They have noticed the disparity in the numbers too (see our post last evening).
They need to be sending some of this anger toward the US Conference of Catholic Bishops who have been silent while resettling mostly Muslims from the Middle East as US State Department refugee contractors.
From Christian Today:
Catholic archbishops from Iraq and Syria are speaking out in defence of displaced Christians who are having a difficult time in applying for US visas to enable them to escape persecution in their own country and settle in a new land, such as the US, where they can freely practice their faith.
Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil, Iraq, and Melkite Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart of Aleppo, Syria, spoke recently at the Knights of Columbus 2015 Convention press conference in Philadelphia, describing the plight of Christians in the Middle East, according to the Catholic News Agency.
They said they found out from official US government sources that since October last year, 906 Muslim refugees from Syria have been granted US visas. However, out of the 700,000 displaced Christians from Syria who applied for a US visa during the same period, only 28 succeeded in getting one.
Might not have come to the attention of the White House? Yeh, sure.
The archbishops said the apparent discrimination against Christians in the granting of US visas might not have reached the attention yet of the White House, but they said this is clearly a case of injustice.
“Our people are asking these questions: How come we apply for the American visa and are denied?” Archbishop Warda said. “This is a clear case of persecution. They’re being denied visas while others who have participated (in the violence) or at least were silent can go.”
See the related story here at WNDabout Chaldeans held in a detention center in California while others who came seeking asylum have been let go.
I’m talking about federal refugee resettlement contractor World Relief (aka National Association of Evangelicals). It seems that in the wake of Evangelist Franklin Graham’s call for a halt to Muslim immigration following the Chattanooga murder of four Marines and a Naval officer by an immigrant Islamist, the multi-faith folks went into defense mode.
What did they do? They invited representatives of one of the most infamous mosques in the Washington area—All Dulles Area Muslim Society (Adams Center)—-and representatives of two leading Muslim Brotherhood front groups to join them in a multi-faith love fest in Washington (on Capitol Hill!) to send the message that they (including ‘Evangelists’) disagreed with Franklin Graham.
Here is the news at something called World Religion News(emphasis below is mine):
Denouncing Franklin Graham! Know the opposition! Bob Roberts Jr.
Recently, Evangelical Christian and Muslim leaders gathered at Capitol Hill, to debate a very sensitive matter, the one of Muslim immigrants in the USA. More precisely, this gathering took place on July 23, between Bob Roberts Jr., an evangelic pastor of NorthWood Church in Keller, Texas, and Muslim leaders of All Dulles Area Muslim Society, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim Public Affairs Council.The purpose of the gathering was to reduce the tensions created between the Evangelical Christian church and the Muslim Churches [churches? who the heck wrote this?—ed] in America and to strengthen their relationships.
But the gathering has an even more important purpose, and that is to denounce and contradict the statements released by another Evangelic leader, launched on his public social network account. Those statements were rather sensitive, not reflecting the tolerance and acceptance promoted by the Christian church, which may have detrimental backfires on a society already tried by so much violence.
It all started when Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, a well-known Evangelic leader, said on his Facebook profile that Muslim immigrants should not be permitted to enter the USA anymore.This happened due to a violent shootout in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where five out of seven people shot by a Muslim young man died. Ever since, even the organizations that help relocate religious refugees started facing issues.Not because they were imposed to stop helping Muslims, but because people started to be afraid to accept them. Many volunteers and churches involved in resettling actions regarding religious refugees are frightened by the fact that the Muslims will turn into dangerous terrorist or even install the Shari‘ah law, once they get settled on American land. [Gee! wonder where they got that idea!—ed]
As interesting as all that is, this (below) is the part that jumped out at me. So, could there be a rebellion brewing? Are there some not-so-happy Christians working with World Relief(one of thetop nine resettlement contractors)? This is so disingenuous! What is not being reported here is that World Relief does resettle significant numbers of Muslim refugees because they must in order to get their federal contracts (read: federal cold hard cash!). And, by the way, the federal government disallows any proselytizing by its contractors. Some uninformed supporters of the federal contractors will tell you that they want to get the Muslims here to convert them to Christianity, don’t believe them. World Religion News continued….
Graham’s statement is also not seen very well by World Relief, an organization based in Baltimore, which helps religious refugees to start a new life in America. Since they work mainly with church volunteers, they also faced the fear of some churches to accept Muslim refugees. World Relief mainly takes care of Christian refugees, but they never refused any person in need of help, regardless of their religion or background. Still, they know that by refusing to accept a Muslim refugee, they will also face problems with the Christian ones as well,as it will as well become harder for them to enter the resettling program. [Huh?—ed]
Here is Franklin Graham’s website. You might want to reach out to him and tell him you support what he said about Muslim immigration. Editor’s note:
A reader suggested that when I write a post relating to Muslim immigration to be sure to remind you that this is the Hijra—Mohammed’s command to migrate and spread Islam across the world. In order to succeed in building a worldwide caliphate, what do they need? Numbers of course!
And, two more things: My first post this morning is also labeled ‘Know the opposition.’ See our category entitled‘The Opposition’for more such posts.
Follow me on twitter! There is so much happening that I can’t possibly post on it all, so I have been sending refugee/immigration articles to twitter. I am @refugeewatcher.
