Ben Carson: If I was ISIS, I would infiltrate the refugee stream to America

Here is another 2016 Presidential candidate suggesting that the resettlement of 10,000 (65,000 or 100,000) Syrians to American towns represents a security threat.

Ben Carson: No brainer! ISIS wants to infiltrate refugee flow!

Strong positions have already been taken by Donald Trump and Scott Walker in the run-up to the CNN Presidential debate scheduled for tomorrow evening.
Carson: If we are doing such great screening how did the Tsarnaev Brothers get in?
From CNN:

Washington (CNN) Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Monday recalled the men who orchestrated the bombing at the Boston Marathon to argue that the U.S. should not accept emergency refugees fleeing Syria.

The retired neurosurgeon, who is recently earning silver medals in national opinion polls, raised the specter of Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev***, the immigrant brothers who came to the United States in 2002 and a decade later organized the attack. Carson said the U.S. had not substantively improved how immigrants those like the brothers were vetted when they came as refugees from Kyrgyzstan.

“How did that screening process work for the Tsarnaev Brothers?” Carson told CNN’s John Berman on “The Lead.” “We don’t know whose those people are, and the majority of them are young males, and they could easily be people who could be infiltrated by terrorists.”

Carson said it was all too easy for Islamic militants to take advantage of the relaxed standards for refugees.

“If I was ISIS, if I were the global jihadists, and I knew the United States was about to take in 10,000 or 65,000 or 100,00 people from my region, I would infiltrate them with my people,” he said.


Carson also characterized his position on immigration as “probably not that far away” from Trump’s, despite having disagreed with Trump on the viability of deportations of undocumented immigrants.

Mr. Carson might be advised to question all those who will now dump hate-filled vitriol on him over his lack of humanitarian concern and ask them how many Syrian Christians are they planning to help since the vast majority of Syrian refugees (95%) taken in by the US now are UN-chosen Syrian Muslims.
Our security concerns might be dramatically lessened if Christians were the recipients of our generosity (they aren’t after all the ones doing the terrorizing!).
***The Tsarnaev brothers may not be the best example because they came in as children, and as asylum seekers.  We did not select them abroad with or without the help of the UN.  Better examples would be the Iraqi refugee terrorists that we did select and who did go through our security screening process which failed miserably.
However, the Tsarnaev brothers do exemplify a more serious problem in my view and that is what we are seeing with many next generation refugees, most notably the Somalis from Minnesota some of whom are not assimilating and are becoming radicalized in America cities (probably in radical mosques).
Those young men who left to join Al-Shabaab and ISIS over the last 8 years or so, could not have been screened against and their parents might have been fine people.  The point is, that even if the Syrian Muslims, or any other Muslims, being admitted to the US now are perfectly decent and peaceful, their children may not stay that way.
Let’s consider Frank Gaffney’s proposal today—a moratorium on Muslim colonization of America!  That seems to offer us the safest choice wouldn’t you say?

Calling out the phony evangelicals who want to save Muslims before Christians

There are people who are standing up to the powerful Leftwing (aka Progressive) activists who have been working for decades to burrow their way into American churches.  One such person is Kelly Monroe Kuhlberg, founder of the Veritas Forum and author of Finding God at Harvard.  (Kuhlberg also is a colleague and friend of this author.)

Jim Wallis
Jim Wallis the flim-flam man is promoting a national day of prayer (for the MOSTLY Muslim refugees) in conjunction with the Pope’s visit to the US next week. Photo:

From The Stream (quoting Breitbart):

Jim Wallis, the far-left founder of Sojourner Magazine and beneficiary of George Soros donations who has built a career out of subverting constitutional liberty in America by quoting the Bible out of context, is at it again.

In his latest effort in transparent left-wing propaganda, Wallis extends his love for open borders from the huge populations of Middle East and Africa to the United States to all of Europe.


But several evangelical leaders are calling Wallis out for his distortions of the Bible that promote a left-wing “pseudo-Christian” theocracy.

