We should all be Geert Wilders, use your free speech while you have it!

“Members of the court, you are passing judgment on the future of the Netherlands.”

Geert Wilders

Wilders before the court!

Every one of you should take a few minutes and read Dutch leader Geert Wilders’ final statement to the court that is seeking to convict him on hate speech charges.  I’ve snipped a bit of it below.
In the US we still have our Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech because the founders understood that being able to freely speak about vital issues facing the country was the best way to keep chaos and violent conflict from tearing the country apart.
Granted there are far left organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center who are seeking to silence you.  Your response should be to speak up even more forcefully. (See SPLC will have a DC press conference this week, they use their free speech!)
Every one of you who is concerned about immigration/refugees where you live and is working to expose problems must speak up! You MUST write a website, a blog, letters to the editor, a facebook page, or hold public meetings to get the information out while you can! LOL! You need to counter the fake news from the likes of CNN!  And, if thousands of you are publishing your research and opinions, they can’t stop us all!
Sorry for the harangue!
Here is Wilders (imagine living like he does, under 24 hour guard, because people want to kill you for what you say!):

When I decided to address you here today, by making a final statement in this trial against freedom of speech, many people reacted by telling me it is useless. That you, the court, have already written the sentencing verdict a while ago. That everything indicates that you have already convicted me. And perhaps that is true. Nevertheless, here I am. Because I never give up. And I have a message for you and the Netherlands.

For centuries, the Netherlands are a symbol of freedom.

When one says Netherlands, one says freedom. And that is also true, perhaps especially, for those who have a different opinion than the establishment, the opposition. And our most important freedom is freedom of speech.


So, do not forget that, when you judge me, you are not just passing judgment on a single man, but on millions of men and women in the Netherlands. You are judging millions of people. People who agree with me. People who will not understand a conviction. People who want their country back, who are sick and tired of not being listened to, who cherish freedom of expression.

Members of the court, you are passing judgment on the future of the Netherlands. And I tell you: if you convict me, you will convict half of the Netherlands. And many Dutch will lose their last bit of trust in the rule of law.

More here.
See our previous posts on Wilders by clicking here.

RRW weekly round-up for week ending November 11, 2016

I don’t need to summarize this momentous week, needless to say, it was a great week for RRW and an even greater week for America as Donald J. Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States.


Welcome to our new first family!

Thanks to all who sent exuberant messages of thanks, but I’m embarrassed because I’m not sure I had much to do with Trump’s victory.

Media is on the ropes! You too can be an investigative journalist!

Before I get to the usual round-up news about the top posts of the week, I want to renew a pitch that I’ve made on and off for years and that is that you too can be a reporter.  Of course I’m not talking about reporters like those at the New York Times or Washington Post, or even like the reporters at your surely left-leaning local newspaper. Since they are all too busy being pitchmen and women for their favorite political party, not much real investigative reporting is being done, and that is where you come in!
Over the past few days I read several great reports on how the alternative media is really where the action is (I wish I had saved the links) and that some of the new-media outlets are really what helped push Trump over the edge.
Just like I have focused on one narrow issue—-the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program—you too can become a reporter on one of the myriad programs (of your choosing) at the state and federal level that need to be investigated and reformed.
Please pick a topic and get to work. No matter your age or your profession, you can squeeze out a little time to research and post on some problem that you see.  Right off the top of my head, I’m thinking that Food Stamp Fraud is a really hot subject as is Medicare/Medicaid fraud.  Or, how about writing on the Diversity Visa Lottery or the insane Temporary Protected Status program where no one ever goes home.
You might have something in your state that really appeals to you.
Or, you can help get more out on the Refugee Program, goodness knows I can’t keep up with it all.  Consider writing on Asylum, a subset of the refugee program, that is growing by leaps and bounds. Or how about that mess surrounding the Unaccompanied Alien Children Obama has been distributing to hundreds of US cities.
I do recommend blogs rather than facebook pages for your new investigative journalism career!
Enough of my nagging, you get the idea…….

Here are the Top Three Posts of  this week (top daily posts are in the right hand sidebar):

Refugee resettlement industry panicked; fears funds will be slashed

Trump improves immigration score at NumbersUSA, but Diversity Visa Lottery opposition should be no-brainer for all Republicans (old post)

Heads up Poughkeepsie, New York: ‘Christian’ charity to bring you Syrian Muslims likely before January 2017

For new readers, visit our October round-up and scroll down to the section for new readers.

And one final thing:  Thanks to all who have sent donations for my work here.  Your thanks and recognition are greatly appreciated.