Belgium, a country already struggling with a large Muslim migrant population, initiated a rescue of 250 Syrian Christians and has now been charged with participating in a publicity stunt.
I’m not holding my breath waiting for the day when US Christian and Jewish non-profits who contract with the federal government to resettle refugees say—WE WANT TO SAVE THE CHRISTIANS FIRST! Unbelievable! Playing politics with Christian lives? “Brigitte Hermans, an expert from the Catholic NGO Pax Christi, worries that the rescue will only embolden Bashar al-Assad’s claims that ISIS, rather than his regime, is the true threat to the Syrian people.” Those ‘Christian’ and ‘Jewish’ ‘charities’ I’m talking about are the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Church World Service, World Relief (Evangelicals) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
96% of the Syrian refugees being resettled by US Christian and Jewish charities are Syrian Muslims (mostly Sunni Muslims).
Why are they afraid to tell the UN and the Obama State Department NO! Obviously some in Belgium have guts!
From Worldcrunch:
BRUSSELS — Moved by the dramatic situation of the Christian population in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, a group of Belgian activists, with support from the government, orchestrated a remarkable rescue operation to save nearly 250 Syrian Christians.
In Aleppo, the Christians were under continuous assault by ISIS, the al-Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra front and the Assad regime. Now they’re set to receive refugee status in Belgium and join the approximately 5,500 Syrian refugees already in the country.
Aleppo had 160,000 Christians before the war. Belgian authorities estimate there are only 55,000 left now.
Certain observers have harshly criticized the Michel administration, calling the rescue a public relations stunt. The government had been facing criticism in the past for its lackluster response to the refugee crisis in Europe, and still has not specified how many asylum seekers it will accept from the rest of the EU. Echoing the concerns of other EU members, Brussels opposes the proposals for a mandatory quota system but has yet to indicate whether it will host part of the 64,000 people who need to be resettled.
There is more here.
About the photo, apparently this publication has spelled Ms. Herremans’ name wrong, here. Herremans has written with a pro-Palestinian bias for Pax Christi (the International Catholic Peace Movement), here.
We are saving the Syrian Muslims and not the Christians!
Thanks to Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit for spotting a brief mention by Presidential candidate Donald Trump in Las Vegas on Saturday. Go to Gateway Pundit for the story and the video clip.
Trump is almost right. It isn’t zero Christians, but it’s pretty close to zero. Although we have admitted a small handful of Syrian Christian refugees, the vast majority are Muslims and mostly Sunni Muslims as we reportedhere recently. 96% of the small number admitted so far in 2015 are Muslims.
But, don’t forget!
Led by the Senate Jihad Caucus, the push is on to admit 65,000Syrians before Obama leaves office and the vast majority of those will be plucked from UN camps populated by mostly Syrian Sunni Muslims.
When I give presentations on our Refugee Admissions Program, I am asked all the time if we are taking Syrian Christians in our refugee flow and I tell people—very few! UNHCR camps house mostly Muslim Syrians as Christians are too afraid to go there. In 2015, 96% of the Syrian refugees entering the US are Sunni Muslims. Photo from The Guardian:
I had heard anecdotally that Christians fear the Muslims in the United Nations camps.
Last week Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Dailyconfirms our suspicions in an article entitled, ‘Obama response to Christian killing fields ‘horrifying’.
Quoting George Marlin, author of a new book, “Christian Persecutions in the Middle East: A 21st Century Tragedy,” Hohmann tells us this (emphasis mine):
As of December 2014, 600,000 Syrian Christians had fled their country or have been internally displaced, Marlin reports. In Aleppo, more than 65 percent have been forced to leave.
He told WND most Syrian Christians will not go to the United Nations refugee camps for two reasons. First, they are afraid they will be harmed and, second, they do not want to leave their country. [Hohmann previously reported that Assad had protected the Christians.—ed]
“The Christians are afraid to go to those camps, because the camps are basically populated by Muslims, and they’re afraid of retaliation and harm in these camps,” Marlin said.“So what is happening with the Christian refugees is the Christian community is basically taking care of these people, they’re staying in the churches, they’re staying in Christian homes, and we at Aid to the Church in Need are trying to get aid to the churches that are housing them.”
So every time you see a Syrian camp photo, or see that one of our resettlement contractors is over there helping in the UN camps, or you see Angelina Jolie visiting a Syrian camp, remember they are helping mostly Muslims.
What do the numbers look like?
Just a few days ago, I reportedthat the refugees now numbering over 1,000 who have been admitted to the US since 2012 are 94% Muslim. After reading this WND article I went back to check the data basefor just the Syrians admitted to the US in 2015. What did I find? The number of Muslims admitted is even greater when only 2015 is analyzed! In 2015 we admitted 763 Syrians so far. Of that number only 23 are Christians, 36 say they are simply Muslim and another 698 are Sunni Muslims.
So 96% of those arriving in US towns and cities are Syrian Muslims (mostly Sunni Muslims).
That means that US resettlement contractors including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society are placing mostly Sunni Muslims (chosen by the UN) in your towns! And, you pay for it! The Jihad Caucus is aptly named!
Fourteen US Senators have asked Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians before his term in office ends. We call them the Jihad Caucus because they are advocating for more Muslim refugees to be admitted to the US.