Hyatt Hotels follows the lead of the Southern Poverty Law Center to silence speech they don’t like

Hyatt Hotels has announced they will no longer rent conference space to what they call “hate groups.”


They obviously were pressured by a Muslim advocacy group , surely backed by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” list.

The expanding efforts to silence speech, such as on social media today and where venues (like Hyatt Hotels) refuse to allow people to gather to discuss pressing issues of the day, is the sort of thing the founding fathers feared.

They knew that venting ones views verbally/openly and non-violently in public and often through gatherings of like minded people was an important pressure release valve of sorts.

When people are driven to meet secretly and underground is when real rebellion is fomented.

Originally from the LA Times, but here at the Guam Daily:

Hyatt won’t rent to hate groups

Hyatt Hotels Corp., one of the nation’s largest hotel companies, announced it will no longer host hate groups at its nearly 800 properties, a move that was praised by a Muslim advocacy group.

Mark Hoplamazian, CEO of the hotel company, released a memo to employees Thursday, explaining the new anti-hate policy for Hyatt Hotels Corp.

Scott of Muslim advocates
Scott Simpson, public advocacy director of Muslim Advocates. Learn more about him here:

The hotel company declined to release the memo Friday but instead issued a statement saying: “Hyatt will no longer allow hate groups, those who primarily seek to disparage or demean a specific group of people, to host meetings or events at our hotels.”

Muslim Advocates, an Oakland-based civil rights advocacy group that has been pressing hotel companies to take similar steps against hate groups, called the decision a victory.

“Hyatt’s announcement is a welcome one for consumers who want their hotels to be safe spaces to relax and be themselves free from hostility and discrimination,” said Scott Simpson, public advocacy director for Muslim Advocates.

The Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Virginia hosted a group in September called ACT for America, which describes itself as an organization dedicated to educating and training Americans to “help prevent criminal activity and terrorism.”

But Muslim Advocates accuses ACT for America of being a “white supremacist-aligned anti-Muslim hate group.” Muslim Advocates has pressed Hyatt and other hotel companies to refuse to rent to ACT for America.


It was not clear from Hyatt’s statement how the hotel company planned to determine which groups promote hate, but it added: “This is a complex and emotional issue, but what we’ve concluded is that we need to commit to a higher level of vetting such that groups using hate speech, primarily seeking to disparage or demean a particular group, are not welcome in our hotels.”

Hint from the story about who might be doing the vetting for Hyatt Hotels….

ACT for America could not be reached for comment but in a news release issued Friday in response to similar accusations by the Southern Poverty Law Center….

More here.

Yesterday when I wrote about Chobani Yogurt CEO, Turkish immigrant Hamdi Ulukaya, putting together many global corporations who support and advocate for moving the third world to the first world, I didn’t see Hyatt Hotels on his list yet, but I bet it will soon be there.

By the way, the so-called hospitality industry, like the meatpacking industry, is one of the leading advocates for more cheap LEGAL refugee labor.

Others working with Ulukaya (Chobani Yogurt) you should take note of are: airbnb, Hilton Hotels, Starbucks, Twitter, Facebook, UPS, and TripAdvisor to name a few.

I tell my friends not to buy Chobani Yogurt, and….

…it should be pretty easy to find other hotels that aren’t working to silence speech. What the heck there are lots of coffee shops, but getting off of Facebook and Twitter will be hard and that is something I am seriously considering.  What do you think?

LOL! The way things are going we might be reaching each other via snail mail soon! (My PO Box is in the lefthand side bar).

P.S. This post is filed in my ‘Stealth Jihad’ category.


Attorney General Sessions orders review of Justice Department’s ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center

The New York Post editorial yesterday is entitled:

The SPLC’s terrible year just got worse


It’s been a rough year for the Southern Poverty Law Center — deservedly so. And it just got more difficult, thanks to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The SPLC, formed in 1971 as an aggressive civil-rights nonprofit law firm, has become the left’s go-to arbiter of what constitutes a hate group. Its pronouncements are quoted without challenge by the news media, and it has an endowment of $300 million, enriched by major corporate donors.

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The Leftwing media loves to cite the SPLC.  Here is the SPLC’s hate expert-in-chief, Heidi Beirich, on MSNBC

Yet its overly broad definition of “hate” often goes far beyond truly vile outfits to include people and groups that simply don’t toe a politically correct line. That’s why the SPLC two months ago had to pay $3.4 million and publicly apologize to Maajid Nawaz, whom it had falsely labeled an “anti-Muslim extremist.” (He’s actually a practicing Muslim who opposes extremism.)