Comment worth noting: Reader likes my idea of an awards dinner for assorted haters (like me)

In response to my announcement that I had made the Southern Poverty Law Center’s top 15 list of “anti-Muslim extremists,” reader 7Delta likes my idea of an annual awards dinner for Islamophobes and assorted other bigots and haters.  (Although I maintain that the SPLC is hypocritical because they truly hate ordinary Americans — “deplorables” and “rednecks”—the people I love.)

Richard Cohen, President and CEO of the filthy rich SPLC makes over $380,000 in annual compensation for his ‘work’ (figure includes related income) silencing speech he doesn’t like. Page 7 http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2015/630/598/2015-630598743-0ca6eda4-9.pdf

This is how you must deal with the likes of the filthy rich Hard Left political activists at the Southern Poverty Law Center—as Alinsky instructed—LAUGH AT THEM!  Make them the brunt of jokes. Alinsky very astutely said that ‘humor is the most powerful political weapon!’ Let’s use it!
Without further ado, here is 7Delta fleshing out the awards dinner concept:

In reply to Ann Corcoran.

Oh wow.

I get busy and miss out on all the important news! Congratulations, Ann. I’m so honored to say I knew you before you were a certified hater. You have really come a long way from the farm girl we all know and love.

I agree that we should have a Flowers of Hateophobia Dinner. At our Garden Veritas soiree–where we’ll serve hotdogs, because we don’t have pay for play–we can give awards: Best in Hate List for Most SPLC Appearances, Best Dressed Islamphobe (I’m pretty sure Geller has that one locked up), Most Humorous Hater (Spencer’s a strong leader), Most Likely to Make the Hate List Next Year, Best Bow Tie for Hate (Dr. Warner probably has this one), Most Grandmotherly Hater Without Horn-rimmed Glasses (Guess who?). And the Grand Thorn Awards, whose recipients will receive nothing but a cheap plaque we got at a yard sale, just like everybody else: The Morris Dees Award For Not Coming Anywhere Close to Having a Poverty Palace That Avarice Bought and The Mark Potok Chinless Award for Taking It On the Chin and Not Compiling Lists to Blame Others to Compensate for Short Comings.

We really are going to have to do this. Maybe we can even give out a Veritasophobia Award or two to the most deserving or we could huddle around whoever has the biggest phone screen to show reruns of Project Veritas videos to highlight who the real liars, cheats and thieves are, since finding that many plaques at yard sales will be tough anyway. We’ll just remind everybody that the video participants/recipients are SPLC’s BFFs. Some were even members of the Clinton Administration.

Let’s do it.

I’m game, this could be a huge!
Reluctantly (because so much is happening with the refugee program), if the Southern Poverty Law Center is going to act as the mafia for the refugee resettlement contractors, I guess I am going to have to educate readers more about them. We already have a tag for the SPLC where I will continue to archive information going forward.
There have been many many critical reports about them, use your search engine and you will see what I mean.

They make millions of dollars by calling ordinary Americans “haters” and attempting to silence speech!

We’ll start here with a look at the ‘non-profit’ organization worth over $340 million. This is a recent Form 990.  Check out their board members on page 7 then the employees with HUGE salaries begin on the bottom of 7 and on page 8.

21 employees make over $100,000 in annual compensation—wow!

If you have more ideas for our ‘Bigots Gala’ (what to call it, where to hold it, more awards!) send a comment (no foul language!) to this post.

Comment worth noting: NY state reader is one heckuva brave guy!

Editor: This is a comment I received from a reader, Sergeant Joe Moran, who lives in New York state. I’m not posting it because I want you to see his praise of my work here, but because of his bravery!  How many of us would have the guts to confront a Catholic priest (or a pastor) during mass?
This is posted with permission from Sergeant Moran. It is slightly edited to make it easier to read.  (I added paragraph breaks and spelled out some abbreviations.)

Hi Ann, Just wanted to thank you for your extraordinary work informing the public on the influx of refugees pouring into our country. I myself was a NYPD Forensics Sergeant assigned to the Bellevue Morgue in NYC during the 9/11/01 WTC Terror Attacks; going through what seemed like an endless eternity of body parts.

After 911: Helping people find their loved ones was a daunting task…..

I also worked with members of law enforcement (NYPD, State Police, & FBI-Famous but incompetent). I can unequivocally tell you within these mosques, the imams were preaching nothing but hate and vitriol towards America and the citizenry within the USA.

I now reside in upstate New York, the fresh country air nourishes my lungs, which were effected by the pollutants and contaminants in the air the day of 911 WTC terrorists attacks. I’m active with the Republican party and the (USCC) Upstate Conservative Club Coalition. The only ones within these organizations who seemed to be privy to the refugee chicanery or sophistry were members of the John Birch Society, none of the others realized the magnitude or depth the refugee crisis, which is having such deleterious effect on our culture and country.

