Is Trump planning to suck-up to Aussie PM Turnbull next week? The Australian thinks so

Is that why the number of fake ‘refugees’ arriving in the US from Australia has picked up—-President Trump wants to have the meetings begin on a positive note?
This is yet another update on the “dumb” deal that President Obama made with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull just as Obama was walking out the door in 2016, a deal that Trump has agreed to honor.

Australia doesn’t want them!

Trump and Turnbull
Trump is saving Turnbull’s political hide and we would like to know why!  One of these detainees goes off the rails and it will be Trump whose hide is in danger.

At first there was hope that President Trump would dump the deal where we agreed to take up to 1,250 ‘asylum seekers’ being held by Australia in offshore detention camps in exchange for Australia taking Central Americans in Costa Rica.

Do any of you see what we get out of this “deal?”  Those Costa Rica fake refugees are not our problem either!

By the way, the No Borders International Left has succeeded in so muddying the waters about who is, and who isn’t, a refugee that it’s even got the Australian media calling Salvadorans refugees just because their country is a hellhole and they don’t have jobs.  
A legitimate refugee must be able to prove he/she will be PERSECUTED if returned to a home country—poverty and crime are not persecution!
Here is The Australian suggesting that the number of detainees being moved to the US (where they will be free) has picked up because Trump wants to please Turnbull.  (Sorry The Australian link isn’t working because it is behind a pay wall.)
Huh! I sure hope this isn’t a suck-up move on Trump’s part. He had it right when he said it was a “dumb” deal that could politically “kill” him.  Just one of these Muslim men goes off the rails and it will be all on Trump (we will be watching!).

The controversial Australia-US refugee swap is gathering pace ahead of Malcolm Turnbull’s meeting with Donald Trump in Washington next week.

Two groups of refugees were this week sent from Manus Island in Papua New Guinea and Nauru to the US, and two groups of asylum-seekers from El Salvador have been assembled in Costa Rica for clearance to resettle in Australia.

Immigration officials have ­denied the refugee deals were linked but they were the source of early friction between the President and Prime Minister.

Mr Trump slammed the deal negotiated with Barack Obama as “the worst deal ever”, “stupid” and said it would “kill” him politically. But the US has stuck to its agreement to take 1250 refugees from the Middle East and Asia who were denied entry to Australia after arriving by boat and diverted to Nauru and Manus Island for processing.

In return, Australia has agreed to take refugees fleeing one of the countries reportedly labelled a “shit hole” by Mr Trump at the height of a recent US debate on immigration.

Salvadorans are NOT refugees!

The Australian continues….

Refugee numbers have exploded in El Salvador in recent years in response to a breakdown of law and order.

A UNHRC [UNHCR-ed]spokesman in New York said about 30 Salvadorian refugees were in Costa Rica en route to Australia.


But resettlement of refugees from Manus Island to the US has been stepped up ahead of next week’s meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Turnbull. A third group of 18 refugees from Manus Island flew from Port Moresby yesterday to be resettled in the US.

The men were all single ­Afghan, Pakistani and Rohingyan refugees.

And, although in detention on offshore islands for years, they will be free on the streets of Your Town, USA!

Click here for all the posts about the long sorry history of the dumb deal which by the way sets a terrible precedent for the refugee program going forward.

Next batch of Australian rejected asylum seekers headed our way, mostly single men

They are mostly single men from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma (Rohingya) and they are on their way to Anytown, USA.
Here is the news at The Guardian:

The fourth group of refugees to be accepted for resettlement in the United States from Australia’s offshore immigration regime [detention centers!—ed] are poised to leave Nauru for the US, via Fiji.

The 22 refugees are all single men except for one Rohingyan man and his wife, according to Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition.

Ian Rintoul
Socialist refugee advocate Ian Rintoul:

It is the second group to leave Nauru under the controversial resettlement program, following two groups that have also been resettled from Australia’s detention centre on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea.

