RRW is ten years old!

And, as the saying goes, time flies when you are having fun (maybe!).
As America turns 241, RRW turns 10!

Refugee Resettlement Watch‘s first full month was July 2007 and for the whole month we had 1,161 views.  Fast forward to the top month of all time—November 2015—when we saw a one day high of 18,445 views.
The average visitors for 2007 were 131/day and since 2015 we have averaged over 5,000 visitors a day.

Artwork thanks to the SPLC: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/10/27/a-great-honor-splc-names-me-one-of-15-anti-muslim-extremists-in-america/

That isn’t a huge number compared to big blogs, but is a respectable number for the very narrowly focused blog this is.  With the help of a few other writers, there are 8,544 posts archived here (that is an average of 2.3 posts a day over ten years!).
From time to time, I report the top posts of the week or month, but thought you might be interested in knowing what the top most-visited posts of all time, the last year and the last month have been.

The Top Three Posts of all time are these:

Watch the death of Europe in 19 minutes…. (November 2015)

Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload (January 2016)

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis? (January 2011)

By the way, I should mention that the Fact Sheet linked at the top of this page always does well, but it is somewhat out of date and I haven’t the time or interest to update it.  For new readers, see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS Finding Stuff) also under the header above.

The Top Three Posts of the last year are these:

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern? (August 2016)

Stunning news: Trump State Department opens the flood gates, refugee admissions will explode in coming weeks (May 2017)

This is insane! Taxpayers pay rent for Somalis who feel the need to visit Somalia (for months!) (October 2016)

The Top Three Posts of the last month are these:

“My hometown (Utica) is gone” (June 2017)

A picture worth a thousand words, civil war coming to Europe? (June 2017)

“…an authentic immigrant invasion” is underway, as record breaking number of migrants make it to Italy in two days (June 2017)

Every day RRW welcomes visitors from over 150 countries and territories, but here are the Top Ten countries from which visitors arrived for all time. (WordPress has not kept this data for RRW’s whole life, and I don’t recall how many years ago they began supplying this information.)
In descending order and excluding the US:





South Africa






Some quick facts for new readers:

~RRW is a blog, a news source, not an organization.
~RRW is a charitable project for me, I work for no one. No one pays me to write this blog.
~Thus, I screen your comments and exclude those that express any violence, use foul language or I simply don’t want to post for some reason.
~Blogging is opinion writing, but I work very hard to back my opinions with facts.
~RRW is on twitter @RefugeeWatcher (over 11,000 followers at the moment)
~RRW is on facebook—Refugee Info. Resource, here. (Over 45,000 likes)
~I recommend that you use the excellent search engine here using key search words before e-mailing me. (I apologize that I cannot answer the hundreds of e-mails I get daily).
~I wrote a small book a couple of  years ago, here.
~My first Youtube video has almost 3 million views as of this writing.
~All of my weekly and  monthly round-ups (including more information for new readers) can be found in the category ‘blogging’ by clicking here.
It has been ten years! Will there be another ten? I doubt it, because right now the best window of change we have ever had is open, and if there is no reform, ten years more will be too late.
Thanks to all of my devoted readers for your hard work where you live to educate fellow citizens about this program and pushing for it to be abolished (or reformed), for your kind words, and for your much appreciated small donations that I see as validation for my work.  I don’t thank you often enough!

Happy Independence Day!

RRW Weekly round-up for week ending May 12, 2017

As you may have noticed, I am trying to add some other legal immigration news and information on programs that must be reformed as we have the best window ever for reform in Washington.

In fact, the Trump team should be at this very minute crafting legislation to send to The Hill to abolish or reform several legal immigration programs that have outlived any usefulness they may have ever had—the US Refugee Admissions Program, Temporary Protected Status and that truly insane Diversity Visa Lottery.  All the worker and investor visa programs should also be rewritten or trashed (but I don’t have enough energy for those, and others, like NumbersUSA, are doing good work there).
Frankly, if Trump’s Administration doesn’t take the initiative on reforming our legal immigration system, it will never happen.  See my post yesterday about the six REPUBLICAN Senators eager for more refugees (can you say cheap labor!).

Here are the Top Three Posts of the past week. 