But that didn’t stop the Star-Ledger last week from devoting an editorial to denouncing New Jersey’s ICE spokesman, Emilio Dabul, for his “links” (as supplied by the SPLC) to “anti-Muslim fanatics.” This, even though the Star-Ledger admitted that Dabul’s own writings “showed no anti-Muslim bias.” It was all guilt by association — right from the SPLC playbook.

Now Sessions has ordered a review to ensure the Justice Department no longer partners with the SPLC and other groups that “unfairly defame Americans.”


…Sessions charged, it uses its hate-group designations “as a weapon” to “bully and intimidate” organizations of which it simply doesn’t approve.


As Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who’s also been smeared by the SPLC as an “anti-Muslim extremist,”*** has noted, the group these days is invested more in “profiting off the anxieties and white guilt of Northern liberals” than in actually upholding civil rights.

Sessions’ review is long overdue, and follows other government agencies that have backed away from the SPLC. It’s time for those who still merely parrot its smears to start taking a closer look.

More here.

If you are looking for something to do, you need to complain to your local paper or TV station any time they use the SPLC as a credible source to define “hate groups.”


***The SPLC was forced to remove its now infamous Anti-Muslim Extremist list that included yours truly, see here.

Targeting Refugee Resettlement Watch and anyone questioning refugee resettlement for their towns and cities was initiated by a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society study in 2013 which explicitly asked that the SPLC investigate us.  Here is a quote from that study (my post is here).  Earlier in the report they mentioned RRW by name.

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders: The national refugee agencies should partner with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

Remember that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, as one of nine federal resettlement contractors, is dependent on your tax dollars for more than half of the group’s income!

Trump to Europeans: You are losing your culture!

I was telling a reporter just yesterday that perhaps one of Donald Trump’s greatest gifts to us is that, with his penchant for speaking his mind, he gives us permission to say what we believe in our hearts, but may fear saying.

So here he is in the UK speaking frankly to The Sun, as reported by The Hill:


Trump: Europe is ‘losing its culture’ because of immigration

President Trump is railing against what he described as the migration of “millions and millions of people” into Europe, declaring that the continent is “losing its culture” to refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.

In an interview with the British tabloid The Sun published Thursday, Trump said that it is a “shame” that European leaders had allowed so many migrants to enter their countries’ borders.

President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Great Falls, Mont.

“Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame,” the U.S. president told the tabloid, which his owned by conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way,” he continued.

Trump’s publicized comments came shortly after he arrived in the U.K. for a long-awaited trip on the heels of a tense set of meetings at the annual NATO summit in Brussels, where he delivered a blistering criticism of European allies and demanded that member nations pay more for defense.

The president’s comments during his interview with The Sun, however, highlighted Trump’s deeply held skepticism of immigration and resurfaced a line of attack that he had used often on the campaign trail – that Europe was being overrun by non-Europeans and was quickly becoming a shell of what it once was.

“I think you are losing your culture,” he told the tabloid….

The Hill reporter goes on to say, but, but, but, the numbers coming in have slowed.

I have seen that talking point everywhere. So, even if the numbers of migrants have diminished somewhat in the last two years, the damage was done when hundreds of thousands of Africans and Middle Easterners previously got in and are still there roaming around Europe!

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive (which I have been adding to for years) by clicking here.

Endnote: As regular readers know, I watch CNN for a bit every morning to learn what has their panties-in-a-wad each day, and boy were they freaking out about The Sun interview, but not one word about this part of the interview—-the immigration/cultural destruction comments!

Important free speech case involving Twitter moves forward

I first told you about the case filed by Jared Taylor (American Renaissance) against Twitter here in February.
Now we learn that Taylor’s lawsuit can advance as a California judge refuses Twitter’s effort to dismiss the case.

Editor: I use Twitter almost daily and was steadily moving upward in follower numbers until a few months ago.  It isn’t my imagination, I know that Twitter is doing something (maybe shadow-banning to some of my 14 thousand followers) to keep my numbers down. So they don’t have to ban you outright as they did Taylor, they simply make sure you can’t expand your reach.

Continue reading “Important free speech case involving Twitter moves forward”