North Dakota’s Burleigh County Says Yes to More Refugees, Sets a Cap

In a packed meeting room, County Commissioners in Bismarck, voted 3-2 to ‘welcome’ more impoverished refugees to the county in the coming year—25 total they say.

As the country watched (even the NY Times was watching) the county leaders took a wishy-washy middle of the road position because as far as I know there is no rule or regulation that lets them set a cap.

Once you agree to take in third worlders from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, a county can’t dictate numbers or select refugees by ethnicity or religion.


Although their decision was not exactly overwhelming, the fact that this county commission actually held a hearing to take the pulse of the community is very significant. All across the country governors and local elected officials are deciding behind closed doors.  Demand public hearings!


Here is a brief story from local KFYR-TV:

Burleigh County Commission vote to allow refugee resettlement in 3-2 decision

BREAKING: Burleigh County commissioners vote to allow refugee resettlement with a cap of 25 for next year after a four hour hearing.

Both sides of the issue voiced opinions and addressed the commissioners.

Commissioners include Brian Bitner, Jerry Woodcox, Mark Armstrong, Kathleen Jones and Jim Peluso.

Peluso and Bitner voted no.

The option surfaced after President Donald Trump issued an executive order allowing local governments to make their own decisions.

Cass County recently voted to accept refugees.


For a more complete and incredibly biased report see the New York Times story from overnight.  As always there is absolutely no mention that the do-gooder Lutherans who resettle refugees in ND are paid, as federal contractors, to place the refugees throughout North Dakota.

The NYT reports that Burleigh County Commissioner Bitner did not even know that refugees were being placed in the county demonstrating that this program operates in SECRECY whenever the contractors can get away with it.

The NYT does point out some pitfalls we see with the President’s approach when he opened this can of worms. (Don’t get me wrong, chaos/confusion is a good thing politically !)

There is one very bright side all of you need to note:  the process is forcing state and local elected officials who have been happy to hide behind the mantra—this decision of where refugees are placed is a federal decision—to go on the record for all voters to see who is friend or foe on the issue of our time.

I see the vote for more refugees as a proxy vote for more immigration across the board.

You can read the whole NYT story yourself, here.

LOL! One thing jumped out at me and that was that although the reporter calls the President, President Trump, once at the beginning of the story.  In four additional references he is relegated to “Mr. Trump.”

Mr. Obama is referred to as “President Barack Obama” (not former President…).

Shame on You if You Don’t Take 15 Minutes to Do This!

This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information category’ where all of my recent posts on this make-or-break issue may be found.

See the right hand side bar for the governors who have caved already and told the President that they want more impoverished refugees placed in their (your!) state.

The NYT says 16 governors have sent letters, if that is true they are keeping their mouths shut in the media.

If you are contacting elected officials please send me feedback at

An Idaho Voter Sends Fabulous Letter to His Governor! You Can Do This Too!

Update December 10:  A reader suggests you copy your letters (that you are writing to county commissions and to your governor) to the US Secretary of State. See here.

Well, heck the Refugee Council USA (the lobbying arm of the refugee industry) prepared a “tool kit” for their followers to use to help them organize against the President and to argue for more refugees.

Governor Little is a fan of Chobani Yogurt (just so you know)!

They prepared template letters for their people!

(I’ve posted their “tool kit” here.)

Well, we can do that too!  A reader from Idaho shared his letter to Republican Governor Brad Little.

It’s great, you can use it too! 

Simply substitute your governor’s name and your state!  Maybe add a few more points you want to specifically make!


Dear Gov Little,

I am writing to urge you to advise the State Dept that Idaho will
NOT accept any more refugees. While I suspect Chobani and other Big Ag interests will push for a massive increase in refugee numbers, the
fact of the matter is that many parts of Idaho are already
experiencing a housing shortage as well as burgeoning school
enrollments. We need to take care of our state first.

