ADL twitter campaign #ThisIsARefugee is an opportunity for fun!

The Anti-Defamation League, pushing back on the Trump Administration’s efforts to slow the flow of potentially dangerous refugees to America, has launched a twitter campaign titled #ThisIsARefugee.
Putting a face on the refugee issue….
Announced on February 12th, their campaign isn’t getting much traction except from Pamela Geller and yours truly. I posted some of my refugee criminals including Esar Met, Fazliddin Kurbanov, Jasim Ramadon, and today’s newest member of the refugee criminal hit parade Abdirhman Ahmad Noor.

Here is the ADL website with their press release:

New York, NY, February 12, 2017 … Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO Jonathan A. Greenblatt announced the start of the #ThisIsARefugee campaign on the heels of today’s National Day of Jewish Action for Refugees rally in New York sponsored by HIAS***.

As the pre-eminent Jewish civil rights organization, ADL is launching the effort to bring to light how much refugees have given to make America the country it is today and underscore how short-sighted and contrary to American values a ban on refugees is.

Continue reading here.
Still trying to get traction just 4 days ago:

We can play the story game too!

As I have said repeatedly, for every refugee violinist or Harvard grad story, I can give you a story about a refugee terrorist or a criminal.
If you are on twitter and have some refugee stories, post them here #ThisIsARefugee!
***Learn more about HIAS here.

Hohmann's "Stealth Invasion" is Amazon #1 best seller in Terrorism category

“This book couldn’t be more relevant to where we are right now, as president Trump begins strong actions on immigration and refugee reforms.”

(Susan Freis Falknor)

If you want to learn more about ‘Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,’ please visit Blue Ridge Forum for an excellent book review, here. Then buy the book, educate yourselves, and send a message that Americans are waking up by placing and keeping this important book in best seller categories. It is a small investment to send a message!

Retired Dept. of State worker fully supports President Trump's efforts to rein-in refugee program

As a refugee coordinator, I saw the exploitations, inconsistencies and security lapses in the program….

(25-year veteran of the US Department of State)

I know I said earlier this morning that I wasn’t posting today so I could catch up on reading e-mails etc., but this just goes to show what important news is in those e-mails when I find the time to read them!


From the Chicago Tribune:

Letter: I have seen first-hand the abuse and fraud in the U.S. refugee program

I fully support President Donald Trump’s executive order that temporarily halts admissions from the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and bans travel from nationals of countries that potentially pose a security risk to the United States; however, I don’t think the action goes far enough. Further, I believe there are many people throughout the country who feel the same way.

Writer says that the movement of Malta’s ‘refugees’ to the US is “legally questionable.” Most are Somalis as we see here in photo and story.

As a recently retired 25-year veteran of the U.S. Department of State who served almost eight years as a refugee coordinator throughout the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Cuba, I have seen first-hand the abuses and fraud that permeate the refugee program and know about the entrenched interests that fight every effort to implement much-needed reform. Despite claims of enhanced vetting, the reality is that it is virtually impossible to vet an individual who has no type of an official record, particularly in countries compromised by terrorism. U.S. immigration officials simply rely on the person’s often rehearsed and fabricated “testimony.” I have personally seen this on hundreds of occasions.

As a refugee coordinator, I saw the exploitations, inconsistencies and security lapses in the program, and I advocated strongly for change. Nonetheless, during the past decade and specifically under the Obama administration, the Refugee Admissions Program continued to expand blindly, seemingly without concern for security or whether it served the best interests of its own citizens. For instance, the legally questionable resettlement of refugees from Malta to the United States grew substantially, despite the fact that as a European country with a functioning asylum system, “refugees” should have remained there under the internationally accepted concept of “the country of first asylum.” Similarly, the “special” in-country refugee programs in Cuba and Russia continue, although they are laden with fraud and far too often simply admit economic migrants rather than actual refugees.

As an insider who understands its operations, politics and weaknesses, I believe the refugee program must change dramatically and the courts must allow the president to fully implement the order.

Signed Mary Doetsch
I know there are others of you out there with stories to tell, I’ve heard from some of you before.
See my e-mail address in the left hand column.  For the sake of national security, please send me your stories (they can be anonymous if you fear for your jobs).