“It is curious to me that these refugees are almost entirely Islamic even though Christians are the ones in most mortal danger by Islamists,” Kelly Monroe Kullberg, founder of the Veritas Forum and author of Finding God at Harvard, tells Breitbart News. “The ‘refugees’ are not mostly sweet children, but adult Muslim males who are unscreened,” she said, adding Islamizing America [and Europe] is cultural injustice and suicide, not stewardship, beauty and progress.”

The full article can be found at Breitbart.  Continue reading here.  It is jam-packed with information about the Progressive network Wallis helps lead.
Don’t forget, the Pope will also be carrying the Progressive’s message when he arrives in the US next week.   Make sure your Catholic friends know that so far he has made no distinction between the persecuted Christians arriving in Europe and the Muslim hordes.
Not to get too deep in the weeds, but long ago the Cultural Marxists knew that if their progressive agenda was to succeed in Christian America they would need to destroy the church and family first.   For now, the best way that I can see to smoke them out is to ask every ‘religious’ Jew or Christian, who promotes the resettlement of massive numbers of migrants to Europe or the US, if they are saving the Christians first and how many have they saved so far.  I could be wrong, but I expect the progressives will not want to be forced into a public declaration about rescuing Christians before Muslims.

Archbishop of Canterbury: UK plan to take 20,000 Syrians discriminates against Christian refugees

And, that is because, as we have told readers before, the United Nations refugee camps are housing Muslim Syrians and NOT Christians.  The US and now, according to UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Great Britain, are only taking the UN-chosen refugees from UN camps!

Another Christian leader gets it! Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: US and UK Syrian refugee policy discriminates against Christian Syrians!

Why aren’t the Christians in the camps?  Because the Muslims “attack and target” the Christians in the camps run by the UNHCR.

If, during Sunday worship today, you hear from your pastor or priest about Syrian refugees (remember the Leftwing campaign we told you about yesterday), you must ask what the plan is for truly persecuted Christians and let your fellow congregants know that the US State Department has almost exclusively brought in Sunni Muslims so far!

From The Telegraph (emphasis is mine):

The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned David Cameron that his Government’s refugee policy is discriminating against Christians facing oppression in Syria.

The Most Rev Justin Welby is understood to have met the prime minister last week amid growing concerns that Christians in Syria will be largely excluded from the 20,000 refugees due to come to the UK over the next five years.

Archbishop Welby raised the issue with Mr Cameron at a private meeting last week, according to a well placed source, over concerns that Christians in Syria will not be given the opportunity to come to the UK.

The Government, in line with European Union policy, is committed to taking in refugees from UN camps in Syria and neighbouring countries. It cannot discriminate in favour of any one religious group.

But the Archbishop has raised concerns that Christians have avoided refugee camps because of fears of persecution from rogue Islamist groups operating inside refugee camps.

In a speech in the House of Lords last Monday, Archbishop Welby said that “within the camps there is significant intimidation and radicalisation, and many particularly of the Christian population who have been forced to flee are unable to be in the camps.”


“Christians are not to be found in the UN camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbours and family.”

A coalition of faith groups from 14 organisations has issued a statement accusing the US and UK governments of ignoring the plight of Christians and other ethnic minority groups by effectively failing to discriminate positively in their favour.


The coalition of groups said; “Many governments, including the US and UK, have proved unwilling to make provision for endangered religious minorities to be evacuated, despite private individuals, charities and churches offering to cover the costs of the resettlement.

“Government plans, including those of the UK, to accept refugees from UN camps in Syria will not address the problem, because Christians, and other minorities do not dare to live in those camps.”

There is more, continue reading here.

Why are US government-affiliated “religious charities” remaining silent on Christian persecution?

