Historians (if there are any!) in the future will wonder how on earth Europe allowed itself to be overrun!
Is it time to follow the Australian example?
One of many rescues by the Italian government. What will Italy, Malta and other European countries do with the migrants? None of these mostly young men will be sent back!
And, readers, let me ask you, how often do we hear about the African/Middle Eastern invasion of Europe from the US mainstream media?
The only way to stop this now is for the Italian military to turn these boats back to the African coast!
Four smugglers brandishing Kalashnikovs threatened an Italian Coast Guard motorboat involved in one of several operations that rescued more than 2,000 migrants leaving Libyan shores on Sunday.
Italian Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi said the gunmen used a small boat to speed to the scene some 50 miles off the coast of Libya, where security is rapidly deteriorating.
After threatening the rescuers who had taken aboard the migrants, three of the smugglers jumped onto the then-empty migrants’ boat and took off with it. [So they were allowed to recover the boat and will use it again—ed]
Nearly 2,200 migrants were rescued in several operations Sunday, the Coast Guard said. They were being taken to Italian ports. Hundreds were also rescued Saturday.
Turn them back!
Simon Kent writing at Breitbartnews tells us the only thing that will stop the invasion is if European leaders grew a spine and followed the lead of the Australian government by turning back the migrant boats full of faux ‘refugees.’
If illegal immigrants knew that simply arriving on European soil would be no guarantee of staying, would they still risk it? If people smugglers also knew that, would they be able to extort huge amounts of money from the desperately vulnerable in the vain attempt to try? Australia provides an example of how Europe’s expensive, public display of overt compassion is killing the very people it is trying to help.
Under the current coalition government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the flow of refugees seeking to enter Australia by boat has stopped. Abbott’s government tows any vessel found straight back to where it started from. In most cases that is Indonesia. The policy of immediate return has been well publicised and those who do make it into Australian territorial waters are sent to offshore islands in New Guinea or Nauru for processing.
Australia then uses its famous ‘points based system’ to decide who is a genuine refugee and who is an economic migrant. End of story. The Abbott government went to the September 2013 polls promising to ‘stop the boats’ on the basis that the journey the asylum seekers make is dangerous and controlled by criminal gangs and they have a duty to stop it.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, go here.
Editor: This is the 4th in a series of guest posts by ‘Pungentpeppers’ about Bacha Bazi, the Afghan pedophile practice targeting boys that has made its way to the West (including possibly to the US). Go here,here, and here to see the previous reports. Part II (Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators) was our top post last week.
Bacha Bazi & Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates
“Arab sheikh with servant, 1910. Eugene Chatelain.” http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eug%C3%A8ne_Chatelain_-_Adda_et_le_vieillard,_vers_1910.jpg
Why does Afghanistan, an Islamic country, allow men to prey on boys – men such as Ali Jaffari who came to Australia, bringing his immorality with him? Do these men operate under some grand delusion? Their behavior is perplexing because Islam expressly and clearly and repeatedly forbids homosexuality. Yet in Afghanistan so many men – regardless of ethnic origin – actively engage in sexual activity with underage boys, contrary to religious law. This Bacha Bazi culture also pervades the tribal areas of Pakistan.
Afghanistan’s population is mostly tribal. The prevailing values system, which includes Bacha Bazi, is tribal. The people have values and morals – but their values system is very different from Western values. Their morality also differs from socially acceptable norms found in other Muslim societies. Afghans have adapted Islam to fit their own tribal values and customs. In so doing, they twist certain Islamic teachings into something peculiarly Afghan.
Afghans pedophiles do not admit that they are breaking Islamic law. Incredibly, they claim that Bacha Bazi is permitted and sanctioned by Islam.As usual, the Devil finds ingenious ways to let people deceive themselves.
Some of the deceptions: Women are “impure”; boys without beards are not men; the men are not “in love”, just having sex; the men are not homosexual since they have wives. Such silly arguments are not worth airing. Instead, let’s explore some puzzling Koranic references Afghans use to justify Bacha Bazi.