Note that one of those is about the insane Diversity Visa Lottery. (Top three posts of the last day are in the right hand side bar):

If your city has low income housing (or a greedy meatpacker nearby!) you could get refugees

Another 50,000 wannabe migrants to US learned if they won the lottery to America this week

Minnesota Dept of Health needs $5 million to fight infectious diseases in immigrant population

I haven’t mentioned Top Ten Countries lately, so here below are where readers hailed from who read RRW this past week. There were 134 countries on the list, but here are the top ten (excluding the US):




South Africa







For new readers!
In this older round-up I outlined how to learn more about RRW and the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. All of my round-ups may be found in my ‘blogging’ category by clicking here.  Yikes! I see that my first video is now at 2.9 million views!
Thanks as always for your notes, your gifts of books, donations, and e-mails of support, even if I don’t acknowledge every communication know that I try, but there aren’t enough hours in the day here on the farm.

RRW monthly roundup for the month of April 2017

It was a slow posting month for me here at RRW due to pressing family and farm responsibilities, so you may have noticed my usual (self-imposed) goal of writing three posts a day has gone by the wayside (until today).

Does Trump even know what is going on in the Dept. of State? For that matter, without an Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, does Rex Tillerson even know?

And, frankly, as my garden beckons, I’m feeling pretty disgusted at the way the Trump Administration is unfolding.
I can only speak on the issue of refugees, but honestly he is dropping the ball.  His defenders, like ‘Nancy’ here, can continue to make excuses about the various roadblocks the Left is throwing in his way, but he isn’t even speaking up about how they are rolling him on refugees from terror-producing parts of the world or showing any outward sign of fighting back.
Let’s hope I will be proven wrong and that much is going on behind the scenes, but I wonder…..
Does he even know what is happening?
This is going to be a quick update, I really just want readers to know what the Top Three Posts of the month were.
I also want to emphasize again that there are 8,428 posts here at RRW and I’m going to have to leave it to you, if  you are seriously interested, to mine that information.  ‘Nancy’ in a follow-up e-mail suggested I write something simple for beginners to catch up, but short of Frequently Asked Questions in the header, it is pretty hard to re-cap nearly ten years of writing. And, I don’t want to bore longtime readers to death saying the same things over and over.
As I have told you often in these monthly updates, like this one, use RRW’s search window with a few key words, read every day and eventually you will catch on.
And, I don’t say it enough. My heartfelt thanks for contributions readers send.  I see those as confirmation that my work is useful to you.

Here were the Top Three Posts for the month of April:

Pence in Australia: Sure! We will be taking over 1,000 illegal aliens now held in Australian detention

Trump Department of State supports the Muslim Brotherhood, White House caves

7,000 Africans made it to Europe over the Easter weekend as invasion heats up

Thanks for reading RRW! Follow me on twitter @RefugeeWatcher!  I’ve been trying to educate people with a few tweets headed with the phrase: “Finding facts!”
All of my weekly and monthly updates are tagged ‘Refugee Resettlement Watch.’ Or, you can find them in the category called ‘blogging’ here.

RRW monthly round-up for March 2017

The most important news I have this morning is that I am taking a short break.  As of my ‘Muslim Brotherhood supported by Trump State Department‘ post two days ago, I have written 8,402 posts since 2007 and I need some time off right now!

I’m mentioning the number of posts because I have so many new readers and some ask me to get them up-to-speed on the issue, and frankly I can’t do that.
It’s up to you to research posts I have written.
Start with Frequently Asked Questions linked at the top of this page (sorry fact sheet is out of date).  You can use the categories in the drop-down in the left hand column or tags at the end of individual stories.
And, the search function here at wordpress is very good, so use a few key words in the search window.
LOL! I also have new readers referring to my “organization” or to my “staff.”  There is no organization and no staff, just me and this blog!
When I take a break now for a week or two (unless there is some earth-shattering news), I urge you to follow me on twitter (my twitter feed @Refugee Watcher is also in the right hand side column of this blog and I tweet much more news than I could possibly write about), or follow my facebook group page, here, and in the left hand column of this blog page.
I’ll be updating the ‘Refugee Admission Numbers’ in the right hand side bar during my break.
Also, although there are many good writers who are writing about the refugee program, you should follow especially Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review, Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, Pamela Geller at The Geller Report, and Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish. Others?
So, as I do at the beginning of some months, here are the Top Three Posts of last month:

