Editor: I hope you had a great day giving thanks with loved ones yesterday.
Much to my surprise the post I wrote on the day before Thanksgiving about 88 mayors demanding more refugees went off-the-charts viral, so if you didn’t see it, check it out.
And, thank you dear readers for continuing to follow RRW and special thanks to the donations from many of you that have made it possible for Refugee Resettlement Watch’s renewed presenceon the internet.
On a trip to Japan a few days ago Pope Francis learned first hand that Japan steadfastly maintains that it wants to keep its unique language and culture and not become a multiculty polyglot nation as so many European nations have become.
Pope’s message of openness to refugees prompts backlash in Japan
TOKYO – A visit to Japan by Pope Francis and his dream of a nuclear-free world drew largely positive headlines this week in Japan. But when he tried to gently encourage the Japanese to extend a hand of friendship to refugees, the backlash on social media was significant.
Japan has some of the toughest policies toward refugees and asylum seekers among the world’s richest nations, and a reputation for being relatively closed toward outsiders.
The pope’s effort to preach a more accepting message was not universally accepted.
The story was one of the most read on the TV Asahi website on Tuesday and Wednesday and tweets with the words “accept refugees” were trending.
But the response seemed more negative than positive.
“Do that first in the Vatican,” tweeted @Ryounagasugi7, a tweet liked by 14,600 people and retweeted 4,700 times.
“I am sorry. We’ve seen how European countries have failed terribly. Even so, do you still say that? First of all, we are not a country where Christians are dominant. Would you please ask other ‘Christian countries’? Such as America, or America, or America,” tweeted @no_problem666.
Response by a bunch of No Borders activists: Shut down the refugee-phobia on Twitter!
After seeing the flood of negative comments, a group of volunteers who support asylum seekers detained at a facility in Ushiku north of Tokyo called on Twitter to act.
“Tweets that would inflame refugee-phobia, xenophobia are growing, @TwitterJP should deal with it as its own platform has been used to inflame xenophobia,” they wrote on their account @freeushiku.
It strikes me that there is a major fly in the expensive ointment! They can return to Denmark if they find they can’t hack it back home.
I sure hope there is a provision that says they must repay the taxpayers of Denmark the money they received to leave should they choose to go back to Denmark.
71 Syrians have been paid since May 1st this year by the Danish state to leave the country and return home, figures from the Danish Refugee Council show.
Each left the country with at least 140,000 kroner paid to them by the Danish state through an incentive scheme introduced under the previous government.
That is about $15,000 US dollars!
None had left the country under the scheme prior to May 1st.
New rules took effect this year, meaning that Syrian refugees who live in Denmark do not immediately lose their right to residence if they return home.
They now have up to a year in which they can change their minds about the decision. The addition of this clause has encouraged people to take up the option, according to the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).
“Many people simply feel that it is too difficult to enter the jobs market and get established in Denmark,” the council’s head of asylum Eva Singer told Kristeligt Dagblad.
“The money makes a difference to their considerations but also means thay can change their minds if Syria turns out to be too dangerous,” Singer added.
Syrians are not the only nationality encompassed by the incentive programme.
During the first ten months of this year, 438 refugees and migrants left Denmark with such a payment from the state.
The Ministry of Immigration and Integration told Kristeligt Dagblad that it expects to spend 102 million kroner this year paying refugees to return home.
I once suggested we consider such a payment plan for certain migrants to America, but many of my readers screamed bloody murder and suggested we simply deport them!
Of course the obvious flaw in Denmark’s plan is the escape clause which allows them to return to Denmark within the year if they don’t like it at home.
I have an extensive ‘Invasion of Europe’ archivegoing back at least ten years, but alas have not added to it lately, not because there isn’t enough news (the invasion continues), but for lack of time.
This is just a quickie follow-up to a post I wrote here on Tuesday in which I reported that European Union countries are behind in their commitment to the United Nations to take in 50,000 UN-chosen refugees over a two year period.
First International Organization for Migration (IOM) International Charter Flight from Ethiopia Brings 154 Refugees to New Homes in Germany
(Just so you know the IOM had previously been a separate organization, but is now part of the UN. The US sends the IOM gobs of money!)
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Ethiopia organized on Tuesday its first international charter flight carrying 154 Somali refugees to be resettled in Germany.
If you see someone with a bag like this at an airport near you, you know they are refugees.
The group had been residing in Jijiga and Dolo Ado refugee camps in southern Ethiopia. They included 63 males and 91 females, 47 of whom are minors.
IOM has supported the German Resettlement Programme in their efforts to resettle 500 refugees living in Ethiopia to Germany since March. These efforts are closely coordinated with the Ethiopian Government’s Agency for Refugees and Returnee Affairs (ARRA), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Federal Government of Germany.