The Rewards of Paradise: Young, Beautiful, Eternal Boys like Pearls
Bacha Bazi perpetrators say that the Koran allows pedophilia with boys, per passages in the Koran that describe the afterlife in Paradise:
There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected. [52:24]
There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers and a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring. [56:17-18]
There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls. [76:19]
These passages, that supposedly justify Bacha Bazi, mention neither sexual rewards nor boys on earth. These eternal beings compared to “pearls”, who are circulating and moving in Paradise and offering refreshments, are called “boys” in English, but the words used for them in Arabic are not identical. Other English translations say they are “youths” or “young men” or “menservants”. The words chosen depend on what the translators think was meant. In Persian, a language used in Afghanistan, the Koran translation for the first entry shows “boy” (in Persian the word is applicable to many different ages), while the second and third ones make use of a term that refers only to pre-teens and teens. You cannot take these translations literally, for they contradict each other. But nowhere do they say that Bacha Bazi is allowed. I will share with you a very different translation in a bit, but first let us make a visit to Afghanistan.
A Mullah’s Dilemma
Islamic cleric Hayat Ed-Din Sahibi
Imagine you are a Mullah (an Islamic clergyman), in Mazar-e-Sharif, where Bacha Bazi is rampant. Yours is a Persian-speaking congregation. Some of the devout have an unshakeable belief that in Heaven, men have sex with pearly pre-teens and teen-aged boys. They grew up with this belief, and if you deny it, they may accuse you, the Mullah, of denying what is in the Koran!Does the Koran lie?! Other members of your congregation have their own Bacha Bazi boys – these men also have guns. Dare you tell them they are not allowed to keep their boys? (Powerful Afghans don’t take kindly to authority.) You know though that boys are being abused and want to discourage Bacha Bazi. What should you tell your congregation?
A cleric named Hayat Ed-Din Sahibi, who preaches in Mazar-e-Sharif, came up with an Afghan approach to discourage his flock from trying to replicate Heaven here on Earth. Speaking in Dari, he preached, “Those who do not get caught in the sins of Bacha Bazi will have God give them beautiful boys in Paradise.” Now I don’t know what his motivations were, or what he really believes. Yes, he told his followers there are benefits to abstinence; but he told them also, in essence, that there is pedophilia in Heaven.
Because this Mullah’s sermons are on YouTube, and they are shared on Facebook, word about this and some other of his unusual sermons got around to Iran, the country next door. Some people reacted fiercely – Mullah Hayat Ed-Din was labeled a liar, and accused of deceiving and misleading uneducated people into thinking there was room in Heaven for the sins the Prophet Lot forbade (i.e., sodomy). They stated he was symbolic of the hopeless backwardness that is Afghanistan.
Typically Afghans were reluctant to criticize the Mullah. Though some denied he said certain things, his words are recorded and on the internet. Others said it was a “mistake” or he spoke thus because of where he preaches. However, it is apparent that they don’t like ignorance and wrong things being said. Perhaps, eventually – though it may take a very long time or a miracle – Bacha Bazi will become unacceptable in Afghanistan. But in the meantime, keep an eye open, in case it arrives to your shores!
What Really Awaits the Faithful Behind Those Pearly Gates?
Islamic scholars differ on the meanings of certain passages in the Koran. The knowledge gap is especially wide because the origins of the Koran go back 1400 years. In any language, the meanings of words and phrases change over time. To understand the true meaning you must understand the historical context. Further, since the Koran’s references to Christian beliefs are numerous, Christian teachings can be studied along with the Koran to see whether they shed light on puzzling passages of the Koran.
Pink grapes, pink pearls
Scholars have given many different explanations for the Koran’s unusual references to “boys” who are “like pearls” and are circulating. I have put some of them in the links. Historical linguists, however, say the “boys” are not boys in the sense of humans, but are instead “fruits”, specifically grapes. Grapes are the refreshment in Paradise that is circulating, not boys or youths.
At the Last Supper, Jesus said in Aramaic, “But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (Matthew 26:29) The “fruit” of the vine are grapes that are pressed to make new wine.
The language of Jesus, Aramaic, has a dialect called Syriac. Syriac became the language used by Eastern Christians. Jesus’ word was spread throughout the Near East through the Syriac Bible. Syriac was also the major medium of communication in the regions north of the Arabian peninsula and was used by Arab traders. The Syriac language is a close cousin to Arabic.