Idaho has a relatively small population and you can bet that most
refugees will vote for Democrats, the party of Open Borders and Free
Stuff. We can’t out-pander the Dems, so let’s not try.

A major problem for states in taking refugees is that local
governments end up paying most of the costs for their healthcare and
education. Most refugees arrive with no English proficiency or useful
skills, many are illiterate in any language. This places a huge burden
on our educational system, a burden shouldered by local taxpayers.
Refugees often arrive with serious health problems that local hospital
districts are expected to pay for. Local governments are required to
provide interpreters in hospital, court and educational systems,
regardless of how exotic the language and expensive those services

These are the kind of costs that “welcoming” states are required to
provide. I’m sick and tired of the feds dumping costs on local
taxpayers. The Refugee Act of 1980 promised that state and local
governments would not be forced to pay these costs. They lied, but
what else would you expect from a bill written by Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden and signed by Jimmy Carter? That says it all.

Finally, once a state says that refugees are welcome they will have
no choice as to what kind of refugees they receive. This is a problem
because most refugees are chosen by the UNHCR, a corrupt institution
run by an organization that hates us. Politicians are always saying
these people are seriously vetted, but that’s a lie. Many countries
sending us refugees are failed states that have little info on the
people they are choosing and we’re supposed to trust the UN.

While I am sure you’ll be getting lots of mail from refugee
contractors, this is one from an actual voter. Just say NO to more

Thank you for reading!

By the way, Idaho has taken a lot of refugees over the years, so the Governor could simply say that the state needs a breather, time for the existing refugees to assimilate.

Shame on You if You Don’t Take 15 Minutes to Do This!

This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information category’ where all of my recent posts on this make-or-break issue may be found.

See the right hand side bar for the governors who have caved already and told the President that they want more impoverished refugees placed in their (your!) state.

As I said in my post this morning:

If you are contacting elected officials please send me feedback at

Are you making your calls?

Shame on You if You Don’t Take 15 Minutes to Do This!

The President listened to our concerns about having no say in where refugees are placed.  If you are fuming over the impeachment process (which you can do nothing about) then support him by doing this one little thing—take 15 minutes and make some calls!

(Visit my category, Where to find information, if this is the first time you are hearing this news. I’ve been writing non-stop for days on this important opportunity Trump has made available.)

If you are contacting elected officials please send me feedback at

Here are a few of the arguments your elected officials (who want more refugees) will make:

  • Trump isn’t bringing very many so the numbers are tiny.  Yes, they are smaller than they have been in the past, but wait till Trump is no longer in the White House and watch the numbers explode!
  • The federal government pays for the program.  No it doesn’t. It has long ago stopped reimbursing states for myriad costs.  Who do you think is paying for Medicare, education for the children and even translation services at every institution that interfaces with the refugees?  Not to mention the cost of the criminal justice system in your county and state.
  • Non-profit groups and churches are taking care of them.  Only for the first three months and they are paid by the federal government (you again!) to do their ‘humanitarian’ work. Their CEOs are pulling in obscene six figure salaries for their ‘charitable good works’.
  • Big companies like meat packers need the ready supply of labor—jobs Americans won’t do.  Maybe that is because these giant globalist corporations aren’t paying decent wages. (Refugees receive welfare to make up for meager wages.)  Why should your town suffer cultural destabilization and social upheaval to help the likes of BIG MEAT?
  • Our community is lacking in diversity and everyone knows that diversity brings strength. There is no research to support that favorite talking point of Open Borders, Inc.  In fact there is some research that refutes that mumbo-jumbo.
  • But we are a compassionate people.  Yes, and so how is it demonstrating compassion to move poor people from their own cultures, dropping them off in places like Chicago so they can get menial jobs, an act of compassion? Why not keep them safe in their own region of the world until they can go home?
  • We are a nation of immigrants.  That is another of Open Borders activists favorite talking points.  Do you know that we actually stopped most immigration to America for 3 decades leading up to 1965?  Why? Because so many were coming that we needed a breather to give them a chance to assimilate. So taking a break is not unprecedented.
  • Refugees are screened and therefore they don’t commit crimes or commit acts of terrorism. Yes, they do and I have literally hundreds of posts archived here confirming they do.  And, use your head, how do you screen someone who has left some hellhole country with no government and is wandering around the world with no papers?  We aren’t stupid!  Tell your elected officials, the US is not capable of calling up some little village in Syria, for example, to see if Mohammed has a criminal record.
  • Ask all pro-refugee elected officials if they have any limit to the number they want for your town/city/county/state.  Is 100 a year a good number?  500? 1000? 10,000?  Pin them down, make them tell you if they have a number that would be just too many for your community or state to absorb.
  • And, ask your elected official if they have in any way taken the pulse of your town/city/county or are they just listening to the political activists at the local Interfaith group.
  • When they call you names—racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, or whatever—know that they haven’t any good arguments and have resorted to attacking you personally. Wear the attack as a badge of honor!

