…Blame Hillary for African invasion of Europe!
Where are you Tony Abbott (former Australian Prime Minister)? Gee, about time that the dim bulbs in Europe are beginning to see the sense of a your suggestion from the spring of 2015—turn back the boats! But, it strikes me that such a suggestion now is about a million migrants too late!
Here is the story at Reuters:
The German Interior Ministry wants to stop migrants ever reaching Europe’s Mediterranean coast by picking them up at sea and returning them to Africa, the Welt am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday.

In what would be a huge shift for a country with one of the most generous asylum policies, the ministry says the European Union should adopt an Australian-style system under which migrants intercepted at sea are sent for processing at camps in third countries.
“The elimination of the prospect of reaching the European coast could convince migrants to avoid embarking on the life-threatening and costly journey in the first place,” the paper quoted a ministry spokeswoman as saying.
And so why would these African nations want the hordes parked in their country making trouble? (Wishful thinking on the part of Germany!)
The ministry’s proposal calls for migrants picked up in the Mediterranean – most of whom set off from conflict-torn Libya – to be sent to Tunisia, Egypt or other north African states to apply for asylum from there.
If their asylum applications are accepted, the migrants could then be transported safely to Europe.
If they turned only a few boats back to the African coast, or we bused back across our southern border a few busloads of illegal aliens immediately upon their arrival in Texas or Arizona, advertised it far and wide, the flow would slow immediately!
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Blame Hillary!
Do not forget that it was Hillary Clinton who was responsible (Obama had to be persuaded) for destabilizing Libya and creating this migration route to Europe through Libya.
See one of our many posts on Hillary’s role in helping to create the European migration crisis by clicking here. Col. Gaddafi controlled Libya’s borders, now no one does!
Note when you visit that post that the longer video of Hillary gloating over the 2011 death of Col. Gaddafi has been removed. Here is the short version:
Hillary’s legacy and the death of Gadaffi…..
Yikes watch this prelude to the same interview (see Huma hand Hillary a phone):
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