The Syriac Bible relates the above passage from the Last Supper. For the word fruit it gives “yalda”. The word “yalda” means “child” or “birth” or “that which has been born” – i.e., the “child” of the vine is its fruit. In an odd coincidence, we have the word “yield” in English that is also used to mean the product of a crop. In Arabic, the word boy, “walad” is similarly close in sound, but some of the verb forms referring to “giving birth” and “production” drop the “w” and replace it with “y”. At the winter solstice, Persians celebrate the festival of Shab-e-Yalda (night of “Yalda”) and eat the fruit of pomegranate, but the word “Yalda” itself comes from the Syriac for “birth” and “Christmas”, and is related to our “Yule”. Thus, our discussion about Heaven yields all good things: fruits and festivals and feasts.
And yet the Afghans say they are allowed on Godly authority to harm young boys. Truly, theirs is a Devilish deception.
In the next segment, we return to Australia. How will the Australian Parliament protect boys from arriving Bacha Bazi predators?
For additional reading ‘Pungentpeppers’ has forwarded the following links:
Sufism and same-sex relations:
In English, Misunderstanding Sufism
In Persian, Sufism and pederasty:
About Heaven’s “boys” in Islam:
Islamic teachings on homosexuality:
About those “Grapes” beyond the Pearly Gates:
“Boys of Paradise” An excerpt from “The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran: A Contribution to the Decoding of the Language of the Koran” by Christoph Luxenberg
“Virgins? What Virgins?” “The Guardian” book review:
“The Qur’an: Misinterpreted, Mistranslated, And Misread. The Aramaic Language Of The Qur’an” by Gabriel Sawma.
See Part One for a link to a short YouTube video on Bacha Bazi in Mazar-e-Sharif, Hayat Ed-Din’s region:
Article about Hayat Ed-Din and Bacha Bazi in Heaven (Persian)
Opinion piece about Hayat Ed-Din (Persian):
Please check out the summary of many polls taken in Western Countries about citizen’s negative views on Islam—here at Citizen Warriorand re-posted at The Counter Jihad Report earlier this week. Hat tip: Judy.
Be sure to open one for the USA,here, and note that Republicans are less “warm” about the Islamic faith than they are about any other religion, however, Democrats rated Mormons lowest on their ‘warmness’ scale. Figures! (Know any Mormons killing and maiming in the name of their religion?)
I’ve been thinking lately that we need other demographic researchers to either back Pew or challenge Pew on its findings on the spread of Islam to the West. I don’t like relying on one organization (related to Pew Charitable Trust that I know for a fact leans Left).
Australian Muslims celebrate EID in Australia. http://www.ozzienews.com/news/australian-muslims-celebrate-the-end-of-ramadan/
Ijust now told commenter, FatherJon, that maybe Australia would be alone one day in standing against the Muslim migration (since the government there has been steadfastly turning the illegal alien boats away).
I don’t know why this old news popped up in my alerts today, but since it is before the Abbott government took on the boat people, maybe there is still hope for Australia! Will it be Australia Alone?
After Paris it became clear that Pew and others need to get on the stick and begin revising their out-dated demographic data!
THE number of Muslims in Australia will grow four times more quickly than non-Muslims over the next 20 years as the continued instability in developing Islamic countries in Southeast Asia drives migrants and refugees to these shores.
A major new study by the US-based Pew Research Centre has forecast a global surge in the Muslim population, with Australia and New Zealand among the nations expected to see the biggest rises.
In Australia, the Muslim community will grow from about 399,000 to 714,000 by 2030, an increase of 80 per cent.
In that time the non-Muslim population will increase by about 18 per cent.
This trend is even more dramatic in New Zealand, where there will be a 150 per cent rise in residents who adhere to Islam.
The projections, by the Pew Research Centre’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, have been calculated using fertility, mortality and migration rates.
But while the study confirms the continued spread of the Islamic faith — Muslims will comprise 26.4 per cent of the world’s population of 8.3 billion in 2030 — it anticipates that this growth will level off.