First, be sure to read about the brave Catholic Bishop in Hungary who is sounding the alarm about the Muslim invasion, here!  It is such a relief to know that not all Christian leaders have sold out to the Islamist agenda.
I know we can’t take in the whole world because even the US can’t afford it, but we are a Christian nation and Christians should be at the top of our priority list, don’t you think?
The so-called religious charities among our nine major resettlement contractors have never (to my knowledge in the last 8 years) ever expressed a concern for the Christians of the Middle East. If they had any guts they would say out loud to the Obama Administration—put the Christians (and other non-Muslim minorities) at the top of the list of those to be resettled in America.
One more thing!  If you are asked to open your home to a refugee or refugee family, remember, it will be a Muslim family (unless US resettlement policy changes) and expect to take care of them for a very long time at your personal expense!
Update:  More here on the Left using the Pope’s upcoming US visit as PR opportunity.

New Leftwing group: 'We Welcome Refugees' will be bringing politics to your pulpits starting tomorrow!

Ask Ann Voskamp one of the leaders of this new lobbying initiative how she is proposing to save the persecuted Christians first!

No surprise, but you need to be ready to speak up!

If this new group, with its lobbying campaign, shows up in your church, ask them how many CHRISTIANS and other religious minorities they are proposing to save! 

I can’t emphasize enough that the present invasion of Europe is being led by mostly Muslim migrants and that the US State Department has admitted 95% Sunni Muslims in the Syrian refugee stream to the US so far.
If you don’t believe me, here, run the numbers for yourself here.
So if you are being pressured from the pulpit tomorrow—ask your pastors and priests: HOW MANY CHRISTIANS ARE THEY SAVING?  Pin them down, make them say they are saving Christians first!
From ‘We Welcome Refugees’ new website (hat tip: Kelly):

This Sunday – September 13, 2015 we are inviting all churches and Christian Leaders to take a moment in your services and gatherings to discuss the incredible humanitarian tragedy and faced by largely Syrian Refugees.


This is a place for you to say: We Welcome Refugees – and get to live out those words. A place for your church, your people, your community, to have a practical, tangible, real way to welcome in the stranger in Christ’s name, a place hosted by World Relief, The Justice Conference, and Ann Voskamp, with more partners to be added soon. (If you are already Welcoming Refugees and would like to partner with us, click on the link below or email

Learn more here.
By the way, World Relief is one of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors being paid by the head to resettle refugees working in your towns, here.  As such they are one of those groups lobbying the Obama Administration to admit 100,000 Syrian refugees (which translates into 95,000 Muslims and 5,000 Christians and other minorities at the present rate). They are among those wailing right now as Obama has signaled 10,000 Syrians are “welcome” for this coming year.
See a list of World Relief partner churches, here.  World Relief is the federal contractor working to bring refugees to Spartanburg, SC (Trey Gowdy’s district!).

Trump: "possibly" bring some Syrians to the US

This news is four days old, but I heard it tonight on Fox as I arrived home from DC.

Which Syrians Donald?

Here is what CNN reported over the holiday (and Fox repeated):

(CNN)Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Friday that the Syrian refugee crisis is “so horrible” that he would consider allowing the U.S. to accept some of the displaced refugees.

When asked whether the United States should assist European countries and accept some of the refugees on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump said, “We have so many problems, and the answer is, possibly, yes.”

All I can say is that by now Trump has access to some of the most knowledgeable people in the country on immigration issues and he better get boned-up on this issue pretty quickly because the question (and decision by Obama) of the number of Syrian refugees the US will be dropping off in your towns is coming at us like a freight train.

I’ll be very surprised if candidates are not asked about our refugee policy at the upcoming CNN debate.

The most important question is how many, but not far behind is the one I have not heard one mainstream media outlet mention—will we be taking in mostly Muslim Syrians as we have already?  Or, are we going to prioritize the persecuted Christians? I think the average America, who knows nothing about what is going on with refugees, simply ASSUMES the Christians are at the head of the line when in fact they are not!

And, not far behind the questions about number and religion is another biggie—are we going to forego normal security screening?


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I send him Tweets everyday at


He requested policy suggestions at email