection!  Emphasis below is mine:

Nahla Kayali, who runs Access California Services: They keep a low profile, traveling from city to city and changing their phones. Photo and bio here:

The window for Syrians in the United States to apply for a special temporary legal designation closes July 6, but less than half of the estimated 10,000 who qualify have applied so far. Advocates say that disparity reflects fear of the U.S. immigration system and may indicate that more Syrians in the U.S. are applying for asylum instead as the war drags into its fifth year.


Under the program, Shaguj [star of the story, Osama Shaguj, a 28-year-old data analyst—ed] gets authorization to work and the right to live in the United States, but only for 18 months at a time.

The Department of Homeland Security first ordered that Temporary Protected Status (TPS) be given to Syrian nationals already in the United States in March 2012, and has twice extended the designation for 18 months. To qualify, Syrians must demonstrate they were in the country before the cutoff date — originally March 2012 and now, Jan. 5, 2015.

Anyone who arrived even a day later cannot apply.

Under the latest extension, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, which administers TPS applications, reports that 3,124 Syrians have re-registered and another 1,835 have signed up for the first time. That is fewer than half of the number of Syrians the office estimated (PDF) would qualify.

But many of those people who could have been eligible are now applying for asylum. [This number should be available through the asylum system—ed]


Undocumented people and TPS holders are not eligible for public benefits, but Kayali [See photo and caption—ed] raises funds from her community specifically for Syrians who may not have connections on which to rely. But, she says many would rather keep a very low profile, changing their phone numbers frequently and traveling to different cities.


In practice, Syrians are finding ways to relocate outside of the refugee system, though they can still apply for asylum if they qualify when they reach a new country. This can mean flying to Europe, crossing the Mediterranean, or settling for temporary solutions like those who hold TPS in the United States.

Read it all by clicking here.
So it sounds like that of an estimated 10,000 Syrians in America now, as many as 5,000 could be under the radar somewhere in America.

Canada rejecting "refugees" from Malta

Why is this so interesting to us?

If you think the migrant boats arriving on Malta don’t affect you, think again! We are taking some of Malta’s illegal aliens off their hands.

….because Canada is apparently attempting to make the point that international refugee law requires legitimate asylum seekers to seek asylum in the first safe country they enter.
The island nation of Malta is safe and therefore offers a “durable solution” to those seeking asylum.  Although we have sympathy for Malta and the Maltese people, there is no reason for a western nation like Canada or the US to resettle refugees from a safe country.
Here is the Independent:

A number of refugees in Malta who have been sponsored to move to Canada are being prevented from emigrating since Canada’s immigration authorities consider their stay in Malta to be a “durable solution” to their situation, Canadian media is reporting.

Remember readers that ever since the Bush Administration, the US State Department has been illegally in our view scooping up hundreds of those mostly African (mostly Somali!) illegal alien boat people who manage to get across the Mediterranean to Malta, transform them into refugees and move them to your towns and cities.  See most recently here.
And, here, we learned that some of the Malta boat people went to South Carolina.
We have dozens and dozens of posts on this outrage. Go here for our complete Malta archive.  And, here, for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.