As living standards rise, more Muslims gravitate towards cities and women gain access to education and employment, the fertility rates in these communities will fall.
Bob Birrell, a sociologist and immigration expert from Monash University, said that while Middle East migration had plateaued, the forecast rises were “very plausible”. Family reunion, the refugee program and high levels of net migration would contribute to the growth, especially with the pressures to migrate in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan and Malaysia, he said.
The Muslim population in Australia would still remain relatively low. At present, Muslims comprise 1.9 per cent of all Australians. That figure will rise to 2.8 per cent.
Don’t get too comfy! My guess is that the tipping point of the ‘civilization jihad’ for a country comes at around 3%—the point where the Muslim population is emboldened and begins to demand shariah compliance.
Editor: This series of guest columns by ‘Pungentpeppers’ about refugees who are also child predators has been wildly popular. Part II went through the roof yesterday via facebook. Below is the next installment as we pick up the story of perhaps Australia’s most infamous pedophile. (You may want to read Part I first about America’s own Bacha Bazi predator.)
Part Three: A Culturally Clever, Bacha Bazi Predator
In Part Two — It’s May 2014. Child predator Omid Roshan sits behind bars, but Ali Jaffari is roaming free. Melbourne residents report sightings of the Afghan sex offender. He seems to be everywhere! The public is on high alert.
Afghan men do not think of women as sex objects, how could they when the women are covered. Woe to the young boys. Photo: http://awwproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/boy-with-burqas.jpg
“Jaffari should not be on the streets,” child protection activists agree. But amid calls for his deportation, one Melbourne-area activist is concerned that, if Australia deports him, Jaffari will harm children in his home country. She says, “We can’t let child abuse travel.” (See the Herald Sun, here).
But child abuse has already traveled — from Afghanistan to Australia.
Bacha Bazi, or sexual abuse of boys, introduced in Part One of this series, is pervasive and culturally accepted in Afghanistan. The country has more pedophiles per capita than any other place on earth. It has been going on there for centuries, and is so ingrained that Afghan men do not think of women as sex objects. After all, “How can you fall in love with a woman if you can’t see her face?!”
The abusive practice is most common among Pashtuns – perhaps as many as 50% of Pashtun men take boys for lovers – but it is also prevalent among other Afghan ethnic populations, including the groups to which our two featured sex offenders belong. Omid Roshan is likely a Tajik; while Ali Jaffari is a Hazara.
Jaffari is not the naive and innocent bumpkin he pretends to be…
The widespread acceptance of Bacha Bazi in his country may have given Ali Jaffari the idea that he could exploit his cultural background to evade punishment for misbehaving in Australia. Thus, after his arrest for molesting the boys in the pool, two months later he feigns innocence and disingenuously tells police in Geelong, as he is stopped after trying to kidnap the little girl: “for us is not an issue”.
Jaffari is not the naive and innocent bumpkin he pretends to be, albeit he grew up poor and uneducated in a rural part of Afghanistan’s Ghazni province. After his father was shot dead in 2003 (Jaffari was in his mid-20’s), his family fled to Pakistan. Although the odds were stacked against him, Jaffari found opportunity and exploited it to personal advantage. Motivated to travel to Indonesia, he collected the immense sum demanded by smugglers to pay for passage by boat to Australia – no small feat. During 15 months of detention, Jaffari learned the stratagems required to win permanent asylum and benefits from the Australians – and was successful.
Given his past wins at the Australian game, it’s no surprise that during the long intervals between arrests and court appearances, the ever resourceful Ali Jaffari devises his “cultural” strategy. And the Australian magistrates, oh so understanding and wanting to be culturally aware, lap up Jaffari’s concocted tale of innocence, deprivation and loneliness— and so they fail to lock up the conniving predator who had the audacity to frighten a woman and her children by following them through a park at night, making noises and touching himself.
Will the courts finally stop Jaffari? Or will the government step in?
And why won’t the Afghans stop the hideous practices that bring shame to their nation? Does the reason have something to do with Islam?
U.S. State Department calls child abuse “endemic”, child sexual abuse “pervasive”, and notes most child sexual abusers are “not arrested.”
“Afghanistan Executive Summary”