Yes! Obama isn’t here anymore and we expect greater transparency from the Trump State Department on refugees than we have seen in the last 8 years!
New readers,go here and follow links to many previous posts on the “dumb” deal.
From Newsmax(hat tip: Heymister24):
Sen. Chuck Grassley on Twitter Sunday said he wanted an answer from the White House on why a deal the U.S. made with Australia to accept as many as 1,000 refugees hasn’t been declassified, the Hill reports.
Grassley earlier this month sent a letter to new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson asking for a response.
“As I said before, the American people have a right to be fully aware of the actions of their government regarding foreign nationals who may be admitted to the United States,” the Republican senator wrote in the letter.
The Obama administration agreed in November to accept the refugees Australia has been holding in detention centers on Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island, most of whom are from Iraq and Iran, as a way to help its ally.
Senator Grassley and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (Judiciary Committee chairmen in the Senate and House) initially identified the countries (see here) from which the migrants came seeking asylum in Australia, but Australia does not want them!
This is a good sign and perhaps the way Trump might begin to make progress against the Open Borders Leftwing—just do what you need to do within the Administration. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is between a rock and a hard place. But, why should American towns have to absorb Australia’s rejects?
If you are a new reader and don’t know about the “dumb deal” Barack Obama made literally within days of Trump’s unexpected election, the gist of it is that Obama said that the US would resettle in America over 1,000 migrants who tried to get to Australia by boat and have since been housed offshore.
Australia doesn’t want to take them to their mainland, so why should we take them to the US to be placed without your knowledge in your home towns!
Canberra, Australia (AP) — U.S. officials stopped screening refugees held on Nauru for potential resettlement in the United States this week but will return to the Pacific atoll to continue working toward a deal that President Donald Trump has condemned as “dumb,” an Australian minister said Thursday.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton would not say when U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials would return to Nauru to conduct what Trump describes as “extreme vetting.”
Trump made enhanced screening a condition for agreeing to honor an Obama administration dealto accept up to 1,250 refugees refused entry into Australia. Australia pays Nauru and Papua New Guinea to keep more than 2,000 asylum seekers — mostly from Iran, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka — in conditions condemned by rights groups.
U.S. officials were sent to Nauru within days of the deal’s announcement in November after the U.S. presidential election. But they left this week with arrangements under a cloud.
There is more here.
By the way, although only briefly mentioned here, one of the issues facing all first world countries attempting to deport failed asylum seekers (Australia, Germany, and the US) is that some of the Muslim countries from which they came refuse to take them back. Heck, they don’t want troublesome people either!
It is one thing for everyone to debate whether Australia’s rejected asylum seekers (supposedly as many as 1,250) will come to America, but where in America? (Seeyesterday’s post) Shouldn’t your town have a say about whether you want any of them or not?
Photo and story here about sexual abuse of children in the camp on Nauru:
House and Senate Judiciary Chairmen identifiedthose rejected by Australia as from the following countries:
Sri Lanka
Stateless (most likely Rohingya Muslims from Burma/Bangladesh)
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“This is the worst deal ever,” sending “next Boston bombers” into the US!
President Donald Trump
We’ve been telling you about the rotten deal Obama made with Australia that doesn’t benefit the US one bit ever since it surfaced, here, November 4th. (One more Obama dirty deal left behind for Trump!)
In a rare show of strength on any issue involving refugees, the Chairmen of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees came out against the deal here a couple of weeks after Trump was elected. Australia has its leftist open borders agitators too. They want the offshore detention facilities closed. Protests here in Melbourne last year.
But, just a couple of days agowe heard Australian Prime Minister Turnbull telling his media that the deal would be honored by President Trump. Now we are hearing the Administration’s side of it!
Before I give the latest news which I caught on CNN first thing this morning (remember I suggested you might want to watch CNN once in awhile because then you can see for yourself how they spin about news you know something about). Here is what I know and you need to know as this continues to blow up today: Australia does take refugees (CNN said this morning that they don’t!), but the Australian public doesn’t want these migrants (mostly Muslim men!) who tried to get into Australia by boat. They were sent to detention on offshore islands where they failed to be granted asylum to live in Australia. The Australian public does not want them and Turnbull is trying to save his political skin while human rights activists agitate and blast him from one side and the sensible Australian people from the other.