The latest cohort will bring the number of refugees resettled in the US to about 110. About 2,000 refugees and asylum seekers remain in Australia’s offshore system.

The controversial “US deal” – decried as “dumb” but upheld by the US president Donald Trump – was brokered by his predecessor Barack Obama and the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, in September 2016.

Mr. Prez where are you?
Why is the US running camps in Costa Rica (unprecedented!) in the first place, and remember escaping violence in one’s own country does not make someone a legitimate REFUGEE!

In exchange for the US considering to resettle 1,250 refugees from Australia’s offshore camps, Australia has agreed to take refugees from US-run refugee camps in Costa Rica. Those refugees are from the violence-plagued northern triangle countries of central America: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Rintoul said all the refugees in the new cohort are Afghans, Pakistanis and Rohingya. The makeup further confirms fears that Iranians, who make up the largest national group on Nauru, will be excluded from the US intake.

Continue reading here.
There is a discussion about how we (and the Aussie government) are mean and insisting that only single men be allowed to be placed in America.  But, it is a bit deceptive because the families are on Australian soil, and I will bet we said, no way are we bringing the whole family when they are already firmly planted in Australia.
But, of course there is no reason to bring any of them. These are Australia’s problem not ours!
Go here for my extensive archive on the Australia “dumb” deal.

UN: Western countries not 'welcoming' enough 'refugees' now residing in Indonesia

Let’s be clear right off the bat.  Indonesia is a Muslim country and most of those attempting to pass through Indonesia (arriving there illegally), with a goal of being resettled in the US, Australia, Canada, or Europe, are Muslims.
What happened to the supposedly humanitarianism of Islam and governments ruled by it?  Why are these people our problem in the first place?  
The truth is that Indonesia doesn’t want them either!
For years the UN has been processing illegal aliens arriving in Indonesia from Somalia etc. in to your US towns via the US State Department.  Frankly it needs to stop and it looks like it is slowing.
I just checked Wrapsnet for processing through Indonesia to the US and found that we admitted 18 cases (21 individuals indicating most are single (men?) people, hmmm) in the first three months of FY18 (beginning Oct. 1, 2017).

Indonesia waiting
Waiting in Indonesia for a ticket to America, Australia, Canada, Europe…..

Here is Gulf News (NY Times story):
(Journalism 101 requires that every refugee story begins with a sob story!)

JAKARTA: Ebrahim Adam fled armed conflict in his home region of Darfur, Sudan, in 2011, and ended up seeking asylum in Indonesia, hoping to be eventually resettled in Australia or another Western country so he could resume his dream of being an economist. [Usually they want to be doctors, so they say!—ed]

But after languishing for nearly seven years in Indonesia — where he cannot legally work, access public services or obtain citizenship — Ebrahim recently received bad news: His resettlement is unlikely to ever happen. The UN Refugee Agency’s office in Indonesia has begun informing the nearly 14,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia that they should not expect to be welcomed by another country. Instead, they should prepare to assimilate into Indonesian society as best they can, or consider returning to their strife-torn countries.



Analysts said Ebrahim faces additional obstacles: He is single, Muslim and of military age, which could make countries worried about terrorism less likely to take him in.


Globally, there are more than 24 million certified refugees and asylum seekers, the highest levels since the Second World War, according to the United Nations.

Historically, the chances of refugees ever being resettled are only around 1 per cent.

Those refugees residing in Indonesia face the additional obstacle that the United States and Australia, the two main resettlement destinations for refugees here, have put in place more stringent immigration policies, further decreasing their already long odds.

Mark Getchell
“Mark Getchell, the IOM’s chief of mission in Indonesia, said the policy changes in Australia and the United States, combined with a reluctance by Canada, New Zealand and European nations to take in additional refugees, means the number of resettlements are only about 400 people a year now in Indonesia.” (IOM is a branch of the UN)


The situation of refugees hoping for resettlement in the West became more dire after President Donald Trump took office last January. His administration’s travel ban blocks people from eight countries from entering the US, including Somalia, the country with the second-highest number of refugees and asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia.