North Dakota: Will Burleigh County Vote for Unspecified Number of Refugees in Coming Years

I told you here last week about how county commissioners in Burleigh County (Bismarck), ND had postponed a decision about whether the county would ‘welcome’ refugees or not after President Trump has gone out on a political limb to invite states and mostly counties to say whether they want more refugees (or not) now, and into the foreseeable future.

(Have you taken 15 minutes to make your calls?)

Commissioner Brian Bitner

So many people turned out at the meeting that the decision was postponed, but will be on the agenda tomorrow night in Bismarck.

One of the smartest things I’ve heard from any elected official is this from Commissioner Chairman Brian Bitner:

“I haven’t seen anything in this package, anywhere, that tells me that we’re consenting to five or 50 or 500 or anything. So North Dakota is already the highest per capita state for refugee resettlement in terms of number of citizens, so in the absence of any sort of number, there’s no way we could know the cost to the state or the county, and I simply can’t support that,” said Bitner.

And there won’t be any number given in advance!

When a governor or local elected official sends permission to the US State Department it is an open-ended invitation for any number from anywhere in the world.

It also signals that the state and local government agree to take on the financial burden of the social service costs refugees rack up.  (State and local taxpayers carry most of the tax burden for their care as the federal government has over time shifted the cost to the states.)

That 50-100 mile radius issue!

So, know this, if Burleigh County says yes tomorrow night they are saying yes for placement of third worlders in any location within a hundred miles of the county.

I couldn’t do what some Tennesseans did (draw circles on a map), but I did find a radius calculating tool and this is what I learned.

If you can’t read the small print:

This region includes 22 counties: Burleigh, ND; Dunn, ND; Emmons, ND; Foster, ND; Grant, ND; Hettinger, ND; Kidder, ND; Logan, ND; McHenry, ND; McIntosh, ND; McLean, ND; Mercer, ND; Morton, ND; Oliver, ND; Sheridan, ND; Sioux, ND… plus 6 more counties.

So all of you who live within a hundred miles, know that you are not off the hook!

Refugee advocates in ND are claiming that incoming refugee numbers are so low under Trump that there won’t be that many coming to Burleigh County anyway.  Those refugee promoters also say Bismarck needs more diversity!

Stop and think!  When Trump is no longer in the White House, the refugee spigot is going to be opened wide and your county will have said—bring ’em in!

Here is the news about the meeting tomorrow night.  If you live in Bismarck  or anywhere within a hundred miles try to get there!

Even if you can’t beat Open Borders Inc, you can at least show up and thank the President for giving you an opportunity to help decide the future of your community.

Burleigh County to Hold Special Refugee Resettlement Meeting

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A North Dakota county will hold a special meeting next week to take comments on whether it should resettle additional refugees.

Burleigh County commissioners postponed action on the matter at a meeting Monday after an overflow crowd showed up to address the issue.

A recent executive order by President Donald Trump stated that new efforts to resettle refugees would have to receive permission from state and local governments. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum announced last month that the state would continue to receive refugees as long as local governments agreed.