Press bullet points on President Trump's temporary moratorium on refugees

Because I am getting e-mails from the press looking for comment. Here are some bullet points that anyone is free to use.
For those many reporters who don’t know who the heck I am or what RRW is, just briefly:
This year, in July, I will celebrate the tenth anniversary of blogging about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). I have written 8,235 posts to date and have no interest in spending long periods of time on the phone with reporters. Use RRW’s search function.  Maybe start with Frequently asked questions, here.

I write this blog mostly because citizens have a right to know what plans Washington has for their towns and cities. I am a firm believer in the idea that knowledge is power.

In 2016 I received the honor of being named one of 15 anti-Muslim extremists in America by the SPLC. We learned recently that George Soros paid for the ‘study’ and presumably this nice artwork! Remember folks, they have no power but the power of name calling!

Over the years I have concluded that the program is out of control and is desperately in need of reform. 
I am paid by no one to write RRW, this has been a charitable effort on my part. I have no office, no staff, no interns!
I fully support President Trump’s EO on a moratorium on the US Refugee Admissions Program and have no comment on other aspects of the so-called ‘ban’ because many issues raised are outside of my area of expertise.
That said, although I support the short moratorium, it does not go far enough. It is an insufficient amount of time to fully investigate how the program has been administered since it was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter in 1980.
The USRAP has operated in virtual secrecy for the ten years I have followed it where local communities are kept in the dark until refugees start arriving.  Largely driven by nine major federal contractors*** who along with the US State Department collude to keep citizens from knowing what is planned for their communities.
When citizens learn what is happening and start asking questions about costs, security, cultural upheaval they are unfairly labeled racists and haters.
The USRAP as a multi-billion dollar a year industry is unsustainable and it is time Congress performed a much needed review.
Trump’s ceiling of 50,000 refugees for FY2017 is still too high, see my explanation, here.
The USRAP is not first and foremost driven by humanitarianism (that is the cover!), it is an effort to diversify communities, to add left-leaning voters, to change America by changing the people, to satisfy Chambers of Commerce, and to supply cheap LEGAL immigrant labor to large corporations.
President Trump should undertake the studies directed in the EO, like this one, but he must pressure Congress to review and rewrite the Refugee Act.  And, the only way to pressure the chickens in Congress is to continue the moratorium until they understand that they must reform it.
As Barack Obama learned the hard way, a phone and a pen is not sufficient for the long term. To really change a policy, a President must go through the laborious and intensive battle to change the law as the Constitution envisioned—Congress passes the bills and the President signs them into law (or not).  If that doesn’t happen, in 4-8 years we go back to square one!
That is all for now…..

*** For all the reporters who have no clue about how refugee resettlement works in America, these are the nine major federal contractors being paid with taxpayer dollars to place refugees in American towns and cities in every state but Wyoming!

The national media is looking for you! Do you want to be found?

First, an apology to my faithful readers.  I am overwhelmed with way too much news to report, with requests for information, with requests from media, with requests from some of you about conducting your facebook wars (answered that yesterday and lots of you commented), and so I apologize if I don’t answer all of your e-mails. I simply can’t! (I am trying so hard to balance my life so I don’t burn out!).
It is just me here, me and my computer.  The other side has dozens (hundreds!) of organizations, many being paid by you, the US taxpayer, sending out press releases, holding demonstrations and otherwise clamoring to be heard.
There isn’t one national group that exclusively focuses on the Refugee Admissions Program!
Members of the national media know that Donald Trump, when he signed the EO to stop some refugees and migrants from some parts of the world, was responding to you, the people who elected him.

In fact, Rasmussen reported yesterday that 57% of those surveyed last week favor Trump’s temporary moratorium on refugee resettlement.

So, perhaps in a new found desire to ‘balance’ their reporting, I have had several requests to speak to some national news outlets including the New York Times, Al-Jazeera and the LA Times.  I’ve decided to write a short post (next) with some of the things I would like to say to them.

But…..they are looking for you!

They want to talk to those of you who have been working in ‘pockets of resistance’ all across America where you have been investigating and educating your communities about cultural, economic and security problems with the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
They really don’t know people like you!
So, if you want to be called by the national media, send me an e-mail (I promise to look at my g-mail account, left hand side bar, later today and tomorrow).  But, put something in the subject line to catch my eye and send me an e-mail address you are willing to have passed along to reporters who are trying to find you.