400 too many!

Last year, only about 400 refugees living in Indonesia were resettled in the United States, according to the United Nations. Indonesia is not a signatory to the 1951 UN refugee convention, which prohibits governments from returning people fleeing persecution to areas where they face serious threats, but the country has allowed certified refugees to remain here as they await resettlement in a third country.


For years, asylum-seekers from the Middle East and South Asia have used Indonesia as a transit point to reach Australia, boarding rickety wooden boats run by human smugglers for the perilous voyage across the Indian Ocean.

In 2013, however, the Australian government adopted strict new measures to discourage future arrivals by immediately transferring those who made it to its shores to spartan detention centers in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, and refusing to ever consider them for resettlement.

But, golly gee, now we get the booby prize!  We admit to America those same lawbreakers who attempted to get to Australia and were detained. And, we pay for it thanks to the Obama “dumb” deal that Trump agreed to!
More from Gulf News here.

It would make enormous sense if the UN spent more time persuading Indonesia to keep their coreligionists, and promote a PR campaign through Africa and the Middle East that there is no ticket to the West through Indonesia!

A reader asks: Who is resettling refugees in North Carolina?

And, part 2 of reader Robert’s question was: How can I find out where those Aussie detainees will be placed in my state?
Robert’s question was in response to this post:

Flight glitch causes some delay as Australia’s rejected ‘refugees’ head to US

I’m glad he asked because it reminds me that there are so many people reading RRW now who haven’t been with me for the last almost 11 years and so they have missed information previously posted.
First, a reminder that at the top of RRW (under the header) is a page entitled: FAQS! Finding Stuff.  I think most of you will find something useful there. And, if you are just relying on e-mail notices about each of my posts and not coming to the blog, you are missing a lot.  (Even if you aren’t on twitter, if you come to RRW you will see my twitter feed in the right hand column and see other related news that I don’t have time to post!)
Linked in FAQS! is the US State Department’s State-by-State index of refugee contractors working in your states. I don’t know how thorough they are with keeping it updated, you may find errors in contact information and phone numbers.

Writing about NC reminds me: Does anyone know whatever happened to the Burmese biter who was being resettled in NC last spring?

But, before I post the offices in North Carolina—a state with a huge number of contractors at work—on the issue of where the Australian rejected ‘refugees’ are going, I doubt you will find out.
If you called each office in NC, they will tell you you can’t have that information (privacy). The only possibility of finding out is if some local newspaper is inquisitive enough, but expect any story to be of the squishy PC variety.
You might consider contacting your members of Congress and see if they can find out. They likely won’t have any more luck than you, but it will be a good lesson (for them) in how this program is run so secretively.
Also, since there are large numbers of Burmese refugees in NC already, look to the Rohingya (Burmese Muslims) we have been told are coming from Australia to be placed in Burmese communities even though we know that Burmese Christians fear the Rohingya refugees.
The Burmese Rohingya Muslims are not on the Trump “banned” countries list.

Eight of nine federal contractors*** are working in North Carolina attesting to the fact that the state has rolled out the welcome mat!

Here are screenshots of the federal contractors’ contact information for North Carolina (a state they are turning blue through immigration).
In the left hand corner, as in this first screenshot, is each subcontractor’s primary contractor.
See the contractor list at the end of this post. The only tricky one is Episcopal Migration Ministries which often hides behind its other name: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS).
NC contractors 1
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See my NC archive by clicking here.
Knowledge is power!
I urge all of you to use the FAQS! here at the top of the page and do some research. Then type your state’s name into my search window and find out what I’ve reported from your state during the last ten plus years!
***These are the nine federal contractors that monopolize all US resettlement. Only the IRC is absent from NC. Number in parenthesis is the amount of federal dollars (your money) going to their budgets.
Don’t miss this post about Church World Service yesterday.