An additional 220 refugees will depart for Germany on a second IOM-chartered flight in mid-November. The majority of these people have already undergone the necessary interviews and health assessments.
“It is important that we facilitate the smooth resettlement of refugees by providing safe transportation,” said Milun Jovanovic, Operations Officer with IOM Ethiopia. “We are happy that refugees enjoyed this facilitated charter flight from departure to destination, with no hassles faced.”
For the past 15 year, IOM Ethiopia has been involved in relocating refugees to more than 16 countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Norway and the European Union through resettlement, family reunification and humanitarian admission programmes. Since 2016, the Organization has arranged 36 domestic charter flights for refugees travelling to Addis Ababa from camps throughout Ethiopia.
In 2019 alone, IOM has assisted 4,000 refugees to resettle to new countries together with UNHCR.
President Donald Trump admitted 30,000 refugees to the US in the last fiscal year (ended September 30th), but did you know that the entire European Union could not resettle 50,000 in a two year period!
They might argue that well, heck, we have tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands!) arriving illegally and asking for asylum, but so do we!
However, the tone of the international media is consistently anti-US, anti-Donald Trump (aka the meany), yethere is newsfrom Deutsche Wellecompletely lacking in any snarky tones about European big mouth heads of state NOT MEETING their promised target of 50,000 OVER TWO YEARS!
Not surprisingly, Deutsche Welleblames the inability to get the job done on those pesky right wing citizens.
EU breaks promise of safe passage for 50,000 refugees
European governments, including the German government, have failed to deliver on a pledge to admit 50,000 refugees by this month, DW has learned.
The European Union launched the resettlement program two years ago with a deadline of October 31, 2019. But only 37,520 people have arrived in Europe under the program so far.
You need to know that the UN Secretary General Guterres is a past socialist prez of Portugal. So it is especially humorous to me to see how lousy Portugal is at welcoming refugees!
A spokesperson for the European Commission has admitted the target will not be reached by the end of October.
Germany was one of the countries leading the EU resettlement initiative. Last year, Chancellor Angela Merkel publicly promised to accept 10,200 people under the program. A spokesperson for the country’s Interior Ministry told DW that just 4,800 had arrived so far. He said that the delay in forming a government after German elections in 2017 had led to “complex organizational preparations” for the refugees’ arrival being pushed back.
The resettlement program is supposed to offer a safe route for some of the most vulnerable people fleeing conflict zones such as Syria and Libya. It is intended as an additional option to the right of asylum.
EU Commissioner Avramopoulos’ term in office ends on October 31, so the task of coordinating any future EU resettlement program will fall to his successor Margaritis Schinas, who has been at the center of controversy even before starting his job.
Schinas has been appointed under the new title of commissioner “for Protecting our European Way of Life” — a name which critics said mimicked the rhetoric of far-right populists, who claim immigration threatens European values.
Many political parties across Europe have made immigration an election campaign issue, taking a lead from populist parties and the far-right.
Africa Expert Leonie Jegen https://www.ies.be/user/284
Leonie Jegen, a migration expert at Germany’s Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, said resettlement was a divisive issue among EU countries.
“Resettlement is something that is not completely off the political agenda, but discourse around refugees has shifted in a negative direction in recent years,” she said.
You all know it intuitively and maybe you’ve actually seen it where you live!
Forcing ethnic diversity on communities destroys cohesiveness, causes mistrust and ultimately destroys the social fabric.
Thanks to reader Chaz for this very useful (and politically incorrect) report from Voice of Europe:
“Ethnic diversity not a strength but a weakness”, study says
A new peer-reviewed study by Danish academics published in the Annual Review of Political Science has revealed that ethnic diversity erodes social trust in communities.
University of Copenhagen Professor Peter Thisted Dinesen
The study, conducted by professors at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University in Denmark, looked to answer the question of whether “continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity” had a positive impact on social cohesion, unity, and togetherness.
In short, the study found that “continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity” exerts the exact opposite effect on society, meaning that it undermines and degrades social cohesion, unity, and togetherness.
Following a meta-analysis of 1,001 estimates from 87 studies from countries from the Western world, researchers found that there was indeed a “statistically significant negative relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust across all studies”.
One of the study’s main researchers, Peter Thisted Dinesen wrote: “To be clear, the overall negative relationship between residential ethnic diversity and social trust is statistically significant and holds up when conditioning on a range of potential confounders and moderators.”
The study’s findings run counter to the ubiquitous narrative which is constantly repeated on globalist media platforms, at schools and universities, and by EU bureaucrats – namely that ‘Diversity is a Strength’.