Church World Service announced yesterday that it is launching anti-Trump campaign (to raise $$$)

Hawaii: Muslim Brotherhood-backed imam dictating US refugee policy

“Battle of Rotterdam” on eve of historic election in the Netherlands

All weekly and monthly roundups are archived in my ‘blogging’ category, here.
Oh, and one more thing, wordpress seems to dump subscribers from time to time.  I don’t control those e-mails that come directly to you each time I post.  I recommend that you simply visit RRW every day or so and see what is new, and, for now, while I am taking a break, to use the blog as a research tool as described above.
p.s. Although I don’t say it enough, your gifts and notes of thanks are gratefully received.

RRW Weekly round-up for week ending March 17, 2017

I’ve been terrible about keeping up with weekly round-ups, so I figured it was about time I put one up!
For my last round-up (it was for the month of February, click here).

The Top Three Posts of the last week are these (top daily posts are in the right hand sidebar):

“Battle of Rotterdam” on eve of historic election in the Netherlands

Michigan: More confirmation that refugee resettlement is an industry

Hawaii: Muslim Brotherhood-backed imam dictating US refugee policy

And, I want to mention that another post just skyrocketed yesterday.  It is this one:

Refuting, once again, the big lie about 18-24 months of vetting!

BTW, I’ve added a new sidebar widget: Refugee Admission numbers for FY17.

For new readers: I wrote this little book in 2015. Although a bit out of date now, it might help you get up-to-speed on an issue that is dominating the news today. https://www.amazon.com/Refugee-Resettlement-America-Civilization-Reader/dp/1508820708/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1489919128&sr=8-1&keywords=ann+corcoran

Fiscal year 2017 runs from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.  As you know Donald Trump has set the CEILING at 50,000 for the year.  As of the March 16th, the day Trump’s 120-day moratorium on resettlement was to go into effect, we were at 38,106.
The Hawaii judge placed, illegally in my opinion, a restraining order on the refugee ceiling  portion of the order.  So, I will track the numbers every few days (assuming Wrapsnet is working) and post the latest number in the right hand sidebar.

For new (and some long-time readers): Sorry for the repeat on some of this, but I get e-mails and comments about these issues all the time!

RRW is on twitter.  I am @RefugeeWatcher.  As of this morning I have 8,996 followers.  My tweets are also in the right hand sidebar here at RRW.
RRW is on facebook, my page is here. It has 42,000 likes as of this writing.
I am here by myself, no staff, just me, so I can’t answer every inquiry I receive.  I’m sorry. I hate to look rude, but I can’t.
Increasingly readers are telling me that they subscribe to RRW, get a few e-mails with new posts, then all of a sudden they don’t get them anymore.  I don’t control that, wordpress does.  First, check your spam folder to see if your e-mail server is sending them there.  Next, resubscribe and try again.  And, there is the possibility that some e-mail server is blocking RRW.
But, you can always visit RRW directly every day or so and scroll back to see what I have written in the last few days.  It seems to me that that is the best option—less e-mail in your inbox and you can then see all the other features here at RRW most especially Frequently Asked Questions in the header.
Commenting rules (for the zillionth time!):
I screen comments. I check them a few times a day.  I post NO comments threatening violence or those with foul language.
If you attack another commenter with an ad hominem attack, it won’t be posted either. You can tell them they are wrong without impugning their character.
I’m not posting conspiracies of any sort.  I deal in facts.
And, please, please stop sending ‘off-topic’ comments.  If you want me to see a link that does not relate to the story I’ve posted, you can send it, but don’t expect to see it posted as a comment.  And, I am going to have to shorten comments when you post the entire text of another article.
Search RRW for topics that interest you!
I’ve written 8,372 posts in the last nearly 10 years.  There is a lot of material here at RRW. Please use the search window, upper left, using key words that relate to your interest and see what I have said in the past on the topic.  WordPress’s search function is very good! LOL! I know because I have to use it all the time to see what I’ve said over the years!
Also, for new readers, you might want to see my first youtube video from 2015, I see it is at 2,889,554 views as of this morning, here.

And, again thanks to all of you who have sent kind words of encouragement.  Know how much I appreciate it even if, for lack of time, I don’t respond directly.

This post, and all past roundups are at my ‘blogging’ category.