These are illegal migrants who failed to gain asylum in Australia! Australia doesn’t want them. Why are they our problem?
And, what are we getting from the deal? Supposedly Australia will take a number of Central American migrants parked in Costa Rica right now.*** So why are thosepeople our problem? ***Update***Excellent background report at the Center for Immigration Studies on the deal, by Nayla Rush, here.
To top it off, one of my Australian readers is saying that many of the 1,000-2,000 (numbers vary) in detention don’t want to come to “Donald Trump’s America” anyway!
Here is the news this morning, hat tip Judy:
President Trump reportedly blasted the Australian Prime Minister during a phone call between the leaders of the two longtime allies.
Trump told Australian leader Malcolm Turnbull that the conversation was “the worst call by far” among talks with various world leaders that day and ended the scheduled hour-long conversation after just 25 minutes, according to The Washington Post.
Trump was reportedly incensed that the Prime Minister expected him to abide by an Obama administration agreement to take in 1,250 refugees from Australia.
“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump told Turnbull in the call, adding that the country was trying to send the “next Boston bombers” into the US.
Trump was “yelling” at Turnbull during the call, according to SKY News in Australia, and the US president hung up the phone on him after 25 minutes.
Trump continued to rail against the refugee deal in a tweet sent Wednesday night.
“Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!” Trump tweeted.
Here we get the New York Post continuing the lie that these are ‘refugees.’ If they are legitimate refugees they are Australia’s problem!
The deal, however, includes refugees and not “illegal immigrants,” as Trump claimed.
The refugees in the agreement have fled Iraq, Iran, Sudan and Somalia. They have been living in facilities on islands off the coast of Australia.
***This business of using refugees as pawns in political deals must stop. In April 2012I first testified to the US State Department and gave ten reasons why there needed to be a moratorium on refugee resettlement and this is #7:
7) Congress needs to specifically disallow the use of the refugee program for other purposes of the US Government,especially using certain refugee populations to address unrelated foreign policy objectives—Uzbeks, Kosovars, Meshketians and Bhutanese (Nepalese) people come to mind.
So come on Congress, get to work! We know you are hiding behind Trump!
Be sure to let Donald Trump know how you feel about the Australia deal today! Click here!
I sure hope Reuters has this wrong!
If it is true it is truly insane!
For new readers, in the waning months of the Obama Administration, Obama made a deal with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull to take off their hands somewhere between 1000-2000 migrants being held in detention on offshore islands.
Australia does not want to give them asylum and bring them to their mainland, but Obama thought it was a swell idea for them to be distributed to American cities and towns!
In 2015 the little darlings burned down the detention center on Nauru. And we are going to take some of these detainees to your towns and cities? Awful story and photo here:
We are told by Reutersthat Trump agreed to honor the deal in a phone call with the Australian prime minister yesterday.
Again, Australia does not want these mostly Muslim illegal aliens who attempted to reach Australia by boat!
(See our past posts on the ‘Australia deal’ here.)
Here is Reuters:
President Donald Trump has confirmed that his administration will honor a refugee resettlement deal with Australia, a source close to the Australian government said on Sunday.
Trump spoke by telephone with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull earlier on Sunday, officials in both countries said, one of a number of conversations the new U.S. president held with world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The Australian government source told Reuters Trump confirmed the deal to resettle asylum seekers currently held in offshore detention camps to the United States would go ahead.
Former U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration had said the United States would take a substantial number of the 1,200 asylum seekers, who are held in the procession centers on remote Pacific islands in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, after Turnbull agreed to resettle refugees from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
U.S. Homeland Security officials have begun assessing the asylum seekers, although it was unclear when those found to be genuine refugees would be resettled. [Australia obviously found none who are legitimate refugees!—ed]
Many of those in Australia’s offshore camps have fled conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere.
Senator Grassley and Rep. Goodlatte identified the nationalities as the following: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and “stateless” (probably Rohingya), here. So what kind of a deal is this Donald?
We get Australia’s rejected asylum seekers (house, feed, clothe them on our dime) and a bunch of illegal aliens not even in the US from Central America being held in Costa Rica go to Australia. What do we get out of that deal???
I’m guessing there is a strong caveat that Reutersmay not want to focus on and that is that the ‘refugees’ must get through our surely stepped-up security screening when they clearly didn’t get through Australia’s.
Just in case….
You might want to let the White House know what you think by clicking here.