The public will be able to voice opinions Dec. 9 on whether to allow Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota to continue resettling refugees in the county. Commissioners could vote on the matter at the special meeting Monday.

The Cass County Commission voted unanimously Monday to allow Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota to continue its refugee resettlement program.

This post is filed in my “Where to find information” category here.  Find recent posts about the President’s Executive Order archived there.

Oh, and did I ask:

Have you taken 15 minutes to make your calls?

Arizona: Republican Governor Ducey Says Arizona Wants MORE Impoverished Refugees

Have you taken 15 minutes to make your calls?


Apparently Open Borders Inc. made more calls in Arizona than anyone concerned about the high number of impoverished third worlders Arizona is ‘welcoming’.

Arizona Republican Governor Ducey: Sure we will take an unknown number of refugees the UN and the feds pick for us. Arizona has run out of our own vulnerable people so we will get more from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. And, eventually the new Americans will vote us Republicans out of office.

Arizona is the fifth highest state in the nation for refugee placement and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey sure has swallowed the kool-aid according to this story at

And, so has the Republican Speaker of the House!

Ducey could easily have said that Arizona needs a little break to assimilate all those we have taken in recent years, but he didn’t.

What he did was invite refugee placement in the state at any number Washington and the contractors want to send.

And, effectively has placed the financial burden of their care on state and local taxpayers as the feds have long ago stopped financially supporting many of the costs of social services to refugees.

Ducey declines Trump offer to let Arizona opt out of taking refugees accepted into the US

PHOENIX — Gov. Doug Ducey said Friday he won’t take advantage of President Trump’s offer to allow Arizona to opt out of taking refugees.

“Throughout our nation’s history, the United States has been a refuge for individuals fleeing religious and political persecution in their homeland,” Ducey wrote Friday to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “And Arizona has historically been one of the most welcoming states in terms of the number of refugees resettled here.”

Specifically, the Republican governor told Pompeo he officially is consenting to “initial refugee resettlement in Arizona.”

The federal government works with local authorities and nonprofit agencies to resettle the refugees accepted into this country. What changed recently is that Trump, in an executive order, said cities and states must provide written consent for such resettlement. His order effectively gave cities and states a veto option.


Ducey’s letter to Pompeo said one thing that made him decide to permit continued resettlement is his belief that refugees pose no risk.

“Refugees arriving in the United States have been vetted and approved by the appropriate national security agencies and the Department of State and have been granted legal entry to make a new home in the land of the free,” Ducey wrote. [This is boilerplate contractor language so clearly he simply cut and pasted from some template letter he was provided.—ed]


Bishop Edward Weisenburger fails to tell the citizens of Arizona that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops gets over 90% of its refugee funding to support refugees from federal taxpayers.

That letter, however, may not fully clear the way. Ducey press aide Patrick Ptak said similar approvals are needed from local governments. He said that most likely involves only Pima and Maricopa county officials as well as those in affected cities.

[Try making one of the 100 mile radius maps like patriots did in Tennessee and see how many other counties are involved.—ed]


The governor’s decision drew praise from Bishop Edward Weisenburger of the Catholic Diocese of Tucson.

“Refugee resettlement is a critical ministry which we, along with a great many dioceses across our nation, have provided for many years,” he said in a prepared statement. “Providing aid to those in dire need and who are fearing for their lives is an important part of Catholic teaching.”  [Just tell the TRUTH for once! No wonder the Catholic Church is losing its flocks!– Ed]

US Catholic Bishops Bemoan Loss of Federal Funding under Trump continues….

The governor’s decision also is supported by House Speaker Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa.

More here.  It is too sickening for me to continue.

He claims his worries of 2015 (terrorism) have gone away and he says he is satisfied that the citizens of Arizona have been consulted.

This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information’ category which contains all of the posts in recent weeks about the Trump Executive Order.

The list of governors who have said yes to more refugees is in my right hand side bar, here.