I have to applaud your courage and temerity, shining the light on such a dark axiom; that average Americans don’t have a clue. Ann you truly are an oracle of truth, and are extremely brave and courageous! Thanks to you I now know that Catholic Charities under the auspices of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is an active agent saboteur working in tandem with the State Department and the UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees), getting paid federal US tax payer dollars completing their pseudo-philanthropic mission; which in my opinion is tantamount to treason against the USA.

The knowledge you convey to me gave the courage to stand for the truth.

I happened to be attending a mass at a Catholic Church within my neighborhood. The priest giving the sermon is an ultra liberal Anti-American zealot. He started to spout off that America should be ashamed for not admitting more refugees into country. He stated we have the personnel and resources to do so; and we don’t want to treat them like the Native American Indians, we killed all of them, he said.

That’s when I got up from my pew and proceeded to approach the front alter and politely interjected myself in to the sermon. I introduced myself as retired NYPD 911 WTC Responder Sergeant Joe Moran. I looked the priest directly into his eyes and said he was totally out of his area of expertise and couldn’t be more wrong. He replied back in an acrimonious tone: I’m not wrong and how dare I interrupt his mass.

I stated that I had every right to do so under the first amendment and this was not his mass, its our mass (the congregants and parishioners)! I told him that he was pontificating nothing but feel good politically correct propaganda for his own sinful self-righteous pride and he needs to go to confession for his lies; because he is letting the wolves right into his flock. I told him he wasn’t being a Good Shepard or sheep herder.

Then I went on to quote Abraham Lincoln ” Those who don’t stand up and speak the truth for the way the truth should be told makes cowards out of all of us”! I told the priest he is being cowardice for his own sinful self-righteous pride and emphasized that in light of recent events like the San Bernardino attacks he should be having a moment of prayer and silence for the victims of that horrendous act of terror.

Then I stated what is of paramount importance is the safety and security of the USA and its citizenry within and went back to my pew.

That following Sunday I had The Saratoga Springs Police at my door. With that said, Ann I want to thank you for dispensing and giving me the knowledge and courage to stand up for the righteous cause. Thanks for your courage and conviction. I pray for your safety and well being often.

Sincerely, Retired NYPD 911 WTC Responder Sergeant Joseph Patrick Moran.

Thank YOU, Sergeant Joseph Patrick Moran!
A google search of Sgt. Joe Moran turned up this story.
For all of our ‘comments worth noting and guest posts,’ click here.

Join ACT for America next week in Washington, DC

There could not be a more perfect time for you to attend the annual ACT for America Conference scheduled for September 6th and 7th in Washington, DC.

Brigitte Gabriel
Brigitte Gabriel: The time is now as Congress returns from a long summer break and addresses the funding for Obama’s last refugee wish list.

Hear from Brigitte Gabriel and a host of important speakers on the topic of immigration, refugee resettlement and the security threats we face from both.
ACT is the only national grassroots organization that puts reform of the Refugee Program as a top priority!
A very special guest will be Phil Haney, Department of Homeland Security whistleblower and author, who will speak on ‘Refugee Vetting: Is our security at risk?’
And, this is what Ms. Gabriel said in a recent e-mail recognizing the critical need to let Congress know now how you feel about the ever-expanding UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and how it will impact you and your town.

This is an “all hands on deck” moment. Congress can decide to not fund those numbers or not. Congress can stop him.


Our counter voice needs to be heard. We need to show up in force and send a clear message to Congress. Not only NO but Hell NO to more unvetted refugees in America.

Due to this impending event [lobbying push by the advocates for 200,000 refugees for next year—ed] , we have dramatically slashed our national conference rate to our rock bottom cost of only $229/registration. We are doing all we can to have you with us. This is a crucial showdown between the patriots who love this country, and those who are trying to destroy it.


If you are not there, Congress will assume Americans don’t care. They will only hear the loud voices of our rivals and will assume we are perfectly OK with more refugees. This is why it is critical that we have you with us at ACTCON 2016 so we can tell Congress “NO” to Obama’s proposal.

Silence from those who oppose refugee resettlement is the same as support for them. This is the time when patriotic Americans must speak up.

I want to say that some of the hardest working, patriotic and most dedicated citizen activists I met on my 30-day tour of American communities facing refugee overload problems were the ACT for America members.

You have until tomorrow, September 2nd, midnight, to meet some of those great people in Washington!

Go here to register!