Australia "dumb" deal update: More vetting ordered for next batch of fake 'refugees'

This is now the third post in three days about the Obama deal with Australia to take to America over a thousand illegal aliens*** who tried to break into Australia and who were subsequently detained in offshore locations.  See here and here for background.
Amazing how little US media attention is being paid to the deal that Trump (foolishly in my opinion) went along with! 
Now we learn from RNZ (New Zealand) that a new round of vetting will begin shortly.

Manus protestors
Protests continue….  A picture worth a thousand words.

So far, if the detainee is from one of the banned countries, they are not being considered, but frankly that makes no difference because those on the way to your states are from mostly Muslim Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma (Rohingya).
Radio New Zealand:

Refugees detained by Australia on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island have been advised more vetting for United States resettlement will begin at the end of the month.

About 110 refugees from Manus and Nauru have been taken by the US so far, with another 130 from Nauru expected to go in the coming weeks.

The US agreed to take up to 1250 refugees from Australian offshore detention in November 2016.

A note telling the refugees about the upcoming vetting was posted online by the Kurdish journalist and Manus Island refugee Behrouz Boochani.

Screenshot (159)
“Journalist?” Social media is available to detainees like this one.  They probably all have phones too! 

It said the selected men would be transported to Port Moresby to attend appointments and then returned to Manus Island.

Refugees from six Muslim-majority nations including Iran will not be considered due to a US travel ban on their residents.

Australian statistics from 2014 indicate the majority of Manus Island refugees are from Iran.

More here.

Thought you might like to see some comments from readers to my previous post on the Australia “dumb” deal.

‘FatherJon’ from Australia says this:

No surprises that some of them couldn’t substantiate their bona fides, seeing as the trick was for them to destroy or sell their IDs prior to being landed in Australia in order to re-establish favourable identities as someone else. Unsurprisingly the do-gooders prefer not to acknowledge that, claiming the IDs were ‘lost’ at sea. As for ‘youngsters’ being amongst them, that’s more confected narrative, many of them were clearly young adult males at time of landing, but claimed to be under 18 yoa, in order to gain greater sympathy from laws dealing with children, similar to America’s problems with ‘kids’ from Latin America.

The list goes on…..they have more tricks than in Harry Houdini’s toy box!


I see that at least two of them want to study “human rights”. Will this study include our rights, the rights of legitimate citizens of this country? I feel that my right to safety and a quality of life that includes not being crowded or forced to compete for scarce resources are being violated by these people’s presence here. And what about the rights of people who have been murdered, raped, robbed and tortured by “refugees” who should have never been allowed into our country in the first place? If they are really so concerned with human rights, stop ignoring ours for a change.


As always seems to be the case, if these are truly refugees then where are the women and children?? If Australia was unwilling to integrate these men into their cities, why didn’t they just return them to whence they came? Their resulting anger, sexual repression and mental health issues after being sequestered for 5 years in a remote location are now America’s to bear. There is nothing about this bad “deal” that Obama committed us to that makes sense. Shame on President Trump!


I wonder if they’ll get a “Welcoming” parade from our local “welcoming” community organizers? We will be watching. We will hold them accountable. That is YOU LIRS in my area!  [LIRS is the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service which we learned previously is one of the federal contractors being paid to place the Australian rejects into US towns.—ed]

See my complete (extensive!) archive on the Australia “dumb” deal by clicking here.  If you once knew but have forgotten, as part of the unprecedented deal, Australia is going to take some Central American Christians now in Costa Rica in exchange. (So how are those people even our problem?)
LOL! Donald! It is “dumb!”
US to Australia: We will take over a thousand illegal alien Muslims off your hands.
Australia to US: And, in exchange we will take an undetermined number of Christian economic migrants presently living in Costa Rica off your (US) hands. (huh!)
***I repeat, legitimate refugees are to ask for asylum in the first safe place they land.  If they fail to be granted asylum by proving they would be persecuted if sent home, they should be returned to where they came from, not be given the ultimate jackpot—a free ticket to America.